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Clips from Jessica Jones (2015) - AKA God Help the Hobo (S02E02)
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Jessica Jones (2015)
"And everyone's just a little more pissed off than usual."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[man] Don't wanna be a fly around her."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"As I was saying..."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Her voice."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Until she tried to kill herself."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Thanks for sharing. Could you sign my court card?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Try it, Jessica."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Gary sighs]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I'd take it out on my brother."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Fireworks are the worst."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"My stepmom kept calling me a violent delinquent,"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"so I proved her right."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Nothing will shock us here. We're all the same."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I doubt that."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Has it affected your work?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Filled you with shame? Afraid you're not in control of your life?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"My whole family was killed in a car accident."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I was abducted,"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"She's out killing people and I'm in here bouncing a goddamn ball!"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[all gasp]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Calm down, big boy. -What?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I almost beat the shit out of my support group today. So take a breath."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Still angry."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[muffled arguing]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Oscar] All right. Everything is my fault!"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"If you could goddamn hear it."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Well, I'm mad at you for dumping a boatload of crap in my lap."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Uh... Patsy? Wore one every day of my life as a kid."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"We're closed!"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[sighs] Listen, I have to go and clean up the mess you made,"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"What do you want, kid?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Are you bulletproof? -All right. Cut it out, kid."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Sonia] Where the hell are you?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-[Oscar] Vido! -He's down here!"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Vido gasps]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Jessica grunting]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"This is exactly the shit I was talking about, pendejo!"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"What the hell's wrong with you?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Oscar speaks Spanish]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-You guys getting married? -Is somebody pregnant?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-That's it, guys. -Go chase some alternative facts, yeah?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Well, it comes with the Patsy package."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Babe, she totally cocked us up."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I get it, and I talked to her about it, okay?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Let me talk to the guys at ZCN, see if I can't get you over there."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Damn. That's why I love you."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[sighs heavily]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Pryce, you shouldn't have wasted a trip. The decision has been made."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I don't, so I'm hiring a new firm to take on my case."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Let it go."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Look. You're afraid. Me, too."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I don't need you selling it again, just so you can bench me."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"She could be in there."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Wow. It hasn't changed in 17 years."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[door opens]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"She comes in alone. No name and pays cash. Poor dear."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Why poor dear? -She lost all her hair. Chemo, I imagine."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Cancer and drag queens are half my business these days."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"If they found her through Metro-General,"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"So we need more than just your hospital records. Shit."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"There's something I have to show you."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"with what happened between us."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I was a child. You were 40."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I was 15 and my mother pimped me out for the lead in your crappy movie."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Trish] And you knew I'd do anything."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Get off of my set before I have to call security."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"You gave Max 48 hours. It's already been three days."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"And I was in a Max Tatum movie when I was your age."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"PI by day, carpenter by night?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"But at my shop, "altruism" isn't a bad word."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"What is your game?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[woman groans]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"You. You did this."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Is he talking about Malcolm? -Must've been."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Now remember them for when you call Metro-General"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"and demand every file they have on IGH."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I'm angry. And I'm not sure there's anything I won't do anymore."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[Max grunts]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"You'll have to dig deep because my partners do not make stupid mistakes."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Benowitz has $400 on sushi. $2,000 on Broadway tickets."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"You were pro bono."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"My time was your gift, which I don't have anymore."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"What did I do now?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"You saved Vido's life."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I'm sorry."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[chuckles softly]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"[both chuckle]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Thank you?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"any of the others wouldn't have stuck around."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Bunch of limp-dicks. -True that."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Are you looking for reassurance?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"You know, that "wow, you're special" moment."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-I know it well. -[Trish chuckles]"
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Shower? -Mmm-hmm."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Let's keep it that way."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"A dad who forges green cards."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"She never directed it at me."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"We are who we are."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"It comes up."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-You are definitely an unusual woman. -One of a kind."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"I'm not a misanthrope."
Jessica Jones (2015)
"Good thing I have Vido then."
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (2015)
"-Half an hour ago you hated me. -And you were evicting me. So?"
Jessica Jones (2015)
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