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Clips from Central Park - Rival Busker (S01E01)
"Thanks. Thank you. Oof, that's a big bill."
Central Park
"Hey there. I'm your new narrator."
Central Park
"Wanna hear a story about a park? Hey, hey, shush. Don't be scared."
Central Park
"You're with a pro now. You're with the best."
Central Park
"A guy with know-how. A guy who's, well, dressed."
Central Park
"I know it's hard to comprehend the level of quality you're seeing,"
Central Park
"but I can make this very simple for you."
Central Park
"You deserve to be in"
Central Park
"First-class hands"
Central Park
"That's right, I said First-class hands"
Central Park
"You've been distracted by a dude Who's been uprooting the whole plot"
Central Park
"I'm not trying to be rude But there's no way in hell he's got"
Central Park
"A pair of first-class hands"
Central Park
"Don't you wanna be in First-class hands?"
Central Park
"See, the last guy Sort of missed the mark"
Central Park
"It's why I'm here to take you Through Central Park"
Central Park
"In first-class hands"
Central Park
"Hi, excuse me. What are you doing here, Griffin?"
Central Park
"Hey, buddy. Yeah, so you got fired."
Central Park
"Fired? Why?"
Central Park
"-You know why. -No, I don't."
Central Park
"Somebody spilled the beans."
Central Park
"The "Bitsy Brandenham was secretly funding"
Central Park
"Mayor Whitney Whitebottom's campaign" beans."
Central Park
"I don't even like beans."
Central Park
"It's Bitsy! It's Bitsy Brandenham! Oh, no."
Central Park
"So, yeah."
Central Park
"Those beans."
Central Park
"You messed up. We're narrators, not guardian angels."
Central Park
"Can't we be both? Like, narrators with benefits?"
Central Park
"Help out around the farm, so to speak."
Central Park
"I mean, I guess you could nudge, you could guide them a tiny bit,"
Central Park
"but you can't blurt out spoilers or change the course of everything."
Central Park
"I have two words for you."
Central Park
"-I'm leaving? -Free will."
Central Park
"Can I guess again? I was gonna say free will."
Central Park
"Birdie, Birdie, you dirty little thing"
Central Park
"You could've stayed, you could've made"
Central Park
"-Your little ukulele sing -It's a fiddle."
Central Park
"But you just had to blow it Had to interfere"
Central Park
"And the next thing you know It's over and I'm here"
Central Park
"But, Griffin, if in fact I got involved,"
Central Park
"don't you think my selfless act just might have solved it?"
Central Park
"They gotta make their own decisions We just get to watch"
Central Park
"There's no room for new revisions Unless you wanna botch it"
Central Park
"-They need first-class-- -Okay, constructive criticism."
Central Park
"Yeah, I can take a note. I got it now."
Central Park
Central Park
"-Hands -Listen:"
Central Park
"From now on, I'll give them"
Central Park
"-First-class hands -No, Birdie-- Birdie, listen to me. No."
Central Park
"You've all been shackled to a chaperone Who needs to take a hike"
Central Park
"I could end this cute toe-tapper"
Central Park
"Only, wait Who doesn't like when I sing?"
Central Park
"-First-class hands -I get it now"
Central Park
"-I'll give them first-class hands -A professional who understands"
Central Park
"Just sit back, enjoy the music"
Central Park
"I've played with Three different Coachella bands"
Central Park
"That is impressive."
Central Park
"With these first Class chorus and verse"
Central Park
"Class, so well-rehearsed Class, once met Fred Durst"
Central Park
Central Park
"Really, Durst? When was that?"
Central Park
"It was years ago. It was at a Barnes & Noble."
Central Park
"Why have the worst When you can have first-class"
Central Park
"First-class hands?"
Central Park
"So, you should go."
Central Park
"Right, like motivational. Like, "Go, girl.""
Central Park
"Thank you. Here I go."
Central Park
"Owen and the family are..."
Central Park
"And now to-- Over here."
Central Park
"I'm sorry. I need to just turn away from you and take us over to Owen,"
Central Park
"-who is trying to get his family -Trying to get his family"
Central Park
"-excited about an owl camera. -excited about an owl camera. Damn it!"
Central Park
"So, yeah, the Natural History Museum is setting up a camera"
Central Park
"to livestream the owl nest in that tree, right there."
Central Park
"Isn't that incredible?"
Central Park
"So, when you were like, "Hey, guys. Wanna see something really cool?""
Central Park
"this is what you meant?"
Central Park
"And I was so right, right?"
Central Park
"Wasn't I kinda right, kids?"
Central Park
"No. Sorry, I said that out loud. I mean, yes."
Central Park
"Molly, it's an owl's nest. They are the Beyoncé of birds,"
Central Park
"if Beyoncé could turn her head all the way around."
Central Park
"So, when's it gonna go live, Dad?"
Central Park
"Tonight at 5:00. It's gonna be like a reality show about owl roommates."
Central Park
"Should be called "Owl in the Family.""
Central Park
"Or maybe "The Owl Couple.""
Central Park
""Real Owl's Wives of New York"?"
Central Park
"No? You guys are so cliquish."
Central Park
"Bitsy, you have a phone call."
Central Park
"I'm mid bubble beard. Let it go to voice mail."
Central Park
"It's Dmitry."
Central Park
"What? Don't let it go to voice mail, dummy. Answer it."
Central Park
"Hello? One minute."
Central Park
"Put it on speaker. Put it on speaker!"
Central Park
"Dmitry, how are you?"
Central Park
"Are you finally ready to invest in my plan to buy Central Park?"
Central Park
"I've been thinking about it, but it's kind of on the back burner."
Central Park
"On the front burner"
Central Park
"is the hotel where my daughter is supposed to have her wedding tonight."
Central Park
"Because it's burning. It's on fire."
Central Park
"It's kind of our fault. The wedding theme was fire."
Central Park
"I have a proposal for you:"
Central Park
"The Brandenham Hotel hosts my daughter's wedding."
Central Park
"Fine, fine."
Central Park
"We're booked six months out, but I can make it four for you."
Central Park
"How about four hours? I need it tonight."
Central Park
"-Tonight? -It has to be tonight."
Central Park
"We've got 300 guests in town, and my hair looks amazing."
Central Park
"Put him on mute. I'm gonna make him think we're fully booked tonight"
Central Park
"so I can leverage the hell out of this."
Central Park
"-Sorry, I didn't mute it yet. -Damn it, Helen!"
Central Park
"-Muting now. -What did you--"
Central Park
"Well, now you can take it off. It doesn't matter anymore."
Central Park
"Dmitry, we have a secret ballroom on the tenth floor."
Central Park
"You can use that."
Central Park
"-You want me to take it off mute? -Oh, my God. Yes."
Central Park
"-Dmitry? -Yes?"
Central Park
"We can do it, but you and I are gonna talk business tonight."
Central Park
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