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Clips from Teen Titans Go! - I'm the Sauce (S03E03)
"Wow. Mmm-hmm. Oh, yeah, that's really interesting. Oh."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"- Uh, we're just reading. - Reading?"
Teen Titans Go!
"Not on this beautiful day!"
Teen Titans Go!
"You're all going outside! Now!"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Since it's raining, we're going to go back to reading."
Teen Titans Go!
"Can't you see it is raining?"
Teen Titans Go!
"That means, we have to do rainy day activities."
Teen Titans Go!
"- Not interested, bro. - It's good! I promise!"
Teen Titans Go!
"This process continues and the droplets"
Teen Titans Go!
"Thus, making it rain."
Teen Titans Go!
"- [GASPS] The clouds are sad? - Why didn't you tell us, bro?"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Throw your hands up! Uh-huh!"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Say what? Into the pot I go."
Teen Titans Go!
"Whoo-whoo! It's getting hot. I am getting hot."
Teen Titans Go!
"The milk monitor brought this from the cafeteria"
Teen Titans Go!
"I am loving these rainy day activities, y'all."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"It wasn't pretty. We have no choice."
Teen Titans Go!
"Y'all ready for this?"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"There is only one other option, but it's dangerous."
Teen Titans Go!
"That is madness. The madness!"
Teen Titans Go!
"- Robin, you are asking the impossible. - It's too risky, bro."
Teen Titans Go!
"we don't have enough people."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"We start with seven tappers."
Teen Titans Go!
"If selected, lower your thumb."
Teen Titans Go!
"When all the tappers are done,"
Teen Titans Go!
"everyone raises their head and tries to guess who picked them."
Teen Titans Go!
"Choose correctly, you win."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"to make a log cabin out of popsicle sticks?"
Teen Titans Go!
"They're sacred and only to be used to cheer up sad clouds."
Teen Titans Go!
"If only the clouds were not filled with the happiness."
Teen Titans Go!
"Hey, cloud. Are you a gas or a liquid?"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Oh, yeah. Here we go."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Oh, no."
Teen Titans Go!
"Come on, everyone. Wiggle with me."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Look upon me! I, too, am the noodle."
Teen Titans Go!
"And, I am the sauce."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Well done, Titans. Like true heroes,"
Teen Titans Go!
"you put your dignity aside for the greater good."
Teen Titans Go!
"Yeah! That's how a noodle do!"
Teen Titans Go!
"- Ah. Ooh. - Hmm. Um-hmm. Humph."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"No need! I can tell you how all your books end."
Teen Titans Go!
"Like this! [SCREAMING]"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Titans, it's raining! Everyone, to the tower, now!"
Teen Titans Go!
"That was close."
Teen Titans Go!
"I'm really worried about Pop."
Teen Titans Go!
"Those silly boring games you'd never do, unless"
Teen Titans Go!
"- you were trapped inside? - Those aren't any fun."
Teen Titans Go!
"No, no, no, no, no. We don't do them for fun."
Teen Titans Go!
"We do them, because they are our solemn duty."
Teen Titans Go!
"[CLEARS THROAT] This is where someone is supposed to ask,"
Teen Titans Go!
"- "Why?" - We're good."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"- I said ask me why! - [SHOUTING] Why?"
Teen Titans Go!
"Well, when water vapor rises, air expands and cools off."
Teen Titans Go!
"The vapor slows and attaches itself to tiny particles in the air."
Teen Titans Go!
"When they get sad, they cry. [CRYING]"
Teen Titans Go!
"Which causes it to rain on earth."
Teen Titans Go!
"...the only way to cheer them up"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"[CHUCKLING] Now, that's the spirit."
Teen Titans Go!
"This is how we get a rainy day started, y'all!"
Teen Titans Go!
"Ooh, ooh, that's right! Uh-huh!"
Teen Titans Go!
"You ready? [HOOTING]"
Teen Titans Go!
"Yikes! I'm all floppy, I'm all floppy!"
Teen Titans Go!
"Friends, I am locked in the cringe position."
Teen Titans Go!
"I'd love to cheer up the clouds, but not"
Teen Titans Go!
"- at the expense of our dignity. - Fine! Leave!"
Teen Titans Go!
"I just don't know how I'm going to drink"
Teen Titans Go!
"- [GASPS] You have the brown milk? - Oh, this?"
Teen Titans Go!
"to fuel our rainy day activities."
Teen Titans Go!
"Oh, did you want some?"
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Ugh! I will never do the spaghetti dance. Never!"
Teen Titans Go!
"- [YELLING] Never! - Okay. I get it."
Teen Titans Go!
"You're not ready for the spaghetti dance."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"Even if we wanted to, and that is a big if,"
Teen Titans Go!
"Just let me worry about that."
Teen Titans Go!
"today we have a common cause."
Teen Titans Go!
"We need to cheer up those clouds."
Teen Titans Go!
"Everyone else puts their heads down and raises a thumb."
Teen Titans Go!
"If not, death! I need to know if you're in."
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
"I need seven tappers, and a whole lot of thumbs."
Teen Titans Go!
"Let's do it."
Teen Titans Go!
"Wonderful, friends! The rain has ceased."
Teen Titans Go!
"This might sound weird, but I kind of miss the rain."
Teen Titans Go!
"- It's the activities. - Hey, anyone want"
Teen Titans Go!
"I shall make the table volcano to demonstrate the science."
Teen Titans Go!
"Rainy day activities aren't supposed to be fun."
Teen Titans Go!
"He's right."
Teen Titans Go!
"BOTH: Oh!"
Teen Titans Go!
"You look like some cotton candy, and not the good, pink kind."
Teen Titans Go!
"[GASPS] Ooh, the snaps."
Teen Titans Go!
"We can't fight it!"
Teen Titans Go!
"Of course, we can't. It's a cloud."
Teen Titans Go!
"Titans, there is only one rainy day activity"
Teen Titans Go!
"powerful enough to soothe this raging thunder head."
Teen Titans Go!
"One noodle will never be enough. It's the only way!"
Teen Titans Go!
"Yeah, you are. Now, get wiggly with me."
Teen Titans Go!
"We can't do it without you, bro!"
Teen Titans Go!
"I just don't think I can live with myself."
Teen Titans Go!
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