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Clips from Euphoria (2019) - And Salt the Earth Behind You (S01E01)
"One of the benefits of showing up at a hospital with a kidney infection"
Euphoria (2019)
"is the first thing they do..."
Euphoria (2019)
"Take this with water."
Euphoria (2019)
"...is give you something to bring down your fever"
Euphoria (2019)
"and subdue the agonizing pain you're in."
Euphoria (2019)
"- Is this a Vicodin? - Yes."
Euphoria (2019)
"- Five milligrams? - Yes."
Euphoria (2019)
"I know what you're all thinking."
Euphoria (2019)
"I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago"
Euphoria (2019)
"and they gave me Vicodin and it's not good for me."
Euphoria (2019)
"It really upsets my stomach."
Euphoria (2019)
Euphoria (2019)
"I'd rather take Tylenol instead."
Euphoria (2019)
"Are you sure? Kidney infections are extremely painful."
Euphoria (2019)
"I'm sure."
Euphoria (2019)
"Unless... I forget what they put me on instead..."
Euphoria (2019)
"It sounded like a candy name... like rox... something?"
Euphoria (2019)
"- Roxicet? - Yes. That's it."
Euphoria (2019)
"- Roxicet. 7,5 milligrams. - Let me check with the doctor."
Euphoria (2019)
Euphoria (2019)
"It's not a relapse if it's warranted. It's a hall pass."
Euphoria (2019)
"God please don't get in the way!"
Euphoria (2019)
"According to the paperwork your mother filled out,"
Euphoria (2019)
"it appears you have some pretty extreme substance abuse issues,"
Euphoria (2019)
"so I think you're right, we should just stick with Tylenol."
Euphoria (2019)
"Ok. If I come back someday with cancer, I really hope you're not my doctor."
Euphoria (2019)
"Can I still get the Vicodin?"
Euphoria (2019)
"They put me on cipro. They give it to people that are exposed to Anthrax,"
Euphoria (2019)
"started me on lexipro,"
Euphoria (2019)
"which is one of the few antidepressants that doesn't make me crazier,"
Euphoria (2019)
"and kept me there for three days."
Euphoria (2019)
"It was actually really nice. I love hospitals."
Euphoria (2019)
"If I could spend the rest of my life in a hospital I would."
Euphoria (2019)
"Because when you're in a hospital, you have zero responsibilities."
Euphoria (2019)
"They make sure you eat. Sleep. Stay hydrated."
Euphoria (2019)
"And if anything bad happens, there's always a doctor nearby."
Euphoria (2019)
"Thank you!"
Euphoria (2019)
"It's also the best place to be in the event of a mass shooting,"
Euphoria (2019)
"unless a gunman kills all the surgeons."
Euphoria (2019)
"Point is, I had zero anxiety."
Euphoria (2019)
"At nighttime, when everyone's asleep, if I close my eyes"
Euphoria (2019)
"and imagine all the little beeps to be the sounds of birds,"
Euphoria (2019)
"and the lukewarm air blowing through the vent to be a warm breeze,"
Euphoria (2019)
"your hospital bed can sort of feel like a poolside chair"
Euphoria (2019)
"on a hot summer night in the Caribbean."
Euphoria (2019)
"Plus Jules came to visit."
Euphoria (2019)
"- Did all this happen because I left? - No."
Euphoria (2019)
"You promise?"
Euphoria (2019)
Euphoria (2019)
"I've kinda been this way my whole life."
Euphoria (2019)
"Not all the time, but sometimes."
Euphoria (2019)
"But you do make it better."
Euphoria (2019)
"For what?"
Euphoria (2019)
"For not telling you the truth."
Euphoria (2019)
"For everyone who was calling me manic, I was like 92 percent correct."
Euphoria (2019)
"But something was different about Jules."
Euphoria (2019)
"Rue, you look fucking amazing."
Euphoria (2019)
"Jules, I'm deeply uncomfortable right now."
Euphoria (2019)
"You look hot and the fact that you usually dress like Seth Rogen"
Euphoria (2019)
"although you make it cute sometimes it crushes my soul."
