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Clips from Grey's Anatomy - You Haven't Done Nothin' (S13E13)
"Surgeons fight."
Grey's Anatomy
"I didn't bring it up. He did."
Grey's Anatomy
"Well, what? It's the truth."
Grey's Anatomy
"I said we're not talking about it."
Grey's Anatomy
"We fight against death. It's our thing."
Grey's Anatomy
"Well, on the plus side, it's your last day in the clinic."
Grey's Anatomy
"Clinic wasn't so bad."
Grey's Anatomy
"What did I just say?"
Grey's Anatomy
"We're drinking tonight, right?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Not about this."
Grey's Anatomy
"Mer, the trial's tomorrow."
Grey's Anatomy
"It could be our last chance for like 8, 10 years."
Grey's Anatomy
"But eventually, if history is any indicator,"
Grey's Anatomy
"death is gonna win."
Grey's Anatomy
"Or you could win, and we could drink tomorrow night."
Grey's Anatomy
"Yeah. Right."
Grey's Anatomy
"- There's a chance. - Yeah. Slim to none."
Grey's Anatomy
"We may win the battle, but we're never gonna win the war."
Grey's Anatomy
"What about a plea?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Didn't they offer you a plea for like two years?"
Grey's Anatomy
"I turned it down. Maybe I shouldn't have turned it down."
Grey's Anatomy
"Two years is still a long time. Zero years is the goal."
Grey's Anatomy
"So the trick is to go down fighting,"
Grey's Anatomy
"to fight for the right cause, for the right person."
Grey's Anatomy
"We're drinking tonight. It's my last day on Earth."
Grey's Anatomy
"Stop! Stop talking about drinking!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Stop talking about last days on Earth!"
Grey's Anatomy
"The world is not coming to an end."
Grey's Anatomy
"And if you go down, you all go down together."
Grey's Anatomy
"Oh, we're drinking tonight."
Grey's Anatomy
"We are the eye of the storm on this, people."
Grey's Anatomy
"Everything and everyone is coming our way."
Grey's Anatomy
"Code Yellow has been declared."
Grey's Anatomy
"Disaster protocol is in effect until you hear otherwise."
Grey's Anatomy
"I'm recalling all surgical staff."
Grey's Anatomy
"Already recalled my nurses. I've got the E.R. covered."
Grey's Anatomy
"Klein's manning the O.R. floor."
Grey's Anatomy
"Who do you have up there on..."
Grey's Anatomy
"Doctors Grey, Shepherd, Baker, and Lowes"
Grey's Anatomy
"are on nonstop cut-and-paste in O.R.s 1 through 4."
Grey's Anatomy
"Okay. I got one from the supply room."
Grey's Anatomy
"Also, why do we keep these, anyways?"
Grey's Anatomy
"I mean, who needs an instant photo anymore?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Because an apartment building"
Grey's Anatomy
"collapsed in the middle of Seattle."
Grey's Anatomy
"Look, right now we're getting the victims, the survivors."
Grey's Anatomy
"Then in about 20 minutes, we're gonna start getting"
Grey's Anatomy
"the people who love the victims..."
Grey's Anatomy
"their moms and husbands and girlfriends"
Grey's Anatomy
"and grandmas and friends and children"
Grey's Anatomy
"and wives with babies in their arms."
Grey's Anatomy
"This waiting room is going to fill up with hopeful people"
Grey's Anatomy
"wanting to know where their loved ones are."
Grey's Anatomy
"Now, some of their loved ones are here,"
Grey's Anatomy
"but most of their loved ones are buried"
Grey's Anatomy
"under the rubble of that collapsed building."
Grey's Anatomy
"And the only way to know for sure,"
Grey's Anatomy
"the only way they can identify"
Grey's Anatomy
"who made it to this hospital and who didn't..."
Grey's Anatomy
"This photo is a golden ticket."
Grey's Anatomy
"I want a photo of every single patient"
Grey's Anatomy
"on this board in the next hour."
Grey's Anatomy
"- Got it? - Got it."
Grey's Anatomy
"Dr. Minnick. I have surgical privileges."
Grey's Anatomy
"Dr. Minnick! Well, I didn't expect you until, uh, Monday."
Grey's Anatomy
"I was unpacking, and I saw it on the news."
Grey's Anatomy
"They said the injured were coming here,"
Grey's Anatomy
"and I thought, "Hey. I work here. I should help.""
Grey's Anatomy
"Yeah. Appreciate that. I better get into some scrubs."
Grey's Anatomy
"Hey, jump in, and then when this calms down,"
Grey's Anatomy
"- maybe we can grab a cup of coffee. - I'd love to."
Grey's Anatomy
"Be a chance to get you up to speed before I start."
Grey's Anatomy
"I will find you."
Grey's Anatomy
"Get me up to speed?"
Grey's Anatomy
"We have two incoming! Dr. Webber, you're up!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Hey! You got to clear the driveway!"
Grey's Anatomy
"My kid's hurt! My kid's hurt!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Someone help, please!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Someone help, please!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Sir. Sir. You need to move your car now."
Grey's Anatomy
"My kid's hurt real bad! Please!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Please help my baby, please."
Grey's Anatomy
"Okay. Don't move her. Don't move her."
Grey's Anatomy
"Get me a gurney out here now!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Whose patient is this?!"
Grey's Anatomy
"I've got O-neg!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Another round of epi!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Ma'am, squeeze my fingers. I'm gonna need you to squeeze my fingers."
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"- I got to go home. I-I need to go home. - No, you need to..."
Grey's Anatomy
"- My wife. My wife. - You need to lie down, sir."
Grey's Anatomy
"Lie down, sir."
Grey's Anatomy
"I need a priest. I'm dying."
Grey's Anatomy
"Uh, sir, no, we..."
Grey's Anatomy
"A priest, a pastor, anybody."
Grey's Anatomy
"I-I need to talk to God."
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"Great. I could use an extra hand."
Grey's Anatomy
"Can you put these chart numbers on the photos as I take them?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Did you know about this?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Know about what? The... The photos?"
Grey's Anatomy
"No. Bailey gave me this huge lecture."
Grey's Anatomy
"No, no. The trial. They want me to testify."
Grey's Anatomy
"They're calling me to the stand tomorrow."
Grey's Anatomy
"What? But they said you didn't have to."
Grey's Anatomy
"They said you were drinking. Y-You're not reliable."
Grey's Anatomy
"Well, someone's calling me to the stand."
Grey's Anatomy
"Did you... Did you tell them? Did you tell them about..."
Grey's Anatomy
"Jo, hey, hey, I wouldn't do that, okay?"
Grey's Anatomy
"- Here. - Well, they must know."
Grey's Anatomy
"Somehow they... they... they started Googling,"
Grey's Anatomy
"and they figured out that I changed my name"
Grey's Anatomy
"and that there's a point where Jo Wilson just isn't a person."
Grey's Anatomy
"They might not know anything."
Grey's Anatomy
"What if they ask?"
Grey's Anatomy
"If they ask, then I have to answer."
Grey's Anatomy
"Well, you don't have to."
Grey's Anatomy
"It's court."
Grey's Anatomy
"Excuse me."
Grey's Anatomy
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