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Clips from That '70s Show (1998) - The Acid Queen (S06E06)
That '70s Show (1998)
"guess what I just heard in the ladies bathroom?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Fez, what were you doing in the ladies bathroom? - Oh, spying, eating lunch, y'know."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I heard two girls say they did not want to go to college as virgins."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah, I caught that wave last year."
That '70s Show (1998)
"So I'm thinking if horny virgins are dying for sex, then hunting horny virgins I will go."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- I thought it was virgin? - No, no Hyde's right it's vir-GIN."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh now I will not sound stupid in front of the beautiful vir-GINS."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh my God. That's - that's the girl,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"- that's the one I made it with at the Molly Hatchet concert. - That's Brooke."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Man, no one sleeps with that Brooke."
That '70s Show (1998)
"When we were sophomores and she was a senior, she turned down her science teacher, and he drove a Corvette."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah, she was like some sort of mythical creature, like a unicorn."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's weird, it seems like she's moving too fast."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's probably cause all my memories of her are in super jiggle sexy slo-mo."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well all I know is that's her, and I did it with her, and I'll prove it."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey Brooke,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"now I know this is kinda awkward but could you tell my friends over there..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"about you and me at the Molly Hatchet concert?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Do I know you?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey I'm sorry to interrupt but uh..."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"No, it's me Michael from the concert. Okay, I've been looking for you for weeks"
That '70s Show (1998)
"and I think you were so blissed out, and that does happen, that you gave me the wrong phone number."
That '70s Show (1998)
"But the good news is I wasn't a dream."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."
That '70s Show (1998)
"No, Michael Kelso. 'Let's do it in the men's room, it's more romantic.'"
That '70s Show (1998)
"No, what...I kicked that kid out of the handicapped stall so we could have more room!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"What is Brooke's deal, man?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"I mean, most girls lie about doing it with me when they haven't."
That '70s Show (1998)
"This... the... everything is backwards."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah, this is just like Freaky Friday, but unlike that charming little movie"
That '70s Show (1998)
".. your story has no basis in fact."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It does too, except it's just the girl is avoiding me."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- I mean, how do you get a girl to come to you when you repulse her? - Yeah, Eric?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, I like to put a hot dog on the end of a stick, and hide in the bushes so..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Donna, so how do you know Brooke anyway? Did you guys jump out of a cake together or something?"
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"No moron. When she was a senior we worked on the school paper together."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I think you know Brooke cause there's a secret club in this town, made up of all the hot girls."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's a secret hot girls club."
That '70s Show (1998)
"There's no secret hot girls club, believe me I'd know."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Uh huh, well I'm gonna take off. I have to get to my secret hot girls meeting..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Why doesn't Brooke like me? I am a gentleman."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh yeah, you lied about doing it with a hot girl in the men's room: you're Cary Grant."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Steven, you've been quiet. Do you think Brooke's hot?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Do you really want me to answer that question?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh I think we all do."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Steven, it's no big deal. Do you think she's hot?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh well, I guess since you're not setting a trap, I can answer honestly."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Yeah, she's freakin hot. - Ah ha! See, I trapped ya."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Now take it back or I'll pinch you."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Jackie, if you pinch me, it's gonna cause a serious problem in this relationship."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh hey Jackie. Are any of your college bound friends vir-GINS?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's pronounced virgins, Fez."
That '70s Show (1998)
"What? But no, but Hyde said..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh you magnificent bastard."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Sorry buddy. By the way it's pronounced bas-TARD"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Fez, if you wanna find virgins, go where ugly girls pray to get pretty. The local House of Worship."
That '70s Show (1998)
"House of Worship?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Are you sure you don't mean the House of Pies?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"No Fez, I mean the House of Worship."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm going to the House of Pies."
That '70s Show (1998)
"So, how's it going at Point Place Junior College?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well the education's not too great, but the upside is it's next to the Dairy Queen."
That '70s Show (1998)
"First day of class we all got free Peanut Buster Parfaits."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey guys."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Kelso, what are you doing?! - I'm looking for Brooke's phone number."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I mean why won't she admit that we did it?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Kelso, there are racehorses, and there are donkeys."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And you are a great donkey, you are like top donkey."
That '70s Show (1998)
"But she's a racehorse, and guess what?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"She don't want no donkey."
That '70s Show (1998)
"She might."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Look, we had a great time together, and not just cause of the sex part, but because we had a really great time."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Donna, please help me find her."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Okay, I'll give you a hint about where she works."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's in a quiet building,"
That '70s Show (1998)
"you could try and check her out on a date, but she's probably booked for the future."
That '70s Show (1998)
"She's a travel agent?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"She translated her love of books into a career."
That '70s Show (1998)
"She's a translator."
That '70s Show (1998)
""Trabaja en la biblioteca", Kelso."
That '70s Show (1998)
"She's the translator, not me Donna."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Y'know, enough with these brain teasers."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You tell me where Brooke works, and I'll return your underpants to safety."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Kelso, aren't you a little old to be stealing Donna's undies?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"A collector never stops collecting, Eric."
That '70s Show (1998)
"The library, Kelso, she works in the library."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Now will you put my underwear back you perv?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"I lied."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Ooo wow, those male actors are gorgeous."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Y'know I think that Robert Redford is so hot. He's hotter than the sun."
That '70s Show (1998)
"He's extremely handsome."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You know who I think is sexy?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"James Caan in the Godfather."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Now, if he made me an offer, I sure couldn't refuse. Yowsa!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Do you mind?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Y'know what Steven, I actually think that every guy on TV, and in life is hotter than you."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Jackie, I know what you're doing, okay? I said Brooke was hot, and now you're totally insecure."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh I am not insecure, okay?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"This is a designer sweater, this is designer eye shadow, and those are designer shoes, and they make me feel incredibly secure."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You know who else I like?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"That little fella who plays Colombo."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I just wanna give him a bath."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Steven, why can't you just say that Brooke's not hot?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's common relationship courtesy."
That '70s Show (1998)
"If you can't do this, what will you do when I'm old, and ask you if I have crow's feet around my eyes?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"By the way, that's already starting."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You've never been in a relationship, have you son?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"What, when she asked if Brooke was hot, I should have lied and said no?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Being honest and screwing yourself is clearly the better plan."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Sweetie, white lies help relationships."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Like, 'Kitty, even though your pot roast was overdone, I still loved it.'"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh for the love of God, I did love it."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You're a pot roast genius, okay?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"It was like eating gold."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- So you're saying lying is good? - Exactly."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Now go do the right thing, and lie to the woman you love!"
That '70s Show (1998)
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