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Clips from Stitchers (2015) - Drama (S01E01)
"Welcome to the Stitchers program."
Stitchers (2015)
"that hacks into the brains of corpses and reads their memories."
Stitchers (2015)
"What's your problem that makes it that you don't have any friends?"
Stitchers (2015)
"He and his partner developed the Stitchers technology."
Stitchers (2015)
"- Who was his partner? - Your father."
Stitchers (2015)
"about that... I was just mad."
Stitchers (2015)
"Don't be ridiculous. So, tell me,"
Stitchers (2015)
"- When do you do it again? - Tomorrow."
Stitchers (2015)
"So this is what "sorry" looks like?"
Stitchers (2015)
Stitchers (2015)
Stitchers (2015)
"You're not supposed to be able to touch anything."
Stitchers (2015)
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Stitchers (2015)
"- Goofy? - Goofy, zany... who cares?"
Stitchers (2015)
"physical contact with an intangible memory object"
Stitchers (2015)
"Kirsten, I just want you to be safe."
Stitchers (2015)
"because of what happened to the other stitcher..."
Stitchers (2015)
"Well, until you do, I'm going in."
Stitchers (2015)
"I owe him that at least."
Stitchers (2015)
"You sure you're ready for what you might see in there?"
Stitchers (2015)
"I'd like a go, no-go for stitch neurosync."
Stitchers (2015)
"Lisa Keller, age 18. Died last night"
Stitchers (2015)
"It's affectionately known as "the devil's breath"..."
Stitchers (2015)
"This drug is new to L.A. if it hits the street in quantity,"
Stitchers (2015)
"we're looking at hundreds of kids dead or dying."
Stitchers (2015)
"by telling me I would get the chance"
Stitchers (2015)
"but after we find out where Lisa got the drugs."
Stitchers (2015)
"Well, are we gonna do this?"
Stitchers (2015)
"Mother, dead. Father, unknown whereabouts."
Stitchers (2015)
"There's something not right with Kirsten Clark."
Stitchers (2015)
"it isn't L.A.P.D. And, for sure, it isn't you."
Stitchers (2015)
"Open the investigation."
Stitchers (2015)
"This is Detective Quincy Fisher, robbery/homicide."
Stitchers (2015)
"How soon can I get the toxicology report"
Stitchers (2015)
"What do you mean, you can't find her body?"
Stitchers (2015)
"This is Los Angeles."
Stitchers (2015)
"Find her body."
Stitchers (2015)
"Will do."
Stitchers (2015)
"Sample is online."
Stitchers (2015)
"Let's get this done."
Stitchers (2015)
"Lights to 20%, please."
Stitchers (2015)
"Atomic batteries to power. Turbines to speed."
Stitchers (2015)
"- Communications? - Yeah, we're a go."
Stitchers (2015)
"Comm check. One, two, one, two."
Stitchers (2015)
"Okay, we've mapped Lisa's memories as best we can."
Stitchers (2015)
"As best we can? Is there a more accomplished team I should be working with?"
Stitchers (2015)
"but you'll tell me in three, two, one."
Stitchers (2015)
"Induce stitch neurosync!"
Stitchers (2015)
"Explore your environment. Look around."
Stitchers (2015)
"I can't really focus my eyes."
Stitchers (2015)
"Okay, Lisa's memory is being overtaken by the drugs."
Stitchers (2015)
"Okay, the drugs are affecting our ability to navigate the memory."
Stitchers (2015)
"He looks like he's in charge."
Stitchers (2015)
"Lisa is trying to get this girl to leave with her."
Stitchers (2015)
"- Linus, can we still bounce her? - No."
Stitchers (2015)
"Lisa didn't O.D.,"
Stitchers (2015)
"It was..."
Stitchers (2015)
"your heart rate and respiration"
Stitchers (2015)
"Yeah, the drugs, um..."
