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Clips from Station 19 (2018) - Out of Control (S04E04)
"♪ I'm back, hey ♪"
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Siren wailing ]♪ And it feels good"
Station 19 (2018)
"♪ Oh, yeah"
Station 19 (2018)
"♪ I'm back, hey"
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Backup signal beeping ]♪ And it feels good"
Station 19 (2018)
"♪ Yeah"
Station 19 (2018)
"♪ I gotthe whole world spinnin' ♪"
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"All: 19!"
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Cellphone rings ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Hey, baby."
Station 19 (2018)
"Now, I know firefighting'snot a competition,"
Station 19 (2018)
"but we hadthe wet stuff on the red stuff"
Station 19 (2018)
"five minutes before 23even hooked up to a hydrant."
Station 19 (2018)
"23 -- were they even there?I don't remember seeing them."
Station 19 (2018)
"Sure, you do. They were the oneswith the clean turnouts."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"Yeah, they never even made itoff their engine."
Station 19 (2018)
"It's not a competition."
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Whistle blows ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Oh, God,the whistle's back."
Station 19 (2018)
"-Come on.-Why?"
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Whistle blows ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Okay, guys, listen up!"
Station 19 (2018)
"This team's response timeand cohesion"
Station 19 (2018)
"is notwhat it needs to be."
Station 19 (2018)
"Stay in your turnouts."
Station 19 (2018)
"We will be doing drillsfor the next three hours."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"-What?-Come on!"
Station 19 (2018)
"Okay. Captain Bishop'sgot jokes now."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"We can't go to the bar,like we usually do"
Station 19 (2018)
"after three alarms,so our place this afternoon."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"All: 19!"
Station 19 (2018)
"-We love it!-Whoo!"
Station 19 (2018)
"-Settle down.-Nice!"
Station 19 (2018)
"Warren, you okay?"
Station 19 (2018)
"Uh, yeah."
Station 19 (2018)
"My mother-in-law --she, um..."
Station 19 (2018)
"she's gone."
Station 19 (2018)
"Oh, no. I'm so sorry."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"She, um -- I just dropped herat Grey-Sloan yesterday."
Station 19 (2018)
"I...thoughtshe had more time."
Station 19 (2018)
"Is there anythingI can do?"
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Sighs ]I-I got to get home."
Station 19 (2018)
"Um, Miranda wants meto tell the kids. Um..."
Station 19 (2018)
"Okay, go."
Station 19 (2018)
"Yeah, I will. I just needto stow my turnouts --"
Station 19 (2018)
"Warren, it's covered."
Station 19 (2018)
"Whatever it is,it's covered. Go."
Station 19 (2018)
"Thanks, Cap."
Station 19 (2018)
"Hey. You guysgonna come over?"
Station 19 (2018)
"Yeah, I got to swing bymy parents' restaurant first,"
Station 19 (2018)
"but I'll bring the pierogi."
Station 19 (2018)
"Oh, good. What's day drinkingwithout the pierogi?!"
Station 19 (2018)
"I'm not coming unlessthere's a lot of sour cream."
Station 19 (2018)
"Whatever.You're gonna be there."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"Yeah, I'll --I'll be late, though."
Station 19 (2018)
"Uh, I got to help Marcuswith his online classes."
Station 19 (2018)
"You mean you got to gosee your girlfriend, Inara."
Station 19 (2018)
"I told you, just --just friends, so..."
Station 19 (2018)
"Oh, right. Friends,like the ones you sleep with,"
Station 19 (2018)
"live with,and raise a child with?"
Station 19 (2018)
"That kind of friend?-Whoa-ho!"
Station 19 (2018)
"Okay, now, one,I sleep on the couch."
Station 19 (2018)
"Two, I'm not raisingany children, because,"
Station 19 (2018)
"like, you know,I'm more like his, uh --"
Station 19 (2018)
"-Step-daddy?-[ Laughs ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Inara and I are just friends.Why is that so hard to believe?"
Station 19 (2018)
"Well, I don't know.Have you met you?"
Station 19 (2018)
"-Jack, I believe you.-Thank you."
Station 19 (2018)
"I believe that youbelieveyou're just friends."
Station 19 (2018)
"Ooh! Hey-oh!"
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"All: 19!"
Station 19 (2018)
"Rosalind: [ Laughs ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Tuck:No, no, no, no, no!"
Station 19 (2018)
"Come on!-That's three straight for me!"
Station 19 (2018)
"You've been practicingon the sly or something."
Station 19 (2018)
"What?![ Clicks tongue ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Here. Hey, rematch.I want my rematch."
Station 19 (2018)
"Yeah, okay.I'll make it four in a row."
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Keys jingle ][ Laughs ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Benjamin Warren.What do we owe the pleasure?"
Station 19 (2018)
"I, um..."
Station 19 (2018)
"I missed you guys."
Station 19 (2018)
"You know, I got testedyesterday. I'm COVID-free."
Station 19 (2018)
"-Hey, Ben!-Okay! COVID-free!"
Station 19 (2018)
"We need you to help us beat Rozbefore her head gets too big."
Station 19 (2018)
"Uh-huh. This is ridiculous.Look at this.Honestly, like --"
Station 19 (2018)
"-Come on, now.-Let's go."
Station 19 (2018)
"Hey, get her, get her!"
Station 19 (2018)
"Oh, yeah, she can't handle you.She can't handle you."
Station 19 (2018)
"Can you pause the gamefor a minute?"
Station 19 (2018)
"Actually,just -- just turn it off."
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"...what's wrong?"
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Sighs ]"
Station 19 (2018)
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Exhales shakily ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Mmm!This is really good.Yeah."
Station 19 (2018)
"If you want to findthe best coffee in any city,"
Station 19 (2018)
"you aska recovering alcoholic."
Station 19 (2018)
"That's a joke, Robert."
Station 19 (2018)
"[ Laughs ]"
Station 19 (2018)
"Uh, I'm sorry."
Station 19 (2018)
"I've, uh,been in a mood lately."
Station 19 (2018)
"Yeah. Roll up,tell me what's going on."
Station 19 (2018)
"Just this 90-day separationfrom my wife"
Station 19 (2018)
"is --is wrecking me."
Station 19 (2018)
"But Dr. Shepherdsaid it's necessary, so..."
Station 19 (2018)
"Well, did she sayit was necessary"
Station 19 (2018)
"or did she suggestthat it might help you"
Station 19 (2018)
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