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Clips from 45 Years (2015)
"(click of slide changing)"
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"Come on, Max."
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"- How are you both coping? - It's a hell of a lot of work."
45 Years (2015)
"- Good luck. - Thank you."
45 Years (2015)
"- The what? - The Platters song."
45 Years (2015)
"♪ Asked me how I knew ♪"
45 Years (2015)
"♪ My true love was true ♪"
45 Years (2015)
"Yes, I know, but who from?"
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"Cos, I-l remember telling you, clear as day."
45 Years (2015)
"Well, Danish, actually."
45 Years (2015)
"L-I don't know where to look."
45 Years (2015)
"Way down, I'm sure, but the water is very pure up there."
45 Years (2015)
"It must be, so they can see her."
45 Years (2015)
"So, how do they know it's her?"
45 Years (2015)
"Well, I don't know, but you can imagine."
45 Years (2015)
"(scoffs) All the way to Switzerland?"
45 Years (2015)
"There are flights from Stansted."
45 Years (2015)
"- Plus we've got the party on Saturday. - I wasn't thinking of going now."
45 Years (2015)
"I don't like the idea of you climbing a big bloody mountain."
45 Years (2015)
"- Don't you have to go into town? - Oh, I can rearrange."
45 Years (2015)
"But I'm fine."
45 Years (2015)
"Yes, well, it's your choice, of course."
45 Years (2015)
"That's an unusual one to celebrate."
45 Years (2015)
"Did you know that the Trafalgar Ball was held here?"
45 Years (2015)
"Yes, your assistant told me."
45 Years (2015)
"Everyone here, dressed in their finest, celebrating such an achievement."
45 Years (2015)
"Wasn't Nelson killed?"
45 Years (2015)
"We had a table at our wedding, a top table, but we didn't like it at all."
45 Years (2015)
"You have reached Geoff and Kate. Please leave a message."
45 Years (2015)
"What have you done to your finger?"
45 Years (2015)
"- Tried calling earlier on. - Did you leave a message?"
45 Years (2015)
"No, I just wanted to check you were all right."
45 Years (2015)
"But y-you're right."
45 Years (2015)
"I hardly go walking any more."
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"OK. Go on."
45 Years (2015)
"Mm. Sandra Wilkins."
45 Years (2015)
"minding me own business and getting some air."
45 Years (2015)
"I believe you."
45 Years (2015)
"(broadcast in background)"
45 Years (2015)
"Is it all right?"
45 Years (2015)
"- There's something I want to tell you. - OK."
45 Years (2015)
"You know, I-l feel sure I've told you before,"
45 Years (2015)
"- Who did? - The authorities. People."
45 Years (2015)
"We-We told them we were."
45 Years (2015)
"You weren't, though?"
45 Years (2015)
"Oh, no, no, no. No, h-hell, no."
45 Years (2015)
"You're not lying to me?"
45 Years (2015)
"No. Kate, she wore a ring on her finger."
45 Years (2015)
"the sort of thing you tell"
45 Years (2015)
"Yeah, really, I am."
45 Years (2015)
"- A guide? - Yeah, wasn't really a guide."
45 Years (2015)
"Well, they did have, er...the language."
45 Years (2015)
"and the glacier was on the right, below us."
45 Years (2015)
"They were out of sight, round the corner,"
45 Years (2015)
"and the last sound but one that I heard was her laughter."
45 Years (2015)
"And, Christ, did it annoy me."
45 Years (2015)
"Sort of outpouring of air from her lungs, from the shock, I suppose."
45 Years (2015)
"- Yeah, I do. - Yeah. Well, it was like that one."
45 Years (2015)
"And Kerouac was just standing there."
45 Years (2015)
"- Sorry? - Did she have blonde hair?"
45 Years (2015)
"I mean, not now."
45 Years (2015)
"She was two years older than me, and that was '62."
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"- I don't know why that's funny but it is. - Funny?"
45 Years (2015)
"- Never. - No. Never have."
45 Years (2015)
"Shall I turn off the light?"
45 Years (2015)
"(barking continues)"
45 Years (2015)
"- I don't see why not. - I might pop in there if there's time."
45 Years (2015)
"- Did you get the thing? - What thing?"
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"Put your book away."
45 Years (2015)
"I'm not. I'm just taking an evening course, just for the fun of it."
45 Years (2015)
"We shall see, won't we? But you should concentrate on it."
45 Years (2015)
"It's not just George Formby, which is good because, as you know, I always hated him."
45 Years (2015)
"The Internet is absolutely brilliant."
45 Years (2015)
"I don't think...l don't think Geoff wanted to go to the pub."
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"I was that close to divorcing him."
45 Years (2015)
"I bet he cried at your wedding."
45 Years (2015)
"What did you think of Sally's photos?"
45 Years (2015)
"Oh, sure. Yeah. Mm."
45 Years (2015)
"Would have been a bit vain."
45 Years (2015)
"stopped anyone having any fun."
45 Years (2015)
"What would you want photos of?"
45 Years (2015)
"Tessa before him."
45 Years (2015)
"It was."
45 Years (2015)
"Yeah, it was my first home since leaving home,"
45 Years (2015)
"I suppose we don't realise at the time"
45 Years (2015)
"I'd want a picture of you at the Leeds Mecca."
45 Years (2015)
"I wasn't even 20, and you were so cool, with your cigarette hanging in your mouth."
45 Years (2015)
"We ain't 20 any more."
45 Years (2015)
"Come on with ya."
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"(both breathe heavily)"
45 Years (2015)
"Open your eyes."
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"Oh, bugger."
45 Years (2015)
"OK, OK, OK."
45 Years (2015)
"- Geoff, it's OK, it's OK. - (sighs)"
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
"(wind whistles)"
45 Years (2015)
"- Geoff? - I'm OK, Kate."
45 Years (2015)
"I'm OK."
45 Years (2015)
"(Geoff sighs)"
45 Years (2015)
"I know this girl. She's very subtle."
45 Years (2015)
"You wouldn't have to worry about looking like a hooker."
45 Years (2015)
"I'm fine."
45 Years (2015)
"He was acting like he used to."
45 Years (2015)
"Like that time he kept accusing me of being a fascist"
45 Years (2015)
"Very upsetting."
45 Years (2015)
"(both laugh)"
45 Years (2015)
"At Crawley's?"
45 Years (2015)
"Don't think so."
45 Years (2015)
"for all of you to enjoy."
45 Years (2015)
"or chosen to dig in another part of the country."
45 Years (2015)
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