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Clips from The Simpsons - E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) (S11E11)
"[ Indistinct Shouts ]"
The Simpsons
"[ Groans ]"
The Simpsons
"Do they really think cheapening the memory of our veterans will sell soda?"
The Simpsons
"You're not supposed to go to the bathroom without washing your hands either."
The Simpsons
"No, it isn't. It's totally inaccurate."
The Simpsons
"[ Chuckles ] ''S.P.''? The Scarlet Pimpernel?"
The Simpsons
"Your honor has been insulted!"
The Simpsons
"Sir, I demand satisfaction."
The Simpsons
"- [ All Gasp ] - [ Gasps ]"
The Simpsons
"I, King Arthur, declare Zorro the new king of England!"
The Simpsons
"- Yes! - [ Cheering ]"
The Simpsons
"[ Man Rapping ] # From the ''Z''to the ''O'' to the double ''R''-''O'' #"
The Simpsons
"Will you duel, or are you a coward?"
The Simpsons
"Mmm! My hero!"
The Simpsons
"[ Grunts ] ''H'' is for Homer!"
The Simpsons
"Yeah, thanks. It's just past the end of the bar next to the heavyset guy."
The Simpsons
"- Heavyset? What's that supposed to mean? - Take it easy. Take it easy."
The Simpsons
"Really? But you've never given anyone a free beer."
The Simpsons
"Oh, Homer. I bet that Southern colonel doesn't even show up."
The Simpsons
"- Hey, I'm not dead yet! - [ Knocking ]"
The Simpsons
"Hello. My husband will be right with you."
The Simpsons
"We're just taking this old Christmas tree to the dump."
The Simpsons
"No, no, no, no. You'll get sap on your dueling blouse."
The Simpsons
"Flanders,you gotta help me. Is there a Southern couple parked in front of my house?"
The Simpsons
"I was afraid of that. Well, good-bye, my gentle neighbor."
The Simpsons
"Aw, screw it."
The Simpsons
"- Lousy showoffs. - Look! It's Jimmy Carter!"
The Simpsons
"I'm sorry. These are for the truly needy."
The Simpsons
"[ Horn Honking ]"
The Simpsons
"- Bring the young-uns! There's no leeches! - [ Rattling ]"
The Simpsons
"Ow, ow, ow! Lots of snakes though!"
The Simpsons
"Holy moly! We can't stay here! It's full of raccoons!"
The Simpsons
"- I'll repress the rage I'm feeling! - That's my girl."
The Simpsons
"Let the agriculture begin!"
The Simpsons
"- [ Engine Starts ] - Mm-hmm."
The Simpsons
"- [ Running Smoothly ] - It doesn't sound very tractor-y."
The Simpsons
"Oh, you poor little sheep!"
The Simpsons
"No one's sheared you for years."
The Simpsons
"- [ Clippers Buzzing ] - All right. Almost done, my little friend."
The Simpsons
"Soon you'll be a nice, cool-"
The Simpsons
"Well, la-dee-da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure."
The Simpsons
"Oh, that's just superstition!"
The Simpsons
"Not if you're plantin' gummy bears."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"Yeah. I hope I can grow some like that."
The Simpsons
"And for those who face nature unafraid..."
The Simpsons
"- Nice work, Petunia. - [ Sniffing ]"
The Simpsons
"- 'Ere you go. - [ Growls ]"
The Simpsons
"Oh, who am I kidding? I'm no farmer."
The Simpsons
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Salad Fork. You couldn't grow stink on a monkey."
The Simpsons
"[ Ringing ]"
The Simpsons
"- Hey, Lenny, sending some outgoing mail? - You know it."
The Simpsons
"Time to give Mother Nature a little goose."
The Simpsons
"- Shut up and kiss me. - [ Gasps ]"
The Simpsons
"[ Crowing ]"
The Simpsons
"Wake up, honey. It's time to harvest our radioactive super-crop."
The Simpsons
"But didn't Grasshopperus kill Chad Everett?"
The Simpsons
"Brace yourselves, everybody. You're about to see the hugest,juiciest..."
