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Clips from Community (2009) - Investigative Journalism (S01E01)
"- Where did you go, britta? - Amsterdam, I think."
Community (2009)
"- Guess what happened to me."
Community (2009)
"- I've never seen you before in my life."
Community (2009)
"He sits in the corner next to the dead plant."
Community (2009)
"From watching you all last semester grow together."
Community (2009)
"- "f." "f"-minus."
Community (2009)
"That one might have been a dream."
Community (2009)
"- I heard that. Let's do it!"
Community (2009)
"Might throw everything off of its natural..."
Community (2009)
"- ...Rhythm."
Community (2009)
"- Well, you already broke the only rule I have."
Community (2009)
"- We got it. - Okay."
Community (2009)
"Without telling on you?"
Community (2009)
"Sending soldiers out for liquor."
Community (2009)
"Slyly sidestepping the problematic scrutiny"
Community (2009)
"beat it. All right."
Community (2009)
"The semester I get inside your cabesas!"
Community (2009)
"Through a musical montage."
Community (2009)
"Cynical, elitist,"
Community (2009)
"Dealing with problems ain't my job no more."
Community (2009)
"In October,"
Community (2009)
"There was a free toni braxton concert on the quad."
Community (2009)
"Alerting students of the change."
Community (2009)
"This is front-page juice."
Community (2009)
"But he can't hide forever."
Community (2009)
"Thank you guys real much-- much--real much? Duh!"
Community (2009)
"Not in a way that's, you know,"
Community (2009)
"I like his in-your-face style."
Community (2009)
"Your friend gary is so boring."
Community (2009)
"He doesn't get our humor."
Community (2009)
"- Guys, guys, let's take a vote."
Community (2009)
"- We won't know the result. - Well, say your vote out loud."
Community (2009)
"And killed his entire driver's ed class"
Community (2009)
"With a meat tenderizer."
Community (2009)
"You're hawkeye."
Community (2009)
"That toni braxton was starting early"
Community (2009)
"And I won't let anyone stand in my way."
Community (2009)
"She listens to you."
Community (2009)
"I mean, you like the dean."
Community (2009)
"- This is greendale, jeff. We can do whatever we want."
Community (2009)
"- Yeah, I'll tell 'em about it later."
Community (2009)
"Was it the high kick? Was it "you go, girl"?"
Community (2009)
"- I put myself out there for you!"
Community (2009)
"That I baked with my own hands."
Community (2009)
"While we study."
Community (2009)
"Try getting that deal from hitler. Shall we?"
Community (2009)
"No, I want to study spanish!"
Community (2009)
"You'd know that hawkeye doesn't just bed nurses"
Community (2009)
"If he didn't, people died."
Community (2009)
"- Annie, I'm sorry that I yelled."
Community (2009)
"Until I saw how upset you were."
Community (2009)
"- Ooh, you made me so happy I just peed a little."
Community (2009)
"- Listen up."
Community (2009)
"Watching, wondering."
Community (2009)
"- Ha ha! Boom!"
Community (2009)
"- And that, ladies and gentlemen,"
Community (2009)
"welcome back!"
Community (2009)
"- Hi. - Hello."
Community (2009)
"What did you do over break? - Hi."
Community (2009)
"- Oh, it was so awesome."
Community (2009)
"It is so dope. It's a whole city."
Community (2009)
"- You can drive anywhere. - You can rent an apartment."
Community (2009)
"- You could do your taxes. - But don't get audited"
Community (2009)
"'cause that's bad."
Community (2009)
"- You could even enroll in community college."
Community (2009)
"- Right now it sounds as boring as real life,"
Community (2009)
"But it is not."
Community (2009)
"- Vacations are wasted on the young."
Community (2009)
"You guys gotta get out there and see the world at some point"
Community (2009)
"Or you're gonna miss your entire lives."
Community (2009)
"I'll know more when I find my camera."
Community (2009)
"- Oh, pierce, you became a grandfather?"
Community (2009)
"- No, I became even cooler."
Community (2009)
"These ironic tee shirts are all the rage."
Community (2009)
"- Let's get one thing straight."
Community (2009)
"I wish I was still a lawyer."
Community (2009)
"I'm only here because I'm hot for britta,"
Community (2009)
"And I don't want to be anybody's friend."
Community (2009)
"Just kidding."
Community (2009)
"Bring it in here, ya knuckleheads!"
Community (2009)
"You know, I gotta say I took a look back"
Community (2009)
"At the guy I was last semester,"
Community (2009)
"And I realized that guy was a drag."
Community (2009)
"- No... - Aww..."
Community (2009)
"- Good to hear you admit it, jeff."
Community (2009)
"- No, the truth is this is a new semester,"
Community (2009)
"A new jeff."
Community (2009)
"And I am gonna make the best of it."
Community (2009)
"- You're like hawkeye on m.A.S.H."
Community (2009)
"He kept his upbeat humor and charm"
Community (2009)
"Even in the 11th year of the korean war."
Community (2009)
"- Yeah, well, don't go changing too much, jeff."
Community (2009)
"I think we all like you just the way you were."
Community (2009)
"- Well, I appreciate that, but--"
Community (2009)
"Did you just teleport here?"
Community (2009)
"- No, I snuck in during the group hug."
Community (2009)
"You guys don't remember me?"
Community (2009)
"Buddy...From spanish class?"
Community (2009)
"- I've seen buddy before."
Community (2009)
"- Thank you, abed."
Community (2009)
"Sometimes I have a tendency to melt into the background."
Community (2009)
"It's just my body type."
Community (2009)
"But I definitely know you guys"
Community (2009)
"- Did you say "s"?"
Community (2009)
"- He said "f.""
Community (2009)
"- Who cheated? - I did it."
Community (2009)
"- Britta cheated? But why?"
Community (2009)
"- Gimme back my bra, annie."
Community (2009)
"- I'm not even wearing a bra. - Oh!"
Community (2009)
"- I don't even care who wins."
Community (2009)
"- What?"
Community (2009)
"- I sleep a lot in class."
Community (2009)
"- Well, buddy, as you know,"
Community (2009)
"We haven't had spanish class yet."
Community (2009)
"So this meeting was more just for catching up..."
Community (2009)
"Between friends."
Community (2009)
"- Well-- - so--sorry, britta."
Community (2009)
"I'll go first."
Community (2009)
"Uh, I'm sure you guys have a natural rapport and timing,"
Community (2009)
"And, you know, you're scared that adding a new member"
Community (2009)
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