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Clips from Arrested Development - Staff Infection (S01E01)
"Michael had begun to work weekends."
Arrested Development
"Unfortunately, this interfered with the Saturday morning bike ride..."
Arrested Development
"he usually took with his son."
Arrested Development
"So this isn't bad, right? just like a normal Saturday."
Arrested Development
"You don't have to drive so slow. I can ride my bike by myself."
Arrested Development
"This actually doesn't go any faster."
Arrested Development
"I mean, I know you have a lot of work, you know?"
Arrested Development
"It still doesn't mean I can't hang out with my..."
Arrested Development
"Hang on one second. This is Michael."
Arrested Development
"Mom, I'm expecting a very important phone..."
Arrested Development
"For God's sakes! I'll be right there."
Arrested Development
"Dad. Dad!"
Arrested Development
"Nice instincts, son. Good reflexes."
Arrested Development
"Back at the model home, Lindsay awoke late to find her husband missing."
Arrested Development
"Maeby? Michael? Tobias?"
Arrested Development
"- Work? - Tobias had recently..."
Arrested Development
"been cast in a movie, playing the role of a frightened inmate."
Arrested Development
"I ain't going to squeal, man."
Arrested Development
"I ain't going to... Oh, I'm not frightened! God!"
Arrested Development
"Lindsay, say something to scare me."
Arrested Development
"... me."
Arrested Development
"Nope. Nothing. Thanks for trying though."
Arrested Development
"You know what I ought to do?"
Arrested Development
"I ought to check myself into a men's penal colony."
Arrested Development
"Perhaps your father could get me in."
Arrested Development
"Well, if he can go to work, so can I."
Arrested Development
"Lucille, meanwhile, was growing closer..."
Arrested Development
"to her recently adopted Korean son, whom she called Annyong."
Arrested Development
"- Much better, Annyong. - Which isn't a name..."
Arrested Development
"- Annyong. - but the Korean word for hello'."
Arrested Development
"And I guess I can comb my own hair."
Arrested Development
"Oh, please. He's a little boy..."
Arrested Development
"and since he's going to go off and work for 10 hours..."
Arrested Development
"I want him to look nice."
Arrested Development
"- Thank you, Lupe. - You got a job, Annyong?"
Arrested Development
"- Annyong. Annyong. - Annyong."
Arrested Development
"At the banana stand. Oh, his work ethic is unbelievable..."
Arrested Development
"unlike some sons I know."
Arrested Development
"I'm a scholar. I enjoy scholarly pursuits."
Arrested Development
"Suddenly playing with yourself is a scholarly pursuit."
Arrested Development
"Hey, Lupe."
Arrested Development
"- What's wrong with Lupe? - Oh, she's upset..."
Arrested Development
"because I told her she couldn't take the day off."
Arrested Development
"There's a family reunion in Catalina."
Arrested Development
"Catalina? We're not going to Catalina, are we?"
Arrested Development
"Buster had an unfortunate encounter in a photo booth..."
Arrested Development
"on the wildlife-populated island of Catalina."
Arrested Development
"No, Lupe is. You see, for her..."
Arrested Development
"a family reunion might actually be a pleasant experience."
Arrested Development
"They've got a bus, and they want to use the parking lot..."
Arrested Development
"to this building as a meeting place."
Arrested Development
"I mean, for God's sake, it's not a hardware store."
Arrested Development
"We can't have them hanging around like freeloaders, looking for an easy buck."
Arrested Development
"What's the emergency, Mom?"
Arrested Development
"- I need money. - I don't have time for this, okay?"
Arrested Development
"I don't even get to see my own son. I'm going to work now."
Arrested Development
"And while you're there, find out from your assistant, Kitty..."
Arrested Development
"why she didn't send my paycheck."
Arrested Development
"You get a paycheck from the Bluth Company?"
Arrested Development
"It's important to the company that I keep up the image of my lifestyle."
