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Clips from The Big Bang Theory - The Speckerman Recurrence (S05E05)
"If it were a game, here are your choices."
The Big Bang Theory
"Was he the one who used your head to open a nut?"
The Big Bang Theory
"When Leonard gets back, I'd love to check serotonin levels."
The Big Bang Theory
"...or put gum in their hairy knuckles so the nurse had get it out?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Who would've thought?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- What...? I was not a bully. - Kind of sounds like you were."
The Big Bang Theory
"You wore underwear? Ha, ha. You fool."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, please. That's the scientific equivalent..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...of a smiley-face sticker on your homework."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, I can't take all the credit. You helped a lot."
The Big Bang Theory
"Mm, technically, Howard's the gear-head. Leonard's just a dime-store laser jockey."
The Big Bang Theory
"That sounds amazing. First movie I'm watching, Annie."
The Big Bang Theory
"...is you're a terrible person who took advantage of his tiny size..."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't understand."
The Big Bang Theory
"I think what he's trying to say is that maybe..."
The Big Bang Theory
"A little bit? The man super-glued Hershey's kisses to your nipples."
The Big Bang Theory
"That one has my mother written all over it."
The Big Bang Theory
"Assuage or altruism?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, my God, that's perfect, because I have so many clothes I don't wear."
The Big Bang Theory
"- You're a beautiful guy. - Oh, well, yeah. Thanks, Jimmy."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Mind if I use your bathroom? - Yeah. It's just back there."
The Big Bang Theory
"...your big, bad high-school bully finally apologizes."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah. It kind of rekindles your faith in the basic goodness in people."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yes, to a poor waitress who loves a boot-cut."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't think Mother Teresa would... Oh, that is adorable."
The Big Bang Theory
"So, uh, listen, it was great to see you again."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Yeah, let me just finish this. - No. You're done."
The Big Bang Theory
"Don't answer. That's a trick question. I speak from experience."
The Big Bang Theory
"Do you think we can outrun him?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Let's put everything back. Come on."
The Big Bang Theory
"Hi. Did Sheldon change the Wi-Fi password again?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Uh, yeah, it's "Penny already eats our food, she can pay for Wi-Fi.""
The Big Bang Theory
"No spaces."
The Big Bang Theory
"Okay. What makes you think you can get me to stop using your Wi-Fi?"
The Big Bang Theory
"I believe that you're capable of great change."
The Big Bang Theory
"Like, when I finally got you to stop saying "Valentime's Day.""
The Big Bang Theory
"- Wanna hear something weird? - Sure."
The Big Bang Theory
"In the year 2000..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...Pope John Paul II was named an honorary Harlem Globetrotter."
The Big Bang Theory
"What are you talking about?"
The Big Bang Theory
"You asked Penny if she wanted to hear something weird."
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, yeah, because I have something weird to tell her."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh. I thought it was a game."
The Big Bang Theory
"- What's yours? - There's this guy, Jimmy Speckerman."
The Big Bang Theory
"He used to torment me in high school."
The Big Bang Theory
"He sent me a message through Facebook."
The Big Bang Theory
"- He's in town and wants to have drinks. - Okay, Penny."
The Big Bang Theory
"...or the head of one of the largest religious institutions in the world..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...slam-dunking to "Sweet Georgia Brown." Pick."
The Big Bang Theory
"Just do it, because he's not gonna let it go."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Basketball Pope. - And that's how it's done."
The Big Bang Theory
"What are you gonna do?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- Are you gonna see him? - I don't know."
The Big Bang Theory
"Is this the fellow who peed in your Hawaiian Punch?"
The Big Bang Theory
"No, that was a different guy."
The Big Bang Theory
"Was he the one who wedgied you so hard your testicle reascended..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...and you spent your whole Christmas break waiting for it to come back down?"
The Big Bang Theory
"No, that was a different different guy."
The Big Bang Theory
"- No. - Oh, oh, oh."
The Big Bang Theory
"Was he the one who made you eat your arm hair?"
