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Clips from The Big Bang Theory - The Indecision Amalgamation (S07E07)
"Oh, "pee." Why'd I say that?"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm not being stupid."
The Big Bang Theory
"here come the waterworks."
The Big Bang Theory
"♪ Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! ♪"
The Big Bang Theory
"♪ That all started with a big bang ♪"
The Big Bang Theory
"♪ Bang! ♪"
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah, sure. Of course."
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm sure it's lovable."
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm liking my odds here."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, my gosh."
The Big Bang Theory
"Apparently, it's mine if I want it."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't know what to do."
The Big Bang Theory
"LOL, right?"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"I-I don't know if you remember me..."
The Big Bang Theory
"and I-I just blew it."
The Big Bang Theory
"And if it makes you feel"
The Big Bang Theory
"any better, you're not the weirdest guy"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, give me a chance-- you don't even know me."
The Big Bang Theory
"I can control my entire entertainment system"
The Big Bang Theory
"using voice commands."
The Big Bang Theory
"You have my undivided attention."
The Big Bang Theory
"more angular and sleek-looking."
The Big Bang Theory
"No, see? Well, you absolutely would not."
The Big Bang Theory
"And furthermore, the Xbox One"
The Big Bang Theory
"Are they nuts?!"
The Big Bang Theory
"the 100-gigabit-per-second bandwidth gap"
The Big Bang Theory
"You see? I don't know!"
The Big Bang Theory
"What should I do?"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"What am I gonna do? Well,"
The Big Bang Theory
"for starters, I wouldn't eat the bananas."
The Big Bang Theory
"Come on! This is serious. Uh, uh,"
The Big Bang Theory
"You'll go have fun for a few weeks, make some money--"
The Big Bang Theory
"Just to clarify, which one of you is wearing the bikini?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Thank you again for dinner."
The Big Bang Theory
"Good night. Uh,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, of course."
The Big Bang Theory
"Did I mention the PS4 controllers light up?"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, that's sad. It is."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Leonard. PS4."
The Big Bang Theory
"Bernadette. I like the Wii."
The Big Bang Theory
"Thanks, Grandma."
The Big Bang Theory
"Unless you're sleeping"
The Big Bang Theory
"What do you mean, yes?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, I have certainly taken some jobs"
The Big Bang Theory
"is there a professional downside to doing it?"
The Big Bang Theory
"When you're on the set working on something"
The Big Bang Theory
"Anyway, those jobs can be soul-crushing."
The Big Bang Theory
"That's what I'm afraid of."
The Big Bang Theory
"To this day, I hate going on auditions."
The Big Bang Theory
"Okay, I walk in, and I can just"
The Big Bang Theory
"And then I don't get the job,"
The Big Bang Theory
"and I can never find out why."
The Big Bang Theory
"He's gonna die alone, right?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah. Yes."
The Big Bang Theory
"I've done all my research, I conducted an informal poll,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, that's got to be a good feeling."
The Big Bang Theory
"and I bought a Zune."
The Big Bang Theory
"But what if I'm wrong?"
The Big Bang Theory
"You know I only have one slot available"
The Big Bang Theory
"that if you flip a coin,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Because you'll either be disappointed"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Could have given it back to me."
The Big Bang Theory
"Thank you. Thanks, thanks."
The Big Bang Theory
"My... my ex-girlfriend e-mailed me,"
The Big Bang Theory
"And I'm glad you like it-- it's from J. Crew."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't understand."
The Big Bang Theory
"but it-it feels like I'm being deceitful."
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"How serious were you two?"
The Big Bang Theory
"and there was a handshake loaded with sexual innuendo."
The Big Bang Theory
"Because this is the part of the night"
The Big Bang Theory
"where I've said something stupid and the girl usually leaves."
The Big Bang Theory
"Yeah, but now you make me wonder what's wrong with you."
The Big Bang Theory
"We just met."
The Big Bang Theory
"Really? Mm-hmm."
The Big Bang Theory
"but the PS4 has a removable hard drive."
The Big Bang Theory
"The registers are closed."
The Big Bang Theory
"I don't know!"
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
"Boy, do I have to urinate."
The Big Bang Theory
"If only there were a solution to that."
The Big Bang Theory
"Seriously. I feel like I've got a fish tank in my pelvis."
The Big Bang Theory
"So go to the bathroom."
The Big Bang Theory
"I can't."
The Big Bang Theory
"Why not?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Because I'm trying to decide between getting"
The Big Bang Theory
"an Xbox One or a PS4."
The Big Bang Theory
"Forgive me for asking a stupid question,"
The Big Bang Theory
"but why are you being stupid?"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm employing the work of Dutch researcher, Mirjam Tuk,"
The Big Bang Theory
"who found that people with full bladders make better decisions."
The Big Bang Theory
"Why did I pee before I decided to move in here?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Hi! Hey."
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, how'd the audition go?"
The Big Bang Theory
"I killed it. I was even able to cry real tears"
The Big Bang Theory
"Oh, that's great. I know."
The Big Bang Theory
"Next time I get pulled over for a speeding ticket,"
The Big Bang Theory
"Aren't you gonna ask?"
The Big Bang Theory
"What is this, my first day?"
The Big Bang Theory
"♪ The Earth began to cool"
The Big Bang Theory
"♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪"
The Big Bang Theory
"Can I get your opinion on something"
The Big Bang Theory
"that happened at work today?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Okay, well, I did something"
The Big Bang Theory
"that will either make me look like a lovable goof"
The Big Bang Theory
"I'm gonna go with monster. What do you got?"
The Big Bang Theory
"Well, there's this lady in our office who's retiring,"
The Big Bang Theory
"and they were passing around"
The Big Bang Theory
"one of those big cards for us to sign..."
The Big Bang Theory
"But no one told me she was in"
The Big Bang Theory
"and what I was signing"
The Big Bang Theory
"but was actually a "get well" card."
The Big Bang Theory
"So on the card, in the hospital,"
The Big Bang Theory
"next to the woman who's clinging to life are the words,"
The Big Bang Theory
""Hey, Vivian. You deserve this"""
The Big Bang Theory
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