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Clips from Arrested Development - Marta Complex (S01E01)
"It was Michael's sister's anniversary. - Hi."
Arrested Development
"He'd convinced his mother to throw a party for her."
Arrested Development
"Lindsay, how's this for an anniversary cake?"
Arrested Development
"Anniversary? You asked me to throw a Valentine's Day party."
Arrested Development
"- Did I? - You tricked me."
Arrested Development
"I deceived you, Mom. Tricked makes it sound like we have a playful relationship."
Arrested Development
"Touche. Lupe, untie the balloons!"
Arrested Development
"Michael, all alone on Valentine's Day?"
Arrested Development
"How's that possible?"
Arrested Development
"You seem like such a romantic to me."
Arrested Development
"l- l-I can just see you showing up on some lucky girl's porch..."
Arrested Development
"in a tuxedo with a bottle of champagne."
Arrested Development
"Yeah. Well, if I show up with all that stuff..."
Arrested Development
"I could probably just get away with shorts and a T-shirt, right?"
Arrested Development
"Which is good 'cause I don't even have a tuxedo."
Arrested Development
"So you're saying there's no one you're even interested in?"
Arrested Development
"In fact, Michael had become enamored of Marta..."
Arrested Development
"when Gob was having second thoughts about the relationship."
Arrested Development
"- I've made a huge mistake. - But when Gob recommitted to her..."
Arrested Development
"- I've made a huge mistake. - Michael decided to do the noble thing and let her go."
Arrested Development
"There was somebody for a while, but it was too much of a brother... bother."
Arrested Development
"That can't feel good."
Arrested Development
"It's fine. I'm over it. I'm okay by myself, you know?"
Arrested Development
"I really just want to focus on my family's happiness."
Arrested Development
"That's why I threw this party. I mean, 14 years, huh?"
Arrested Development
"You've got to be doing somethin' right."
Arrested Development
"Well, if you call not filing for divorce something right."
Arrested Development
"- But I guess we keep it interesting. - Where's Tobias?"
Arrested Development
"He's on the balcony having margaritas with Carl Weathers."
Arrested Development
"Tobias had recently hired actor Carl Weathers as a drama coach."
Arrested Development
"Do you see me more as the respected dramatic actor..."
Arrested Development
"or more the beloved comic actor?"
Arrested Development
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! There's still plenty of meat on that bone."
Arrested Development
"You take this home, throw it in a pot. Add some broth, a potato..."
Arrested Development
"Baby, you got a stew goin'."
Arrested Development
"Yes, that's fine. But I would like to focus on my acting, Mr. Weathers."
Arrested Development
"I did give you my last $1,100."
Arrested Development
"Let me tell you a little story about acting."
Arrested Development
"I was doing this Showtime movie, Hot Ice, with Anne Archer."
Arrested Development
"Never once touched my per diem."
Arrested Development
"I go to craft service, get some raw veggies, bacon, cup of soup..."
Arrested Development
"Baby, I had a stew goin'."
Arrested Development
"I think I'd like my money back."
Arrested Development
"Like his father, George Michael had been nursing an impossible crush."
Arrested Development
"It was on his cousin, Maeby."
Arrested Development
"And with no one to talk to, he was looking for some kind of direction."
Arrested Development
"just give me a sign."
Arrested Development
"First one's obvious. Okay."
Arrested Development
"He continued to look for a sign."
Arrested Development
"- Until finally... - Maybe tonight."
Arrested Development
"What are the chances?"
Arrested Development
"Actually, Maybe Tonight was a very popular candy slogan..."
Arrested Development
"and the chances were one in eight."
Arrested Development
"- What are you doin'? - Just tryin' to throw stuff at my dad's head..."
Arrested Development
"- but the wind keeps taking it. - Oh, cool."
Arrested Development
"So, I, uh... I found this."
Arrested Development
"I thought it was like a one-in-a-million thing. It just made me think of you."
Arrested Development
"- Oh, perfect. - Trying to make my relation..."