The Big Bang Theory
"No, but actually, that was this guy's sister."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Well, what do you think he wants? - I don't know."
The Big Bang Theory
"The holidays are just around the corner."
The Big Bang Theory
"Maybe he wants to see if he can lodge the other testicle up there."
The Big Bang Theory
"I told you. That was a different guy."
The Big Bang Theory
"Mm, that's too bad. Could've spent New Year's Eve waiting for the ball to drop."
The Big Bang Theory
"It's 2 a.m. What are you doing up?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Nobel Prize acceptance ceremony streaming live from Stockholm."
The Big Bang Theory
"Sure. Wanna see what all the scientists are wearing this year."
The Big Bang Theory
"Look at these men."
The Big Bang Theory
"They've managed to win the top science prize in the world..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...with no more understanding of the quantum underpinnings..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...of the expansion of the early universe than God gave a goose."
The Big Bang Theory
"You should pay attention, Leonard. Someday it's gonna be you up there."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Thanks. - So, what's got you up?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Did you have a bad clam?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- I didn't have clams. - I don't watch you 24 hours a day."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't know what you do."
The Big Bang Theory
"It's this Jimmy Speckerman thing. I can't decide if I should agree..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...to see him or not. That might be because the last time I ran into him..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...he made me floss with my own shoelaces."
The Big Bang Theory
"Wear loafers."
The Big Bang Theory
"Look at Dr. Saul Perlmutter up there clutching that Nobel Prize."
The Big Bang Theory
"What's the matter, Saul? Afraid someone's gonna steal it?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Like you stole Einstein's cosmological constant?"
The Big Bang Theory
"You know what? I am tired of living in fear of this guy."
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm gonna go see him..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...and say the things I should have said in high school."
The Big Bang Theory
""Pick on someone your own size.""
The Big Bang Theory
""No, you did not have sex with my mother.""
The Big Bang Theory
"And, "Yes, I do know why I'm hitting myself.""
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh. Now Perlmutter shaking the king's hand."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah. Check for your watch, Gustaf, he might've lifted it."
The Big Bang Theory
"I love this dress."
The Big Bang Theory
"- How come I never see you wear it? - Because when I wear it, it's a shirt."
The Big Bang Theory
"So, what's Howard doing tonight?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, they all went with Leonard to confront his childhood bully."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh. Terrific. High-school quarterback against four mathletes."
The Big Bang Theory
"Do you think he'd let me draw a syringe full of his blood?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Hmm. He's not crazy about needles."
The Big Bang Theory
"But if you get him to go jogging, it'll just pour out of his nose."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't think I can meet the girl who was always mean to me."
The Big Bang Theory
"Tammy Bodnick. One time while I was in gym class..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...she stole all my clothes and left an elf costume in my locker."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Oh, that's awful. - Worst part was it was too big."
The Big Bang Theory
"That's nothing. In ninth grade, the girls put Rogaine in my hand lotion."
The Big Bang Theory
"Within six months, the nicknames began to fly."
The Big Bang Theory
"I think the one that hurt the most was Gorilla Fingers Fowler."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh. Wow, you poor thing."
The Big Bang Theory
"What about you?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, I don't know. My school was a nice place. We didn't have bullies."
The Big Bang Theory
"Come on, no one ever gave anyone mean nicknames, or picked on them..."
The Big Bang Theory
"No, we weren't really like that."
The Big Bang Theory
"We played pranks on each other, but it was never mean."
The Big Bang Theory
"This girl, Kathy Geiger, got good grades so we blindfolded her..."
The Big Bang Theory
"- God. That's awful. - No, it was funny. Everyone laughed."
The Big Bang Theory
"Did Kathy Geiger laugh?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Uh, probably. It's hard to say. She kind of had an ear of corn in her mouth."
The Big Bang Theory
"Fuzzy Fingers Fowler is best friends with a bully."
The Big Bang Theory
"And maybe a felon."
The Big Bang Theory
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