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Clips from Mad Men (2007) - New Amsterdam (S01E01)
"B- Backing out?"
Mad Men (2007)
"It's not Lenny Bruce, but it's good."
Mad Men (2007)
"Hello, lovely."
Mad Men (2007)
"You can do better than that."
Mad Men (2007)
"Good. Swell, actually,"
Mad Men (2007)
"Do we have a lunch date?"
Mad Men (2007)
Mad Men (2007)
"It'll only take a minute, I promise."
Mad Men (2007)
"Believe me. I'm the lucky one."
Mad Men (2007)
"Yes, you are."
Mad Men (2007)
"Not at all like what I imagined."
Mad Men (2007)
"Trudy, I make $75 a week."
Mad Men (2007)
"But if we put 10% down,"
Mad Men (2007)
Mad Men (2007)
"So he keeps telling me."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm fine."
Mad Men (2007)
"The weather has been spectacular."
Mad Men (2007)
"The end."
Mad Men (2007)
"Excuse me, Miss."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm her husband."
Mad Men (2007)
"No. I'm sorry."
Mad Men (2007)
"It's a joke, really."
Mad Men (2007)
"He works in Manhattan. Life insurance."
Mad Men (2007)
"Of course, if he does die, I'm set."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'll tell you exactly."
Mad Men (2007)
"There was poker and tennis, drinks at the River Club."
Mad Men (2007)
"I really just meant tonight what happened."
Mad Men (2007)
Mad Men (2007)
"I've always loved that house."
Mad Men (2007)
Mad Men (2007)
"He has to go right upstairs and have complete quiet for a while."
Mad Men (2007)
"He works so hard."
Mad Men (2007)
"Named it after your Uncle Skip."
Mad Men (2007)
"At a restaurant, you're working."
Mad Men (2007)
"Taking people out to dinner,"
Mad Men (2007)
"wining and whoring."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'd believe him."
Mad Men (2007)
"It falls off after 79th."
Mad Men (2007)
"it's actually kind of expensive,"
Mad Men (2007)
Mad Men (2007)
"And why is that?"
Mad Men (2007)
"I presume it's your profession"
Mad Men (2007)
"I'll pay you back."
Mad Men (2007)
"Did you have a nice visit?"
Mad Men (2007)
"Walter, how's it going?"
Mad Men (2007)
"You know our art director, Salvatore Romano."
Mad Men (2007)
"I like to do my business and go home."
Mad Men (2007)
"No man should have to live out of a suitcase."
Mad Men (2007)
"So what do you fellows have for me?"
Mad Men (2007)
"Water, oil, electricity... steel."
Mad Men (2007)
"looking out this window at this incredible city"
Mad Men (2007)
"and saying... "It's all steel. ""
Mad Men (2007)
"New York City:"
Mad Men (2007)
"brought to you by Bethlehem Steel."
Mad Men (2007)
"so your employees can brag to their girlfriends."
Mad Men (2007)
"Well, would you prefer an I-beam on a plate"
Mad Men (2007)
"No need to get cute, Don."
Mad Men (2007)
"Steel is not something that you can buy at the supermarket."
Mad Men (2007)
"Don, Walter has expressed himself."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm sure Don can find something that does,"
Mad Men (2007)
"They just... bother me."
Mad Men (2007)
"back at the St. Regis, of course..."
Mad Men (2007)
"I don't like birds, either."
Mad Men (2007)
"20 years ago."
Mad Men (2007)
"Come on, Don."
Mad Men (2007)
"That's not the first time someone's been unhappy."
Mad Men (2007)
"And I could feel he was sentences away."
Mad Men (2007)
"Take him sailing. Get him in a bathing suit."
Mad Men (2007)
"Sterling Cooper has more failed artists and intellectuals than the Third Reich."
Mad Men (2007)
"Direct marketing. I thought of that."
Mad Men (2007)
"And then I come to this place,"
Mad Men (2007)
"Draper residence."
Mad Men (2007)
"Well, anyway, I was wondering"
Mad Men (2007)
"Right now?"
Mad Men (2007)
"I guess Don can watch the kids."
Mad Men (2007)
"Take your time."
Mad Men (2007)
"That's a swell ideal"
Mad Men (2007)
"On the news. He's handsome."
Mad Men (2007)
"Janet Leigh and Natalie Wood..."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm telling you, you boys, you've got it made."
Mad Men (2007)
"Yeah? Well, I'd keep that to yourself."
Mad Men (2007)
"We found an apartment."
Mad Men (2007)
"32, but the realtor says we can get it for 30."
Mad Men (2007)
"Two bedrooms, two baths, a terrace."
Mad Men (2007)
"I don't know."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'd have to look at it first."
Mad Men (2007)
"but I think we'd rather wait."
Mad Men (2007)
"I knew they'd help us."
Mad Men (2007)
"I know you did."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm just not sure taking that kind of money is a good idea."
Mad Men (2007)
"It's still a lot of money,"
Mad Men (2007)
"I'll get it eventually."
Mad Men (2007)
"Well, what about me?"
Mad Men (2007)
"That room is private, extremely private."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm sorry."
Mad Men (2007)
"Well, good."
Mad Men (2007)
"That's not the way to behave, okay?"
Mad Men (2007)
"She's 32."
Mad Men (2007)
"Can I have some of your hair?"
Mad Men (2007)
"Walter, I'd like you to meet my cousins"
Mad Men (2007)
"Charlotte and Wendy."
Mad Men (2007)
"She wasn't available this evening."
Mad Men (2007)
"So am I."
Mad Men (2007)
"Did you?"
Mad Men (2007)
"Oh. In case you're interested."
Mad Men (2007)
"I know this isn't the idea you want to sell me,"
Mad Men (2007)
"Campbell pitched it to me last night."
Mad Men (2007)
"I like it."
Mad Men (2007)
"Pleasure to make you happy, Walt."
Mad Men (2007)
"I'm warming to the place."
Mad Men (2007)
"Listen, Pete,"
Mad Men (2007)
"I need you to go get a cardboard box..."
Mad Men (2007)
Mad Men (2007)
"His copy."
Mad Men (2007)
"That little shit."
Mad Men (2007)
"supporting herself with that sad little job at the jewelry store."
Mad Men (2007)
"I mean, I know she gets some kind of help,"
Mad Men (2007)
"Honestly, I think she's jealous of me."
Mad Men (2007)
"You really love that thing."
Mad Men (2007)
"His mother is Dorothy Dykeman Campbell."
Mad Men (2007)
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