Arrested Development
"- I saw that. - And Lucille..."
Arrested Development
"found a way to force a wedge into her son's relationship."
Arrested Development
"Lucille, guess who's coming to dinner?"
Arrested Development
"I've invited Carl to dine with us next Tuesday."
Arrested Development
"Mother, you know I have class on Tuesday."
Arrested Development
"Oh, how silly of me."
Arrested Development
"Well, then perhaps the two of you can have dinner alone."
Arrested Development
"Oh, well, I never say no to dinner, with a beautiful lady that is."
Arrested Development
"- Do you like ham? - No. I love it."
Arrested Development
"And the family gathered to watch a videotape..."
Arrested Development
"George Sr. had sent Lindsay and Tobias for their anniversary."
Arrested Development
"Hello, I'm George Bluth..."
Arrested Development
"and for the next 45 minutes..."
Arrested Development
"let me take you on a journey..."
Arrested Development
"Good grief. He sent us one of his idiot videotapes."
Arrested Development
"First this... - You've seen George Bluth on videotape."
Arrested Development
"You have got to learn to be alone."
Arrested Development
"I cheated and I lied. And I whored around."
Arrested Development
"Caged Wisdom changed my life."
Arrested Development
"Now is your chance to own the entire George Bluth Caged Wisdom library..."
Arrested Development
"for only four payments of 19.95."
Arrested Development
"- This was supposed to be my anniversary toast. - Yeah."
Arrested Development
"And this was supposed to be my Valentine's Day party."
Arrested Development
"Speaking of which..."
Arrested Development
"Lupe, where are those balloons?"
Arrested Development
"You want balloons?"
Arrested Development
"Speech, speech, speech..."
Arrested Development
"{Joining In] Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech..."
Arrested Development
"speech, speech, speech speech..."
Arrested Development
"- Come on, speech. - Speech, speech, speech, speech..."
Arrested Development
"The family continued to chant, Speech, speech, speech'..."
Arrested Development
"for no one in particular."
Arrested Development
"- Speech, speech... - All right."
Arrested Development
Arrested Development
"After all that, I was kinda hoping somebody would make a speech."
Arrested Development
"- Speech, speech, speech... - All right, all right, all right. I'll say something."
Arrested Development
"- Typical. - We've all had a tough couple of months."
Arrested Development
"I think we're all really figuring out who we are..."
Arrested Development
"and what we really need in life."
Arrested Development
"And that can be painful."
Arrested Development
"However, you can't really heal yourself until you stop living a lie, you know."
Arrested Development
"But, uh, l-I promise that we're all gonna be a lot happier in the long run."
Arrested Development
"So, on a very unusual Valentine's Day..."
Arrested Development
"cheers to Mom and Dad, to Buster and Lucille..."
Arrested Development
"- Don't forget my girlfriend. - That's who I meant."
Arrested Development
"- Don't forget my girlfriend. - That's who I meant."
Arrested Development
"To Lindsay and Tobias, to George Michael and..."
Arrested Development
"I almost said George Michael and Maeby."
Arrested Development
"- Oh. - Um, to Gob and Marta."
Arrested Development
"- Mmm. - To love and happiness."
Arrested Development
"I love you all, Marta."
Arrested Development
"And Marta realized it was Michael, not Gob..."
Arrested Development
"who had everything she had been looking for in a man."
Arrested Development
"I made a huge mistake."
Arrested Development
"I was thinking about that toast you gave at my anniversary party."
Arrested Development
"- So, I want to get a divorce. - What?"
Arrested Development
"Do you think I should use our attorney, Barry, or just kind of bolt in the night?"
Arrested Development
"I'm leaning toward bolt in the night, but..."
Arrested Development
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lindsay, I wasn't talking about getting a divorce."
Arrested Development
"Oh, Michael. It's time."
Arrested Development
"The man's psychologically incapable of taking all of his clothes off."
Arrested Development
"In fact, Tobias was a never-nude."
Arrested Development
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