Euphoria (2019)
"I don't dress like Seth Rogen."
Euphoria (2019)
"When was the last time you didn't wear a hoodie or sweatpants?"
Euphoria (2019)
"- I don't know. Now? - Exactly."
Euphoria (2019)
"Which is why are we gonna finish."
Euphoria (2019)
"It was the most amazing weekend ever."
Euphoria (2019)
"I can't stop thinking about it."
Euphoria (2019)
"It was like the first time I've ever felt like I had a family."
Euphoria (2019)
"That wasn't my dad, or like you kind of."
Euphoria (2019)
"My god!"
Euphoria (2019)
"- Rue, you would die for Anna. - Who's Anna?"
Euphoria (2019)
"She's just like next level. I don't know..."
Euphoria (2019)
"And you hooked up or something?"
Euphoria (2019)
"Yeah. It was kinda crazy. We went to the club..."
Euphoria (2019)
"And the energy was like crazy. And I was feeling it."
Euphoria (2019)
"And she just like grabbed me and sort of like pushed me down."
Euphoria (2019)
"And like kissed me."
Euphoria (2019)
"- And she fucking bit me. - What do you mean she bit you?"
Euphoria (2019)
"When we were hooking up, she fully bit me."
Euphoria (2019)
Euphoria (2019)
"Does anyone ever done that to you?"
Euphoria (2019)
"- No. - You wanna see what it feels like?"
Euphoria (2019)
"I don't know."
Euphoria (2019)
Euphoria (2019)
"- You don't like it? - I don't think so."
Euphoria (2019)
"- Did you like it? - I liked it."
Euphoria (2019)
"You gotta meet this kids."
Euphoria (2019)
"'Cause I swear you would fucking flourish in that energy."
Euphoria (2019)
"I've never felt anything like it."
Euphoria (2019)
Euphoria (2019)
"I missed you so much!"
Euphoria (2019)
"You look beautiful."
Euphoria (2019)
"Thanks. You, too."
Euphoria (2019)
"- By the way, fuck Nate Jacobs! - Fuck Nate Jacobs!"
Euphoria (2019)
"I know you're not supposed to say things like this out loud,"
Euphoria (2019)
"but if I ever got the chance I'd fuck him."
Euphoria (2019)
"What a fucking pussy!"
Euphoria (2019)
"- Hi, I'm Leslie, rue's mom. - Hi Leslie!"
Euphoria (2019)
"They asked me to write a letter"
Euphoria (2019)
"about what your addiction has cost us as a family."
Euphoria (2019)
"And as I sat down last night to write it..."
Euphoria (2019)
"...i couldn't stop thinking about the day you were born."
Euphoria (2019)
"Holding you in my arms for the first time."
Euphoria (2019)
"Looking down at you. Your sweet beautiful face."
Euphoria (2019)
"I had never felt so much love and joy in my entire life."
Euphoria (2019)
"And I thought that what if in that moment,"
Euphoria (2019)
"I heard a voice, some omniscient narrator who said:"
Euphoria (2019)
""Here's what's going to happen...""
Euphoria (2019)
"Your daughter is going to be funny, and smart and outgoing."
Euphoria (2019)
"You'll see it from a young age."
Euphoria (2019)
"- Are you guys drinking wine? - I mean, barely."
Euphoria (2019)
"We're waiting for you to leave so we can get to the hard stuff."
Euphoria (2019)
"Relax. I'm not triggered or anything."
Euphoria (2019)
"- I'm joking. - Let's take some pictures. Come on!"
Euphoria (2019)
"She'll be charismatic and make friends easily."
Euphoria (2019)
"She'll be kind and sensitive..."
Euphoria (2019)
"Maybe too sensitive."
Euphoria (2019)
"She won't be an easy child."
Euphoria (2019)
"She'll struggle."
Euphoria (2019)
"Just walk in and hold your head up high, baby."
Euphoria (2019)
"And in turn, you'll struggle to understand her."
Euphoria (2019)
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