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Clips from Emily in Paris (2020) - An American Auction in Paris (S01E01)
"[Emily inhales sharply]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I shipped a box of Champère to my favorite bar in Chicago,"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, and, uh, Judith Robertson"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[chuckles] A new friend, I suppose."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"My name sounds like an airline."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Emily Coop-air. Fly me."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I know that you work for Pierre Cadault."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, of course. I mean, it's gonna be a big to-do."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [glasses clink] - Let's order."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh. It's all in English."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[sighs] What a relief."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- Emily from Savoir, how are you? - I am good, thanks, Mathieu."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[inhales] He's working nonstop with Fashion Week so close."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[upbeat instrumental music plays]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, I've met her. She's not so bad."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- A pleasure. - Ah, thank you. [chuckles]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Emily asked me to meet her here."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- Really? - [Camille] Yeah, he's right."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"The artist told me this piece was, uh,"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Red is blood. The yellow is urine."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"based on ejaculation, and she doesn't know what the white is."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Please tell me everything about his new collection."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"He's a client."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"and he's the heir of Pierre Cadault."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Because he's successful, and he's got his life on track."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Anywhere quiet where we can discuss business is good."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- They're good at getting noticed. - I can see that."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"So, um, how's Pierre's collection coming along?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- You and I are so different. - Oh, is that so?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I didn't get on a plane until I was 12"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Okay, so, the American Friends of the Louvre"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, all right."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- All right. - Okay, well, I should be heading home."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[Emily chuckles]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"We were just meeting at the gallery to discuss Pierre."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"It's gonna be a big event."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [door closes] - What was that about?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Ah, give it to me."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"No. No! No."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[chuckles softly]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"We have a lot of Louvre lovers here."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, Sylvie, this is Judith Robertson."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Enchantée, Judith."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Thank you so much for lending us this one."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, well, you can have her for your permanent collection."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Why are there exterminators here?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"No, they're not exterminators. They're a designer duo called Grey Space."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"but, honey, this look takes the cake!"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Well, we do our marketing in-house."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[gasps] Oh, damn, we have a problem."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"and her oil-billionaire husband promised he'd bid on it."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, merde."
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"We need someone to wear Pierre's dress for the auction."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[tense music plays]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [Judith gasps] - [Emily chuckles]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[auctioneer] And now we're going to sell a private tour of Château Margaux."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"And I'll begin with 5,000 euros."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"We are going to sell a dress"
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, honey, Amanda Carrouth could have never squeezed into that dress."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [crowd gasps] - [auctioneer] 10,000."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, I trust you."
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[crowd cheering]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"What have they done to my dress?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[crowd murmuring]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[crowd groaning]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [cell phone chiming repeatedly] - [Emily sighs deeply]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I went to the market earlier this morning, and I always grab a paper."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Of course. I, um…"
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Nothing I've read has been negative towards Pierre."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Oh, 'cause you think being referred to as "old" is positive?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Well, there is a way to spin this."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[excited chatter]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[Emily] Hey, guys."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"We'd hoped you'd see that as performance art."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- ["Atrocities" playing] - ♪ God visits ♪"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [on stereo] ♪ To survey… ♪ - [splats]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[knocking on door]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"How are you? Come in. Sit."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [splatting continues] - [Pierre] Try it."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Um, but… but what I think might actually help us"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- Voilà! - Why is my logo on that piece of shit?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Grey Space wants to do a sweatshirt with your logo on it."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"They wanna take Pierre Cadault into the world of streetwear."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Who is everyone? I don't even understand this."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"The idea that who we are is constantly evolving."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Fashion is not about a concept."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I find myself at my darkest hour."
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[splatting continues]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[sighs] I think I made it worse."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Do you know what the French do when things are at their darkest?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"♪ 'Cause I know that never can stop… ♪"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I'm not sure I'm that French."
Emily in Paris (2020)
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[announcer] The Cubs have done it!"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"[patrons cheering]"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [announcer continues indistinctly] - [chanting] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- So that's your plan for her champagne? - [Emily] Yep."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"and people went bananas."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Like apes."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"We market Champère as a spray."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Champagne showers don't just have to be for pro athletes after a big win."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"They can be for everyone. We're making extravagance accessible."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"And very American,"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"to be so wasteful."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Actually, the tradition began in France"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"with Formula 1 drivers in the '60s."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"But now we use it to make bikinis wet."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Well, thank you, Luc."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"- [mouthing] - So when do we meet these clients?"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"Well, Camille invited us to an art opening"
Emily in Paris (2020)
"at her gallery in the Marais tonight, and there will be lots of champagne."
Emily in Paris (2020)
"I'll wear a raincoat."
Emily in Paris (2020)
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