Arrested Development
"Illusion, Mom. And I'm the president of that company."
Arrested Development
"I believe I'm the one that asked you to start shopping at Quantity Plus."
Arrested Development
"They made me apply for a membership card."
Arrested Development
"- It was humiliating. - I'll see what I can do for you."
Arrested Development
"Now that I know I'm the one that pays Lupe..."
Arrested Development
"I'm giving her the day off, okay?"
Arrested Development
"Lupe, did you hear that? Tell your bus driver..."
Arrested Development
"that he can pick up your family at the Bluth Company parking lot."
Arrested Development
"- Oh, thank you, Michael. - My hero."
Arrested Development
"Anyway, you enjoy that paycheck when you get it."
Arrested Development
"It will be the last one I ever send here."
Arrested Development
"Does that mean I have to go to your office to get mine, too, or how's that work?"
Arrested Development
"You gotta be kidding me. All right. You know what, Buster?"
Arrested Development
"Bob, in the copy room... he quit today."
Arrested Development
"If you want your money, you're gonna have to work for it."
Arrested Development
"Okay. I accept. I'll take that job."
Arrested Development
"I will work in the copy room."
Arrested Development
"I wouldn't go in there without knocking, Michael."
Arrested Development
"Now, I know we've been putting in a lot of hours..."
Arrested Development
"but we've got to keep our heads down and power through..."
Arrested Development
"you know, and... and sacrifice."
Arrested Development
"Don't mind me."
Arrested Development
"I'm just here to pick up my paycheck and get out of here."
Arrested Development
"Guys, go ahead and take a three."
Arrested Development
"Lindsay, how can you just come in here and ask me for a paycheck?"
Arrested Development
"Well, I usually ask Kitty, uh, but she's not around..."
Arrested Development
"and you're the only one here I've ever seen before."
Arrested Development
"- How long has this been going on? - Dad hired me out of college."
Arrested Development
"- You quit college. - Yeah, well, I had a job. What was the point?"
Arrested Development
"You have a job now. Since Kitty's gone..."
Arrested Development
"you can earn your check by answering the phones."
Arrested Development
"Michael, it's Friday. Everybody coasts on Friday."
Arrested Development
"- It's actually Saturday. - Finally. I'm out of here."
Arrested Development
"- I'll see you Tuesday. - I'm serious, Lindsay."
Arrested Development
"- This is why your employees hate you. - They're actually fond of me."
Arrested Development
"Okay, guys, back to the staff meeting."
Arrested Development
"- Uh, Lindsay. Hello. The phones. - Well, you said staff."
Arrested Development
"The zoning committee feels that we're..."
Arrested Development
"trying to squeeze too many units onto a lot this size..."
Arrested Development
"and we need to if we want to make a profit."
Arrested Development
"So how do we fit these units on there?"
Arrested Development
"Are these fluorescent lights bothering anybody else besides me?"
Arrested Development
"That's not what I want to deal with today."
Arrested Development
"You and I have different management styles."
Arrested Development
"I believe work should be fun, and you try to crush people's spirits."
Arrested Development
"What's next, Michael? Are you going to make dancing illegal?"
Arrested Development
"Is this the tiny town from Footloose?"
Arrested Development
"Good point."
Arrested Development
"Can you go to your desk, please? Be like Buster."
Arrested Development
"He's been in the copy room. I haven't seen him all day."
Arrested Development
"In fact, Buster had grown anxious..."
Arrested Development
"- in the confined space of the copy room. - Bob?"
Arrested Development
Arrested Development
"- Bob? - Bob?"
Arrested Development
Arrested Development
"I need a different job."
Arrested Development
"I'm having real trouble in a confined indoor space."
Arrested Development
"- Oh. Hey, coworker. - How do you feel about working outdoors?"
Arrested Development
"Uh, what else do you have?"
Arrested Development
"At the banana stand, George Michael was also working."
Arrested Development
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