The Simpsons
"possibly superintelligent vegetables man has ever known."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"Oh! Where are you? [ Yelps ]"
The Simpsons
"- Oh, honey, give it up. - Oh, you're right."
The Simpsons
"What is it? Carrots? Peas? [ Gasps ] Maybe it's okra!"
The Simpsons
"Who cares what it is? It's growing. I've saved the farm!"
The Simpsons
"Hmm. That's odd. The outside looks like a tomato, but the inside is brown."
The Simpsons
"It does."
The Simpsons
"But it is very nice to see Bart eating his vegetables."
The Simpsons
"Excuse me, Mr. Farmer Man."
The Simpsons
"- [ Groans ] Holy Moses! It does taste like Grandma! - I want more!"
The Simpsons
"[ Chuckles ]"
The Simpsons
"Don't push. There's plenty of tomacco for everyone."
The Simpsons
"Homer, we're in a bit of a pickle."
The Simpsons
"- Oh, yeah. Let's take it. - Dad, it's a tobacco company!"
The Simpsons
"- [ Animals Lowing, Bleating ] - Stop eating our future!"
The Simpsons
"I know, honey. But what can I do as an individual?"
The Simpsons
"Now you can't tell me nicotine's not addictive!"
The Simpsons
"Lisa, there's absolutely no evidence-"
The Simpsons
"[ All Screaming ]"
The Simpsons
"Does your company have stock?"
The Simpsons
"Mindy! Mindy and I are just hammering out a payment plan."
The Simpsons
"- [ Snarling ] - [ Rassengers Screaming ]"
The Simpsons
"I don't know why we ever left in the first place."
The Simpsons
"- You okay, Dad? - I think so. The bone stopped the bullet."
The Simpsons
"Dad, this might be one of those things you should go to the hospital for."
The Simpsons
"# Glove slap Shut your big yap #"
The Simpsons
"Glove slap Baby, glove slap #"
The Simpsons
"# Glove slap, baby ##"
The Simpsons
"[ Chorus ] # The Simpsons #"
The Simpsons
"[ Bell Ringing ]"
The Simpsons
"D'oh! [ Screams ]"
The Simpsons
"[ Whimpers ]"
The Simpsons
"[ Gunfire, Explosions ]"
The Simpsons
"Oh, my. War is terrible."
The Simpsons
"Available in ''ze'' lobby."
The Simpsons
"I have to go to ''ze'' lobby!"
The Simpsons
"I'm sorry, but we're not supposed to put butter on the Milk Duds."
The Simpsons
"To the top, please."
The Simpsons
"[ All Groan ]"
The Simpsons
"No, no. It's a ''Z.'' I am Zorro. ''Z'' for Zorro."
The Simpsons
"I have come to return King Arthur to the throne."
The Simpsons
"It's a history lesson come to life!"
The Simpsons
"- We're just, uh, friends. - She's lying! Slice her head off!."
The Simpsons
"This will not stand!"
The Simpsons
"Ooh, you don't want to get Zorro mad."
The Simpsons
"- You're pouring hot butter on my leg! - Shh, shh, shh!"
The Simpsons
"I... am a coward!"
The Simpsons
"- [ Movie Audience Cheers ] - Whoo! You go, Zorro!"
The Simpsons
"# With his horse and his mask and his big ol'sword #"
The Simpsons
"# He'll cut your butt from a '52 Ford ##"
The Simpsons
"- [ Chattering ] - Oh, move it, Q-tip! Ha!"
The Simpsons
"- [ Groans ] - Why that little-"
The Simpsons
"He insulted your honor!"
The Simpsons
"- Sir, I demand satisfaction! - [ Grunts ]"
The Simpsons
"- Are you crazy, dude? - I challenge you to a duel!"
The Simpsons
"[ Grunts, Chuckles ] The dude is crazy!"
The Simpsons
"Thanks, Homer."
The Simpsons
"I told you not to drink all those Frescos before we got in the car!"
The Simpsons
"- Mother, please! You're embarrassing me. - No, I'm not."
The Simpsons
"Seymour needs the toilet! His bladder's full- full of urine!"
The Simpsons
"I'm just sayin'. You ain't no, uh, Tommy Tune."
The Simpsons
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