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Clips from The Office - Sexual Harassment (S02E02)
"Fifty signs your priest might be Michael Jackson."
The Office
"Kidding. Topical."
The Office
"It's how I like to do business. Everybody joking around."
The Office
"I am Chandler and Joey."
The Office
"So, the monkey does the sex thing right here."
The Office
"That's funny. That's funny."
The Office
"Do you want the link? 'Cause then you could forward it around."
The Office
"Well, we'll see."
The Office
"Better get the bleep button ready for him. Bleep-bleep."
The Office
"What's up, Halpert? Still queer?"
The Office
"Todd Packer and I are total BFF."
The Office
"And so, you know, one thing led to another,"
The Office
"and we brought them back to the motel,"
The Office
"Grade-A gossip for you. Right now. Randall, CFO, resigned."
The Office
"Nobody knows why."
The Office
"Are you kidding? Everyone knows why."
The Office
"You don't know? Okay, check this out, all right."
The Office
"What? So, here's the story."
The Office
"I didn't say it, I didn't say it!"
The Office
"Hey, what has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer?"
The Office
"I'm excited to show her around."
The Office
"She really wants to meet everybody."
The Office
"Oh, yeah? Good. 'Cause I have a lot of questions."
The Office
"As a child, did Pam show any traits"
The Office
"that would hint towards her future career as a receptionist?"
The Office
"Hey, send me that link to the monkey sex video."
The Office
The Office
"Old school."
The Office
"I need to talk to you in your office, it'll just take two seconds."
The Office
"Literally two seconds?"
The Office
"So corporate asked me to do a five-minute review"
The Office
"That's why it's a joke."
The Office
"But Toby has an announcement that he insists on making right now"
The Office
"in the middle of the day. So take it away."
The Office
"and he gets crabs."
The Office
"Time to bring out the big guns."
The Office
"And remind them what is great about this place."
The Office
"I am looking for a new joke to tell."
The Office
"The type of stuff you guys tell all day. You know?"
The Office
"Where'd you get them, like, Queers R Us?"
The Office
"coming around the corner, okay?"
The Office
"Good thing you don't have a lot of business to start with."
The Office
"But that was still about me, so..."
The Office
"No, I don't. Well, you look like you feel bad..."
The Office
The Office
"All right, that's it."
The Office
"It is not over. It is not over till it's over."
The Office
"Can we afford to lose e-mail forwards? Do we want that?"
The Office
"Forward them to 10 people or you'll have bad luck."
The Office
"And I will admit, best part of my morning is staring at it."
The Office
"Office relationships are never a good idea."
The Office
"I have never slept with an employee, and believe me, I could have."
The Office
"No, no, Catherine! Remember her? Remember how hot she was?"
The Office
"I'm in an office relationship. It's special."
The Office
"What if she brought her partner in to work?"
The Office
"Would that be crossing the line? No."
The Office
"What if they made out in front of everybody?"
The Office
"And I told everybody everything about it?"
The Office
The Office
"and I was wondering if anybody would like to join in?"
The Office
"Jim? No thanks, I'm good."
The Office
"My mother's coming. That's what she said."
The Office
"Hey, Toby. Hey, Dwight."
The Office
"I'm just sad the public school system failed him so badly."
The Office
"In today's fast-paced business climate,"
The Office
"it can sometimes be hard to know when a comment or an action crosses the line."
The Office
"Are you a natural redhead?"
The Office
"That's that girl from that thing."
The Office
"Yes! You banged her?"
The Office
"Yes, right here. You are a naughty girl! Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
The Office
"Okay, well, we can talk about that later, then."
The Office
"Okay, you are never gonna believe this."
The Office
"And he's about 90% sure."
The Office
"Don't ever let this little bitch"
The Office
"you gotta understand, that I don't come up with this stuff."
The Office
"The problem is that I am the boss,"
The Office
"and apparently I can't say anything."
The Office
"work-associated things."
The Office
"And you can consider this my retirement from comedy."
The Office
"Well, you always left me satisfied and smiling, so..."
The Office
"Come on! Michael, please."
The Office
"It's not my sense of humor. Okay."
The Office
"I believe you may recognize his face from the billboards."
The Office
"This guy does it all."
The Office
"What? Mr. O'Malley is our corporate lawyer."
The Office
"So I'm not in trouble?"
The Office
"I'm so used to being the bad boy."
The Office
"Okay, well, let's get you out of here, James."
The Office
"I think we're under an hour still, so."
The Office
"Oh, my God. I finally made it."
The Office
"I love my mom."
The Office
"Okay. This is all yours?"
The Office
"He goes, I don't know where you're going. Just be out of here by 5:00."
The Office
"But, it's okay, because I am very used to killing time."
The Office
"All right, I'll see you."
The Office
"I just wanted to know. No, it's..."
The Office
"I'll make myself busy."
The Office
"Ex-squeeze me?"
The Office
"Well, I have a late birthday, and usually September is the cut-off point."
The Office
"So go to your corner. You mean, where my desk is?"
The Office
"Michael, come on, you don't have to worry. I'm not"
The Office
"Times have changed a little."
The Office
"And even though we're still a family here at Dunder Mifflin, families grow."
The Office
"And at some point, the daddy can't take a bath with the kids anymore."
The Office
"Hey, what's up? Hey."
The Office
"I don't think so. No?"
The Office
"There it is."
The Office
"Well done."
The Office
"I am King of Forwards."
The Office
"And Dwight is Kramer."
The Office
"Not offensive, because it's nature, educational."
The Office
"Consider it?"
The Office
"Maybe, maybe."
The Office
"Because I don't know if..."
The Office
"Come on."
The Office
"What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom?"
The Office
"Oh, you are so bad."
The Office
"This guy is out of control. He is a madman."
The Office
"One time, we were out,"
The Office
"and we met this set of twins,"
The Office
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