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Clips from The Big Bang Theory - The Tenure Turbulence (S06E06)
"I was reading about this jellyfish that never dies."
The Big Bang Theory
"from his Jamaican caregiver proved us all wrong."
The Big Bang Theory
"My point is, immortality is not"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'd be okay with that."
The Big Bang Theory
"Turns out it was Tupperman."
The Big Bang Theory
"is asking that everyone donate a bottle of Febreze."
The Big Bang Theory
"we can rejoice in the knowledge"
The Big Bang Theory
"Excuse me, the whole tenure system is ridiculous."
The Big Bang Theory
"A guaranteed job for life"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, I believe people do their best work"
The Big Bang Theory
"when they feel safe and secure."
The Big Bang Theory
"And if I can't get tenure,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Raj, don't dangle false hope"
The Big Bang Theory
"♪ Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state ♪"
The Big Bang Theory
"While I disagree with the premise of tenure,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Can't turn this off."
The Big Bang Theory
"Well put."
The Big Bang Theory
"It would be nice to have the increased income."
The Big Bang Theory
"Stop taking money from my parents."
The Big Bang Theory
"You have no idea."
The Big Bang Theory
"They buy me a new BMW for my birthday"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, very. (chuckles)"
The Big Bang Theory
"Thank you."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, Janine Davis."
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm not sure; it could go either way."
The Big Bang Theory
"Good for you. Eh."
The Big Bang Theory
"Not that you need it."
The Big Bang Theory
"You push start."
The Big Bang Theory
"Got it. (chuckles)"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, yeah!"
The Big Bang Theory
"Hey, speaking..."
The Big Bang Theory
"throwing my hat in the..."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Hey, Hofstadter."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"(panting): Go... away."
The Big Bang Theory
"Janine the Machine, let's do this!"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, look at that."
The Big Bang Theory
"Burned a whole calorie."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, if you... if you like banana bread..."
The Big Bang Theory
"I'll e-mail it to you."
The Big Bang Theory
"(computer chiming)"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, come on."
The Big Bang Theory
"KOOTHRAPPALI: Born in New Delhi,"
The Big Bang Theory
"which later turned out to be the moon."
The Big Bang Theory
"God, they're everywhere."
The Big Bang Theory
"(sighs) Come in."
The Big Bang Theory
"Fun for the whole family."
The Big Bang Theory
"You are black, right?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Where have you been?"
The Big Bang Theory
"to Professor Tupperman's memorial?"
The Big Bang Theory
"You better have a good excuse this time,"
The Big Bang Theory
"is obvious nonsense."
The Big Bang Theory
"I can only raise your stock as a candidate."
The Big Bang Theory
"I was hoping to go without anyone finding out."
The Big Bang Theory
"that's nice, but it-it's just gonna be"
The Big Bang Theory
"(clears her throat)"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, yeah. No. Thanks, that would"
The Big Bang Theory
"be great help."
The Big Bang Theory
"All the other scientists have seat warmers."
The Big Bang Theory
"Looks like we're both going to be living like animals."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Fine. Bad."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"just to schmooze with the tenure committee."
The Big Bang Theory
"or whatever his name is."
The Big Bang Theory
"I guess the train store in Glendale"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'd like to know why Penny's here."
The Big Bang Theory
"She plans on flirting with members of the tenure committee"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Like, how are they staying up like that?"
The Big Bang Theory
"that my girlfriend has no sexuality to exploit?"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"You could talk some smack about his mother."
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, yes, of course, he wouldn't like that at all."
The Big Bang Theory
"when I happened to come across your mother."
The Big Bang Theory
"LEONARD: Okay, okay."
The Big Bang Theory
"but I was about to insinuate"
The Big Bang Theory
"but I don't want to lose my friends over tenure."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"whether you'll make any more friends."
The Big Bang Theory
"DAVIS: I could not ask you to do that."
The Big Bang Theory
"Nonsense. Children "wove" me."
The Big Bang Theory
"You... Wait. Hold on."
The Big Bang Theory
"Mrs. Davis?"
The Big Bang Theory
"I saw your car in the parking lot."
The Big Bang Theory
"to be on the short list for tenure."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't know what you mean by "quirks," but, um..."
The Big Bang Theory
"Instead, it reverts to its asexual state"
The Big Bang Theory
"and then grows up again."
The Big Bang Theory
"We thought my 90-year-old grandfather had reverted"
The Big Bang Theory
"to an asexual state, but the lawsuit"
The Big Bang Theory
"only a possibility, it is real."
The Big Bang Theory
"Only if you're this jellyfish which periodically"
The Big Bang Theory
"reverts to a mass of undifferentiated protoplasm."
The Big Bang Theory
"If I could keep my Gmail account,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Remember when we were trying to figure out what that smell"
The Big Bang Theory
"coming from Professor Tupperman's office was?"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Dead at his desk for two weeks."
The Big Bang Theory
"In lieu of flowers, the department chair"
The Big Bang Theory
"If we're going to change the topic from jellyfish,"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'd be okay with brine shrimp"
The Big Bang Theory
"or the history of the unicycle."
The Big Bang Theory
"Show a little compassion-- a man died."
The Big Bang Theory
"And turned into a puddle of goo."
The Big Bang Theory
"Now, we can either"
The Big Bang Theory
"sit around and cry over spilt professor, or..."
The Big Bang Theory
"that a tenured position has just opened up."
The Big Bang Theory
"I choose to do"
The Big Bang Theory
"the latter."
The Big Bang Theory
"only encourages the faculty to become complacent."
The Big Bang Theory
"to advance, people should have"
The Big Bang Theory
"chips implanted in their skulls"
The Big Bang Theory
"(imitates explosion)"
The Big Bang Theory
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