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Clips from The Terminal List - Detachment (S01E01)
"[♪ Mississippi Twilight: "Trigger"]"
The Terminal List
"♪ I can see the rising sun ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ The devil's still on the run ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ All the pretty things burn out ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Heart is beating in my head ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Feeling numb with every breath ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Smoke and fire all around ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Finger on the trigger, finger on the trigger ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Over, and we all fall down ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Finger on the trigger, finger on the trigger ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ I see time is running out ♪♪"
The Terminal List
"[birds singing]"
The Terminal List
"- I found one. - What you got?"
The Terminal List
"It's a buck."
The Terminal List
"How can you tell?"
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"Very good."
The Terminal List
"All right, so we know where they drink."
The Terminal List
"See a game trail?"
The Terminal List
"- Mm-hmm. - Let's follow it."
The Terminal List
"See, now we're getting a pattern going."
The Terminal List
"You know where they drink,"
The Terminal List
"then you know where they eat, you know where they sleep."
The Terminal List
"Now we know the road that they're gonna take,"
The Terminal List
"so we just find the high ground."
The Terminal List
"Then we wait 'em out."
The Terminal List
"All right, keep marching."
The Terminal List
"There you go. Make your way."
The Terminal List
"- [grunts] My little gazelle. - [laughs]"
The Terminal List
"[birds singing]"
The Terminal List
"Come on."
The Terminal List
"We can rest at the top, squirt."
The Terminal List
"[breathing heavily]"
The Terminal List
"[Lucy] Daddy?"
The Terminal List
"I love you."
The Terminal List
"♪ ♪"
The Terminal List
"[alarm beeping]"
The Terminal List
"[beeping stops]"
The Terminal List
"[♪ Bob Dylan: "Masters of War"]"
The Terminal List
"♪ Come, you masters of war ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ You that build the big guns ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ You that build the death planes ♪"
The Terminal List
"- ♪ You that build all the bombs ♪ - [shutter sound effect]"
The Terminal List
"♪ You that hide behind walls ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ You that hide behind desks ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ I just want you to know I can see through your masks ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ You've thrown the worst fear ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ That can ever be hurled ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Fear to bring children ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Into the world ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Unborn and unnamed ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ You ain't worth the blood that runs in your veins ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ And I hope that you die ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ And your death will come soon ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ And I'll watch while you're lowered ♪"
The Terminal List
"[tires screeching]"
The Terminal List
"♪ Down to your deathbed ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ And I'll stand over your grave ♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ Till I'm sure that you're dead ♪♪"
The Terminal List
"♪ ♪"
The Terminal List
"[grunting softly]"
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"Encrypted phone."
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"What are you hiding, Marcus?"
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"[phone trills]"
The Terminal List
"[Lucy speaks indistinctly]"
The Terminal List
"[Reece] You know where they eat?"
The Terminal List
"[Lucy] Yeah."
The Terminal List
"[Reece] We know where they sleep."
The Terminal List
"Now we know the road they're gonna take,"
The Terminal List
"so we find the high ground, then we wait 'em out."
The Terminal List
"If you're precise in your tracking"
The Terminal List
"and you know what to look for..."
The Terminal List
"...no buck will be able to hide from you."
The Terminal List
"♪ ♪"
The Terminal List
"[commentator speaking indistinctly on phone]"
The Terminal List
"Come on, fuckers."
The Terminal List
"- [car door opens] - We need a stop. We need one stop."
The Terminal List
"Yes. Yes."
The Terminal List
"Yes. Oh, my God!"
The Terminal List
"Oh, my God! Get it, get it!"
The Terminal List
"[whoops] Oh, yeah!"
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"Damn right! Yes!"
The Terminal List
"Roll Tide."
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"- [grunts] - You missed a good one."
The Terminal List
"- Oh. - Hi."
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"You ready for Mexico?"
The Terminal List
"Yeah. Listen. [sighs]"
The Terminal List
"The level of shit that's about to hit the fan,"
The Terminal List
"even I couldn't tell you."
The Terminal List
"After you drop me, you should bail."
The Terminal List
"What, so you can bogart Marco's entire mescal collection?"
The Terminal List
"Hell no."
The Terminal List
"I'm serious."
The Terminal List
"It's gonna get bad."
The Terminal List
"Lucy was my goddaughter, Reece."
The Terminal List
"There's, uh, no depth of shit,"
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"that I won't wade through to make those motherfuckers pay."
The Terminal List
"Welcome to Riley Air."
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"[line ringing]"
The Terminal List
"[engines powering up]"
The Terminal List
"[Ben] Did you bag that buck in Wyoming?"
The Terminal List
The Terminal List
"Fucking guy posted his whole life online."
The Terminal List
"You find anything worthwhile?"
The Terminal List
"Just sent you a Secret Santa gift."
The Terminal List
"Next lump of coal?"
The Terminal List
"Well, you tell me. I'll be in the air."
The Terminal List
"I'll have something by the time you land."
The Terminal List
"Happy trails."
The Terminal List
"[inhales sharply]"
The Terminal List
"You ready?"
The Terminal List
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