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Clips from That '70s Show (1998) - Son and Daughter (S08E08)
"Thank you. Enjoy your Anne Murray."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Though, I don't see how that's possible."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Hello Steven. - He, hi, man!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Leo, this is my dad, WB."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Ohh! Now I've seen everything."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You're surprised he's black, huh?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"No, his fly's open."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Wow, look at all these kids. Pretty busy for a Tuesday morning."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah it's kind of a fire sale."
That '70s Show (1998)
"We put stuff on sale, then I go down to the high school and pull the fire alarm."
That '70s Show (1998)
"If the store's keeps doing OK, there might be a nice bonus in your future."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Or how I like to call it, a retroactive child support."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey who's pretty boy?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh hey, I'm Randy, but I really wouldn't call me pretty."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm more like solitary, angular yet soft."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Really anything that would describe Faye Dunaway."
That '70s Show (1998)
"So Steven, what are you and Faye Dunaway doing this weekend?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, well, the Point Place youth club is doing a big thrash clean up,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"so we were going down there and throw cans at them."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Check these out."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Front-row tickets to Eric Clapton in Chicago?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"That's the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"What show you a couple of concert tickets?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"You're not going!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"So listen, I stopped by to see if you wanted to house-sit for me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You know, bringing the mail, water the plants,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"feed my dog Whity."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Your dog's name is Whity?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Nooo, I was talking to you."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yes, guess I can do that."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Wow man, I'm staying at my Dad's house, it's like the childhood I never had."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And I won't be there."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Just like the childhood you did have."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Mrs Forman?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"I need to talk to you."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm really sorry that Randy and I were kissing in Eric's room."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It was inappropriate."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh actually honey I'm surprised you even had time to apologize."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I thought you would be up there making out with the rest of Wisconsin."
That '70s Show (1998)
"What the hell are you doing showing affection outside of your own home anyway?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Kitty and I, we never kiss or hug in public."
That '70s Show (1998)
"As far as the rest of the world is concerned, we're complete strangers."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I didn't mean to offend you. You've always been like a mother to me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Like remember when you made me hot coco when my parents got snowed in that swinger's club?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh Donna I'm not going to let one little incident ruin a lifelong friendship."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh hey, look Red,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"this egg is kinda shaped like Randy's head."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And now it's thrash just like Donna."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"this pineapple reminds me of Donna,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"it's a little tart."
That '70s Show (1998)
"hey don't call my daughter names, you can call me names"
That '70s Show (1998)
"but I really wish you wouldn't."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Why, I just don't know what she sees in Randy."
That '70s Show (1998)
"He's so charming and friendly and"
That '70s Show (1998)
"always willing to lend a helping hand."
That '70s Show (1998)
"What a jackass!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well I like him."
That '70s Show (1998)
"He calls me Mr. P."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Where did he come up with that one?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Kitty, if Donna's going to date anyone, why not him?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"I mean his bright, he's good with tools and most important,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"he has never once tried to teach me the ways of the Jedi."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Wait a minute, you like Randy too?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well I'm just saying, I don't hate him as mush as I hate most people."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well you have said a lot of hurtful things but this is the worse."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"She's crazy."
That '70s Show (1998)
"This pineapple's delicious."
That '70s Show (1998)
"See now this is the kind of house I want."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And I know that if I work hard enough, I can find someone would buy one for me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Men, this place is clean."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You're sure no women leaves here, man?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Steven, please, I don't need a woman living here to keep a clean house."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I have a maid"
That '70s Show (1998)
"and she's a white girl."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And then Mrs Forman said you looked like an egg"
That '70s Show (1998)
"and then threw your broken head into the thrash."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well I don't take it too personally because I've noticed something about Mrs Forman,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"she's a wackedoo."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, cool! Peter Frampton gave you a signed guitar."
That '70s Show (1998)
"He you know what, I have a handful of his hair and one of them has a little piece of skin at the end of it."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah, she keeps it next to Leith Gareth's used q-tip."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey, I had to kiss a roodie named Larry for that one."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, there's the kitchen, there's the living-room and there's the bar."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Don't touch anything!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Don't worry man. I'll treat this place like a broken tool of myself."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey guys,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"the toilet seat there is heated."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It felt so good on my face."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Man, watching your Dad's place is a big responsibility"
That '70s Show (1998)
"and I just know that the 500 strangers we invited to the party are going to give the respect it deserves."
That '70s Show (1998)
"No way, man. WB is trusting me and I'm not thrashing his house."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, that's the beauty of our plan, we will thrash it for you."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh! Hyde doesn't want to disappoint his Daddy."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm Hyde and I love my Dad and he loves me"
That '70s Show (1998)
"and we're making up for lost time and..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Actually that's kind of touching."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Come on Hyde!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Don't you want to find out if 500 people can fit in that pool?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"No, alright? I'm not letting you guys taught me into having a party."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm not doing something that stupid."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Look everybody, I'm dancing like a chicken."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Ever since I said I like Randy,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Kitty has been stumping around, making life miserable for me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I can't describe how bad it is over there."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well it made you wanna come over and hang out with me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"That's the perfect way to describe it."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm glad you came."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Taste this."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"That taste's pretty good."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's cause it's made with 5 different cheeses!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"What's it called?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"5 different cheeses."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, save room for cheese cake."
That '70s Show (1998)
"God this place looks great."
That '70s Show (1998)
"WB will never know we had a party."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You missed something behind the couch."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Drive safe."
That '70s Show (1998)
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