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Clips from The Simpsons - She of Little Faith (S13E13)
"Good Lord! We're on a collision course with a monster from space!"
The Simpsons
"We'll return to our film after these very loud messages."
The Simpsons
"but not me, have gone before?"
The Simpsons
"When you have a rib-eye steak You must floss it"
The Simpsons
"You must floss it"
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"Mmm. Pie pants."
The Simpsons
"Over here, guvnor."
The Simpsons
"The word "unblowupable" is thrown around a lot these days,"
The Simpsons
"I would really like to thank you nerds for helping me out."
The Simpsons
"Let's wait in the car."
The Simpsons
"Bart, where's America's newest hero?"
The Simpsons
"He's saying goodbye to his wife."
The Simpsons
"That's sensible."
The Simpsons
"Hey, wine!"
The Simpsons
"All right! We'll help ourselves, yet again."
The Simpsons
"Let's just write to David Bowie again."
The Simpsons
"I've got the answer."
The Simpsons
"It's kind of you to offer, Mr. Burns,"
The Simpsons
"Believe me, the Lord's gonna go for this in a big way."
The Simpsons
"Isn't that skirt a little north of the knee?"
The Simpsons
"You're telling me."
The Simpsons
"Well, we highly value your input,"
The Simpsons
"I'll be hiding behind that tree."
The Simpsons
"We're re-branding it."
The Simpsons
"You're on the JumboTron."
The Simpsons
"He's not gonna say it."
The Simpsons
"on the sanctity of deliciousness, the Noid."
The Simpsons
"That's it!"
The Simpsons
"They should take a good look at themselves"
The Simpsons
"We've just dressed it up a little."
The Simpsons
"No, it's not. It's apt. Apt!"
The Simpsons
"He put ice in the urinals."
The Simpsons
"Got it."
The Simpsons
"I just need to find a temple that's free of corruption."
The Simpsons
"Always making a big deal out of everything?"
The Simpsons
"I just think there's another path to him or her."
The Simpsons
"one that isn't so materialistic."
The Simpsons
"What about the Dalai Lama? Who?"
The Simpsons
"You know, the 14th reincarnation"
The Simpsons
"Who's Buddha?"
The Simpsons
"'cause I've got the desire to kick your ass."
The Simpsons
"That would be so great."
The Simpsons
""Positive actions lead to happiness"
The Simpsons
"I'm a Buddhist!"
The Simpsons
"has a lot of crazy ideas about love and brotherhood."
The Simpsons
"I'm just saying that any boy who doesn't like you"
The Simpsons
"is not worth your time."
The Simpsons
"You're gonna get a bath tonight!"
The Simpsons
"So, the good news is church revenues are up 1,073%."
The Simpsons
"Whatever. Just take it."
The Simpsons
"Marge, you can save more souls"
The Simpsons
"than with this 2,000-page sleeping pill."
The Simpsons
"Time to begin"
The Simpsons
"Just do it! Do it! Do it now!"
The Simpsons
"I guess you don't want any."
The Simpsons
"I guess no one told Santa you were a Buddhist."
The Simpsons
"Is that a pony?"
The Simpsons
"Lick it. Lick it."
The Simpsons
"I was only about to achieve enlightenment. But who'd want that?"
The Simpsons
"Anyway, your family didn't have to trick you."
The Simpsons
"as long as they're based on love and compassion."
The Simpsons
"I do her hair, then she does mine."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"You came back!"
The Simpsons
"I wanted to spend Christmas with you guys."
The Simpsons
"But I can worship with my family, too."
The Simpsons
"That's all I ever asked."
The Simpsons
"Thanks, Mom."
The Simpsons
"Hey, where's my pony?"
The Simpsons
"Yes! Merry Christmas to us all!"
The Simpsons
"The Simpsons"
The Simpsons
"We now return to The Planet from Outer Space."
The Simpsons
"Captain, we've been attacked by some sort of force ray."
The Simpsons
"Space air is flooding in."
The Simpsons
"Right. Goggles on!"
The Simpsons
"That's just a dog in a spacesuit!"
The Simpsons
"From the looks of it, a male dog."
The Simpsons
"Hi. I'm Colonel Chet Manners, five-time space shuttle alternate."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"Then get the Orbit King, with yaw control like you've never seen."
The Simpsons
"Hey, Lise, is Dad's credit card number 5784365343410709?"
The Simpsons
"You know it is."
The Simpsons
"Oh, that meatloaf tasted great"
The Simpsons
"Now floss it, floss it good"
The Simpsons
"Hey, Dad, will you help me build this model rocket?"
The Simpsons
"Just a second, Son. I gotta put on my contacts."
The Simpsons
"I didn't know your dad was so interested in science."
The Simpsons
"He said "pie pants. ""
The Simpsons
"This is launch master Homer counting down,"
The Simpsons
"five, four, three..."
The Simpsons
"My eyebrows! My beautiful eyebrows!"
The Simpsons
"but I think I can say with confidence..."
The Simpsons
"What was that?"
The Simpsons
"Greetings from Neddedy Space Center on Cape Flandaveral."
The Simpsons
"We noticed your "sky-rotechnics" and thought we'd join in."
The Simpsons
"Ooh, looks like a perfect landing."
The Simpsons
"Wow! Did you see that yaw control?"
The Simpsons
"I have eyes, don't I?"
The Simpsons
""Dweeb," "wonk," "spaz. " It's all good."
The Simpsons
"Who wants some astro-lemonade?"
The Simpsons
"What precisely makes it astro?"
The Simpsons
"Look, I don't want to start a whole thing with this."
The Simpsons
"Super. Now if you'll gather round, I'd like to say a few words."
The Simpsons
"All nerds clear the launch area!"
The Simpsons
"Now, all we need is our astronaut."
The Simpsons
"He's leaving her with five babies."
The Simpsons
"She already ate three."
The Simpsons
"and punch the face of God!"
The Simpsons
"Wow! That's it. I'm off the hooch."
The Simpsons
"Dad, the rocket's off course!"
The Simpsons
"Okay, Nibbles. You can guide her down."
The Simpsons
"Now it's heading for the church!"
The Simpsons
"This is the worst thing you've ever done!"
The Simpsons
"You say that so much, it's lost all meaning."
The Simpsons
"Fixing this church should be our top priority."
The Simpsons
"And I say that as a teenager, and the parent of a teenager."
The Simpsons
"Fixing all that damage is gonna be very expensive."
The Simpsons
"Yes, barring some sort of miracle..."
The Simpsons
"People, we need some fundraising ideas."
The Simpsons
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