Stitchers (2015)
"That's not going to happen"
Stitchers (2015)
"I was thinking about ordering a pizza."
Stitchers (2015)
"It's the time needed between stitches"
Stitchers (2015)
"It has to do with the potassium transfer rate between cells."
Stitchers (2015)
"Just buy me a drink sometime, and I'll tell you all about it."
Stitchers (2015)
"It's true. He gets a few drinks in him,"
Stitchers (2015)
"You'll stitch Lisa again, and then afterwards"
Stitchers (2015)
"See if we can come up with any code"
Stitchers (2015)
"Hey, would it be okay if we made a quick stop on the way to my house?"
Stitchers (2015)
"- This is where the rave was. - The r..."
Stitchers (2015)
"We're on the same team, and you lied to me."
Stitchers (2015)
"I'm doing this for the sole purpose of getting the chance"
Stitchers (2015)
"Maybe being in the actual place where she died"
Stitchers (2015)
"Anything look familiar?"
Stitchers (2015)
"Yeah, that douchebag over there."
Stitchers (2015)
"damn, damn, damnedy, damn, damn."
Stitchers (2015)
"That would be Raff."
Stitchers (2015)
"We're not afraid of you."
Stitchers (2015)
"I do not why you are so mad."
Stitchers (2015)
"We know more now than we did before."
Stitchers (2015)
"Yep, we know that when I'm confronted by a bouncer named cleaver, I leak urine."
Stitchers (2015)
"Say I'm sorry?"
Stitchers (2015)
"Oh, I suppose this was not to be unexpected."
Stitchers (2015)
"- Nerdy guy. - It's Cameron."
Stitchers (2015)
"Don't tell me: A secret agency mission, right?"
Stitchers (2015)
"Fisher, do you play chess?"
Stitchers (2015)
"- No. - Well, I do."
Stitchers (2015)
"I'm a "settlers of catan" man myself."
Stitchers (2015)
"So what exactly do we know now"
Stitchers (2015)
"- Yes. - Okay, that's not even a real name."
Stitchers (2015)
"How are we supposed to find this guy? We have no idea who he is."
Stitchers (2015)
"But we know where he's gonna be."
Stitchers (2015)
"I told you... I don't rave."
Stitchers (2015)
"- Tonight you do. - Rave?"
Stitchers (2015)
"The agency doesn't control the entire L.A. dance scene."
Stitchers (2015)
"Oh my God, come on. You guys need me there."
Stitchers (2015)
"That's what I thought. I'll help translate"
Stitchers (2015)
"It'd make sense to have someone there who knows what to look for."
Stitchers (2015)
"But I'm not going in there without a wingman."
Stitchers (2015)
"I'm just running some simulations right now."
Stitchers (2015)
"You go to raves?"
Stitchers (2015)
"But tonight I do, and so do you."
Stitchers (2015)
"I didn't know you dance."
Stitchers (2015)
"Then I can expect to see everyone here"
Stitchers (2015)
"We'd better get dancing."
Stitchers (2015)
"Oh my God."
Stitchers (2015)
"If you're going to an accounting convention."
Stitchers (2015)
"How am I supposed to be dressed?"
Stitchers (2015)
"Yeah, thanks."
Stitchers (2015)
"There they are."
Stitchers (2015)
"Promise me you'll never say that again."
Stitchers (2015)
"Whoa, Kirsten cleans up good."
Stitchers (2015)
"No, but I feel like I have."
Stitchers (2015)
Stitchers (2015)
Stitchers (2015)
"There she is. It's Denise."
Stitchers (2015)
"- You're Denise. - Who are you?"
Stitchers (2015)
"We're friends of Lisa Keller's."
Stitchers (2015)
"In truth, I never said a word to her. Right?"
Stitchers (2015)
"You a... "Settlers of catan" man?"
Stitchers (2015)
"- Seriously? - Okay, he had a knife."
Stitchers (2015)
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