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Clips from Soul Man (1986)
"♪ everybody knows I'm him ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"Hi. Hi."
Soul Man (1986)
"One, two wait a minute!"
Soul Man (1986)
"Yeah! Yea! Ooh!"
Soul Man (1986)
Soul Man (1986)
"Well, I tell you what. When you get out, have your girl call our girl..."
Soul Man (1986)
"and when the antitrust suits come up, we handle the defense."
Soul Man (1986)
"We make our first mil at 30."
Soul Man (1986)
"Ii kinda wanted to run for senate."
Soul Man (1986)
"You guys mind if I crash here for a few days?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Very hard. You have, dad."
Soul Man (1986)
"Oh, shut up, Dorothy. Son, you've had..."
Soul Man (1986)
"Oh, boy."
Soul Man (1986)
"That thing is manhood."
Soul Man (1986)
"You want to feel good about yourself, don't you, son?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Sure, dad."
Soul Man (1986)
"That's why I've decided to let you pay your own way."
Soul Man (1986)
"Dad! That's"
Soul Man (1986)
"Oh, I think it is. What are you saying, dad?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Seven thousand, five hundred dollars."
Soul Man (1986)
Soul Man (1986)
"Right, here we go. $5,000 to a young man..."
Soul Man (1986)
"okay! Right. Here it is:"
Soul Man (1986)
"The most qualified black applicant, you idiot."
Soul Man (1986)
"Well, I realize my father makes a lot of money, but..."
Soul Man (1986)
"All right. Have you ever applied for a loan before?"
Soul Man (1986)
"I just told you I never applied for a loan before."
Soul Man (1986)
"Oh! I can explain that."
Soul Man (1986)
"Those were just bookkeeping slip-ups."
Soul Man (1986)
"just to see it all slip away like this"
Soul Man (1986)
"so, if I'm hearing you correctly,"
Soul Man (1986)
"what you're saying is..."
Soul Man (1986)
"Yes! Yes."
Soul Man (1986)
"let me try to explain myself to you."
Soul Man (1986)
"You see, I have a son about your age."
Soul Man (1986)
"Much like your own."
Soul Man (1986)
"When he was 18, he wanted college,"
Soul Man (1986)
"I work my ass off to give him everything he wants."
Soul Man (1986)
"You'll bleed us dry until we're nothing but bones,"
Soul Man (1986)
"and when we finally crumble to dust,"
Soul Man (1986)
"Talk to him. Reason with him."
Soul Man (1986)
Soul Man (1986)
"and kiss that man's feet! Why not?"
Soul Man (1986)
"But look, I think I can pull some strings and get you into B.U. At midterm."
Soul Man (1986)
"Why don't you give me a call? I got the money, Brad."
Soul Man (1986)
"Yeah? And what's your way?"
Soul Man (1986)
"It's a secret way."
Soul Man (1986)
"feel free to look me up, huh?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Thanks for the cocktail, Gordon."
Soul Man (1986)
"That asshole thinks I'm lying! Mark, you are lying."
Soul Man (1986)
"Congratulations, Mr. Watson. And good luck at Harvard."
Soul Man (1986)
"Wait up!"
Soul Man (1986)
"So I went over to see Seth at his lab the other day, and he gave me these pills."
Soul Man (1986)
"They're tanning pills. They chemically tan your skin."
Soul Man (1986)
"Mark, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're not tan."
Soul Man (1986)
"You're black. Yeah."
Soul Man (1986)
"Gordo, gordo, gordo. How many people do you think..."
Soul Man (1986)
"About four. And out of that four, how many do you think were black?"
Soul Man (1986)
"You're gonna have to be a black person. No shit."
Soul Man (1986)
"♪ before I could eat ♪ ♪ hey, I was educated ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"Well, this is it!"
Soul Man (1986)
"All right! Home, sweet home."
Soul Man (1986)
"Hang on. Whoop."
Soul Man (1986)
"she never told me that your roommate was, a, uh"
Soul Man (1986)
"thank you for telling me this, Mr. McGrady."
Soul Man (1986)
"I think she likes me."
Soul Man (1986)
"Well, it's your building, Mr. Dunbar."
Soul Man (1986)
"Yeah. Well, there's nothing legally we can do right now."
Soul Man (1986)
Soul Man (1986)
"I think I'm in paradise. I mean, look"
Soul Man (1986)
"What do you call the white guy? I don't know."
Soul Man (1986)
"Look, no offense. Really, just a joke. Hey, no problem."
Soul Man (1986)
"and I'll take the ones without."
Soul Man (1986)
"So, um"
Soul Man (1986)
"Hi. I'm Sarah Walker."
Soul Man (1986)
"Mark Watson. Can I get you anything?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Will you be there? It's a date."
Soul Man (1986)
"No, it's not."
Soul Man (1986)
"I love this woman oh, god, is she beautiful!"
Soul Man (1986)
"You gotta believe me. I believe you."
Soul Man (1986)
"Right. I want to believe you."
Soul Man (1986)
"Here. Miss Walker"
Soul Man (1986)
"here. Mr. Watson"
Soul Man (1986)
"right on."
Soul Man (1986)
"Mr. Wizansky present, sir."
Soul Man (1986)
"Miss Zendel? Here."
Soul Man (1986)
"God, I just love sitting in alphabetical order, don't you?"
Soul Man (1986)
"In the time allotted."
Soul Man (1986)
"That's what he tells his wife when they go to bed."
Soul Man (1986)
"I just couldn't help murmuring my approval of your opening remarks."
Soul Man (1986)
"Try to contain your enthusiasm..."
Soul Man (1986)
"personal problems, anything,"
Soul Man (1986)
"What an ass! What an asshole."
Soul Man (1986)
"Sometimes, even I can hardly believe it. Hey."
Soul Man (1986)
"Hi, there. Hi. Remember me?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Remember you? Are you kidding?"
Soul Man (1986)
"What's your name?"
Soul Man (1986)
"Whitney, what's yours? Hi! Gordon Bloomfeld."
Soul Man (1986)
"Of the Marina Del Rey Bloomfelds."
Soul Man (1986)
"hmm. Come on, Whitney."
Soul Man (1986)
"Mark Watson. Okey dokey, why don't we just take mark on our team..."
Soul Man (1986)
"And you can have, uh Gordon Bloomfeld."
Soul Man (1986)
"Wrote it down this way, and I know the way you hate a messy team list."
Soul Man (1986)
"Look, guys, I'm really not that good or anything."
Soul Man (1986)
"Okay. Fillmore, you can take Matthews."
Soul Man (1986)
"Right. Sorry, Marcus. Okay! Let's go!"
Soul Man (1986)
"♪ don't worry ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"♪ I'm a soul man ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"♪ but I'll make it better each and every day ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"♪ be sure, honey ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"♪ on a side street ♪"
Soul Man (1986)
"Miss Zendel!"
Soul Man (1986)
"I mean, uh"
Soul Man (1986)
"Yes, sir. I believe I can."
Soul Man (1986)
"Can you name the precedent for us? Yes, sir."
Soul Man (1986)
"is Ronald Reagan, sir."
Soul Man (1986)
"But if you're going to take up my class time making jokes,"
Soul Man (1986)
"Miss Walker?"
Soul Man (1986)
"What year, miss Walker?"
Soul Man (1986)
"That was really good in there. I was impressed. Thanks."
Soul Man (1986)
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