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Clips from Modern Family (2009) - Commencement (S10E10)
"$72, 72 bid, 72 bid,"
Modern Family (2009)
"What? He was the Artistic Director of --"
Modern Family (2009)
"It's gonna wind up being some pig named Baryshnikov"
Modern Family (2009)
"It was amazing. Yeah."
Modern Family (2009)
"And I felt bad relaxing while Cam was..."
Modern Family (2009)
"but there's also somethingsort of sexy about it."
Modern Family (2009)
"were just --"
Modern Family (2009)
"Together: Yah! Yah!"
Modern Family (2009)
"It's just, I-I'm a little busy --"
Modern Family (2009)
""Be grateful for the rocks life rolls in your path,"
Modern Family (2009)
"Trust yourself, Jay."
Modern Family (2009)
"Kids: Yah!"
Modern Family (2009)
"Their best minds weren't focusedon the fight song."
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh, my God."
Modern Family (2009)
"You son of a gun. How the hell are you?"
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh. Hey, Dad. [ Chuckles ] Dad, guess what."
Modern Family (2009)
"The twins started kicking the second I picked up booze."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Laughter ]They're my kids, right?"
Modern Family (2009)
"I'm gonna go shake some trees, see what falls."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Gasps ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"Claire, your old high school nemesis Ashley Walls,"
Modern Family (2009)
"at Pritchett's closets."
Modern Family (2009)
"Sorry, I'd be a lot happier about it"
Modern Family (2009)
"If your dad makes a joke, you will laugh."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Sighing ] Yeah.Honey, the moment has passed."
Modern Family (2009)
"that I'm givingthe commencement address."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Sighs ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Indistinct conversations in distance ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Groans ]"
Modern Family (2009)
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh, God. I'm so sorry --"
Modern Family (2009)
"[ High-pitched ]Did Claire tell youour daughter's a genius?"
Modern Family (2009)
"He is a pillar of the community,"
Modern Family (2009)
"an entrepreneur and closeteer --Mr. Jay Pritchett."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Applause ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Clears throat ]"
Modern Family (2009)
""C" for "courage,""
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Hooting continues ]Pick one, they all said --"
Modern Family (2009)
"That's just a bummer."
Modern Family (2009)
"those Dolphins we lost this year."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Click ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"Protesters hacked intoour sprinkler system."
Modern Family (2009)
"Well, no one can read400 names in five minutes."
Modern Family (2009)
"Nelly Abrishami, Allison Acosta,Frieda Alafary,"
Modern Family (2009)
"the secondgraduation of the day."
Modern Family (2009)
"you stop playing for your dad"
Modern Family (2009)
"just like there was no moon landing."
Modern Family (2009)
"Well, maybe ifyou believed in your sons"
Modern Family (2009)
Modern Family (2009)
"And the watches are like an insurance."
Modern Family (2009)
"But I love you guys so much"
Modern Family (2009)
"It's what you had to do to get by."
Modern Family (2009)
"Thank you, Manny."
Modern Family (2009)
"Alex! Honey, what happened?Are you okay?"
Modern Family (2009)
"I did it![ Cheering ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"Okay, I can tellthat you're very upset,"
Modern Family (2009)
"But if one minute agois the same as zero minutes ago,"
Modern Family (2009)
"than grains of sand on all the world's beaches."
Modern Family (2009)
""I met a man with no feet.""
Modern Family (2009)
"study, get good grades, repeat."
Modern Family (2009)
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh! Oh, oh!"
Modern Family (2009)
Modern Family (2009)
"Phil: Hey! [ Laughs ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"Our kids did that."
Modern Family (2009)
"I guess bribes don'twork."
Modern Family (2009)
"Yay!That calls for a reward."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Screams ]Aah!"
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Goat bleats ]Auctioneer: ...72, 72, $72!"
Modern Family (2009)
"75, 75, 75!Oh, boy."
Modern Family (2009)
"Is it already the first day of livestock auction season again?"
Modern Family (2009)
"It's the same day every year, Mitchell --"
Modern Family (2009)
"a fortnight after the first ripe tomato comes in."
Modern Family (2009)
"And seriously? Thisis what passes for auction- calling these days?"
Modern Family (2009)
"Is it possible you're being a tad harsh?"
Modern Family (2009)
"You know, when you've beenat the top of your field --"
Modern Family (2009)
"Greater Bug CountyAuction-Calling Champ"
Modern Family (2009)
"three years running --"
Modern Family (2009)
"it's hard to see anythingbut the inadequacies."
Modern Family (2009)
"It's why Baryshnikovcouldn't watch others dance."
Modern Family (2009)
"How long have you lived in this house?!"
Modern Family (2009)
"or some damn thing."
Modern Family (2009)
"So, how wasyour trumpet lesson?"
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh, these sessions just have really changed my life."
Modern Family (2009)
"Technically, uh, not a lie."
Modern Family (2009)
"Uh, I started taking trumpet lessons two years ago."
Modern Family (2009)
"But then I noticed the place next door"
Modern Family (2009)
"was offering massages for the same price, so..."
Modern Family (2009)
"you know."
Modern Family (2009)
"solo-parenting Lily."
Modern Family (2009)
"But -- Butwe were both spending time"
Modern Family (2009)
"with an Asian woman who walked all over us."
Modern Family (2009)
"You always smell like lavender"
Modern Family (2009)
"when you come back from that place."
Modern Family (2009)
"Uh, yeah, it's the -- it's the valve oil"
Modern Family (2009)
"for the, um -- you know,"
Modern Family (2009)
"the t--the tooting buttons.Oh."
Modern Family (2009)
"We should probably, uh,hit the road soon."
Modern Family (2009)
"High school graduation'sin an hour. [ Groans ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"It's so humiliating"
Modern Family (2009)
"being the Vice Principal at these things."
Modern Family (2009)
"It's just a ceremonial position"
Modern Family (2009)
"where you have to sit behind Principal Brown,"
Modern Family (2009)
"politely clapping"
Modern Family (2009)
"while hegets to set the course of history."
Modern Family (2009)
"Well, it could be funwith my dad giving"
Modern Family (2009)
"the commencement address,though."
Modern Family (2009)
"I got a peek at his note cards,"
Modern Family (2009)
"and I don't wantto give anything away,"
Modern Family (2009)
"but the young kid who boarded the bus"
Modern Family (2009)
"with the hair full of Brylcreem"
Modern Family (2009)
"and a cardboard suitcasefull of dreams --"
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Cellphone ringing ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh, I have to take this. It's Superintendent Pierce."
Modern Family (2009)
"[ Cellphone beeps ]"
Modern Family (2009)
"Hello, good sir.To what do I owe this honor?"
Modern Family (2009)
"Oh, no."
Modern Family (2009)
"That's horrible."
Modern Family (2009)
"Principal Brown got into a car accident!"
Modern Family (2009)
"W-Which means, as next in the line of succession,"
Modern Family (2009)
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