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Clips from The Big Bang Theory - The Classified Materials Turbulence (S02E02)
"That's the smell of new comic books."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Is that supposed to be funny? - I believe it is."
The Big Bang Theory
"...suggest that Leonard is humorously mocking your efforts in space plumbing."
The Big Bang Theory
"Number one, and of course, number two."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, clever."
The Big Bang Theory
"Here, Sheldon. I pulled the new Hellboy for you."
The Big Bang Theory
"Excuse me, spoiler alert."
The Big Bang Theory
"You told me it's mind-blowing, so my mind is going into it pre-blown."
The Big Bang Theory
"And once a mind is pre-blown, it cannot be re-blown."
The Big Bang Theory
"What about it?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Dust yourself off, forget it. Move on."
The Big Bang Theory
"- I can't do that. - Why the hell not?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- Have you read the new Flash? - No."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, gee."
The Big Bang Theory
"But, you know, let me about it and get back to you, okay?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Interesting, Penny's current suitor asking advice from her former suitor."
The Big Bang Theory
"You wanna make sure he gets nowhere with Penny..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...without jeopardizing your friendship with either of them?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- I'm listening. - Just tell him..."
The Big Bang Theory
"- How's it going? - Good, good."
The Big Bang Theory
"- You? - Fine."
The Big Bang Theory
"And then I started thinking maybe I should talk to you first."
The Big Bang Theory
"- About what? - Well, does it bother you?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- Because, you know, you and me-- - No. No, that's the past."
The Big Bang Theory
"That's why he works in a comic-book store."
The Big Bang Theory
"It's Stuart."
The Big Bang Theory
"He wants to talk about Penny. I don't wanna talk about Penny."
The Big Bang Theory
"You're making an assumption."
The Big Bang Theory
"And if you don't answer the phone, we can't know."
The Big Bang Theory
"There. It went to voicemail."
The Big Bang Theory
"Aren't you going to check your messages?"
The Big Bang Theory
"And we descend into anarchy."
The Big Bang Theory
"Code red, the hospital emergency alert? The computer worm?"
The Big Bang Theory
"What are you gonna do?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Don't you mean the Wolowitz Zero-Gravity Human Waste Distribution System?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Good one, yeah."
The Big Bang Theory
"Here's an approximation of the spare parts available on the space station."
The Big Bang Theory
"We gotta find a way, using nothing but this, to reinforce this."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Hey, Leonard. - Hey, Stuart."
The Big Bang Theory
"- What's up? - Well, tonight's my date with Penny."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Yeah, I'm sorry. It's been broken. - Or e-mail."
The Big Bang Theory
"All right. Well, off the top of my head..."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Okay. - You know, guys come on to her..."
The Big Bang Theory
"And you know, treat her with, like, cool detachment."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Fear? - Yeah."
The Big Bang Theory
"Good, good. Well, you kids have fun tonight."
The Big Bang Theory
"...we make Jesus cry."
The Big Bang Theory
"You don't really believe in that superstition, do you?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Here's an idea. What if I change my name..."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Morning. - Morning. What's up?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Great, so how'd it go with Stuart last night?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Help me see if we can wedge this piece of PVC behind the support rod."
The Big Bang Theory
"Is that what that's for? In India, the lid just touches the cheese."
The Big Bang Theory
"We also have rampant poverty and periodic outbreaks of cholera..."
The Big Bang Theory
"And if I have to hear about it again, I'm gonna kick him in his ovaries."
The Big Bang Theory
"I must say, Howard..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...I think a detailed letter to MIT describing your current circumstances..."
The Big Bang Theory
"Not enough bread crumbs."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Hey, Stuart, I need to talk to you. - Sure, what's up?"
The Big Bang Theory
"No, your advice was great."
The Big Bang Theory
"...your name."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah. No, yeah, it is."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah, it was pretty bad."
The Big Bang Theory
"Okay, well..."
The Big Bang Theory
"No one has to know anything about this but you and me."
The Big Bang Theory
"Howard's space toilet. I'll tell you later."
The Big Bang Theory
"Leonard, could you pass the soy sauce, please?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- I'm sorry, were you talking to me? - Yeah, I said Leonard."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"That's classified."
The Big Bang Theory
"We are basically out the door."
The Big Bang Theory
"Smell that?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, yes."
The Big Bang Theory
"They're on me today, boys."
The Big Bang Theory
"You're paying? Have you been selling your sperm again?"
The Big Bang Theory
"As we speak, the space shuttle is docking at the International Space Station..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...where it will deploy the Wolowitz Zero-Gravity Waste Disposal System."
The Big Bang Theory
"...an international crew of astronauts will boldly go where no man has gone before."
The Big Bang Theory
"The Star Trek reference and the play on words..."
The Big Bang Theory
"Okay, make your little jokes. But of the four of us..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...l'm the only one making any real-world contribution to science and technology."
The Big Bang Theory
"He's right. This is an important achievement for two reasons:"
The Big Bang Theory
"Playing on the use of cardinal numbers as euphemisms for bodily functions."
The Big Bang Theory
"It's mind-blowing."
The Big Bang Theory
"But I didn't spoil anything."
The Big Bang Theory
"Remember I went out with Penny a couple weeks ago?"
The Big Bang Theory
"- Yeah, vaguely. - Sure, you remember. That was the night..."
The Big Bang Theory
"...you went to the bar and made a fool of yourself trying to pick up strange women."
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, the thing is, the date didn't go that well."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh. Too bad. You know--"
The Big Bang Theory
"I guess the thing to do now is, you know, pick yourself up."
The Big Bang Theory
"Excuse me, Stuart?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, I have, and it will knock your socks off."
The Big Bang Theory
"Good luck getting them back on."
The Big Bang Theory
"Anyway, I figure this is probably my last shot with Penny..."
The Big Bang Theory
"- ...and I don't wanna screw it up. - Oh, nobody wants that."
The Big Bang Theory
"So here's my question:"
The Big Bang Theory
"It's the second date. You think she'll be expecting things to get physical?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah, my initial reaction is no."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Yeah, or you call me. - Great."
The Big Bang Theory
"Or nobody calls anyone."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah, thanks for closed-captioning my pain, Raj."
The Big Bang Theory
"...to do everything you've done with her for the last two years."
The Big Bang Theory
"- Hey, Leonard. - Oh, hi."
The Big Bang Theory
"You know your friend Stuart?"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Me going out with one of your friends?"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm really more of a right now kind of guy."
The Big Bang Theory
"You know, living in the moment."
The Big Bang Theory
"Of course, my fondness for classic science fiction does draw my attention backwards..."
The Big Bang Theory
"In conclusion, no, it doesn't bother me."
The Big Bang Theory
"Okay, well, that's really cool of you."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah? Well, I wouldn't say cool."
The Big Bang Theory
"I'd just say, "That's Leonard.""
The Big Bang Theory
"About Stuart?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Love to."
The Big Bang Theory
"He's very shy. How do I make him feel more comfortable around me?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, first of all, don't underestimate the value of discomfort."
The Big Bang Theory
"You're not going to answer it?"
The Big Bang Theory
"And he needs your assistance."
The Big Bang Theory
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