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Clips from Human Resources (2022) - International Creature Convention (S01E01)
"Human Resources is going global, baby."
Human Resources (2022)
"International Creature Convention, here we come!"
Human Resources (2022)
"ICC! The big ICC!"
Human Resources (2022)
"Oh, I can't wait to fuck a bunch of randos"
Human Resources (2022)
"at a magical Radisson in the sky above North Korea."
Human Resources (2022)
"Ooh, Maury, will you write my room number on my forehead in Sharpie"
Human Resources (2022)
"so everyone knows where to find me and my holes?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Of course, Connie. What about you, Walter?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Are you excited for your annual fuckfest with Simon Sex?"
Human Resources (2022)
"No, my heart can't handle these once-a-year flings with him."
Human Resources (2022)
"I'm going Simon sexless this year."
Human Resources (2022)
"Oh, damn. That's a sad way to start this episode."
Human Resources (2022)
"Ugh, what am I gonna do?"
Human Resources (2022)
"-I can't do this to Emmy."
Human Resources (2022)
"I can't do this to Emmy."
Human Resources (2022)
"Seriously, I really can't do this to Emmy. I'm sorry, but we have to stop."
Human Resources (2022)
"Come on, Rochelle, you don't want to stop."
Human Resources (2022)
"I know, but it's over--"
Human Resources (2022)
"-Hey, Rochelle, my trusted best friend."
Human Resources (2022)
"So glad we get to be conference buddies all weekend, right? Girl time!"
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah! Your first conference. It's gonna be great."
Human Resources (2022)
"Oh, yeah, and thank God Dante's not coming."
Human Resources (2022)
"I mean, I've been in such a dark place lately because of him."
Human Resources (2022)
"-He really is the fucking worst, right? -Of course!"
Human Resources (2022)
"You still agree with that statement, correct?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, he's the worst. You should definitely not be with him."
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, but not just me though, right?"
Human Resources (2022)
"'Cause nobody should be with him, right?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, nobody."
Human Resources (2022)
"Don't worry, I'm here. I'm here, yes, with a brand-new fashion belt."
Human Resources (2022)
"And I can't wait to judge all your shameful dalliances from the sidelines."
Human Resources (2022)
"Hey! There's nothing shameful"
Human Resources (2022)
"about tugging and chugging your way through a parade of strangers."
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, I already booked an appointment to get my stomach pumped."
Human Resources (2022)
"Remember to tell him beforehand you want to keep the stuff that comes out."
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, of course."
Human Resources (2022)
"Welcome to the International Creature Convention."
Human Resources (2022)
"Pick up your credentials here."
Human Resources (2022)
"All right. Roomies."
Human Resources (2022)
"Roomies! Fun!"
Human Resources (2022)
"We can stay up late ripping into that shithead Dante,"
Human Resources (2022)
"who is riddled with chlamydia, which I gave to him."
Human Resources (2022)
"Walter, my love. You look good enough to eat."
Human Resources (2022)
"Well, you're gonna die hungry, boo, because the kitchen is closed this year."
Human Resources (2022)
"Hey, Simon Sex, you beautiful bastard. How are you?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Maury. I'm all right, I'm all right."
Human Resources (2022)
"-But what's wrong with Walter? -He's protecting his fragile Lovebug heart"
Human Resources (2022)
"because he thinks all you care about is his fragile Lovebug dong."
Human Resources (2022)
"Well, that's not true. I care about every part of Walter."
Human Resources (2022)
"If I could, I'd put them all in my ass at once."
Human Resources (2022)
"-You are a goddamn poet, man. -And you're a warrior, Maury. I love you."
Human Resources (2022)
"-Hey, I love you, too, brother. -Wow."
Human Resources (2022)
"Well, I've gotta run. I'm getting a drink with Philip Fuck before my seminar."
Human Resources (2022)
"Philip Fuck? I love that guy."
Human Resources (2022)
"Hey, Maury, I'm getting a text from Martha at moveon.org."
Human Resources (2022)
"-Want me to tell her you love her too? -Sure, she sounds nice."
Human Resources (2022)
"Ooh! Hey, let's go to the Sexpo."
Human Resources (2022)
"I heard a guy in Iceland made a car that runs on ejaculate, it's called--"
Human Resources (2022)
"-Toyota Cumry? -Yeah, Cumry. Yeah, you guessed it."
Human Resources (2022)
"Ooh, I wonder who's gonna win The Dolly this year."
Human Resources (2022)
"What's "the Dolly"?"
Human Resources (2022)
"The Dolly Parton award."
Human Resources (2022)
"It is the most prestigious humanitarian award a creature can get."
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, it takes a big heart. And let me tell you, big tits don't hurt either."
Human Resources (2022)
"Rochelle, I, uh, have a feeling this is your year."
Human Resources (2022)
"Aw, Pete. So you think I have big tits, huh?"
Human Resources (2022)
"No, I think they're very normal."
Human Resources (2022)
"They're perfect. I mean, I don't know what they look like."
Human Resources (2022)
"-I only look at your face. -Relax. I'm just fucking with you."
Human Resources (2022)
Human Resources (2022)
"That's funny."
Human Resources (2022)
"Um, hey, speaking of amusement, we should get a drink before dinner?"
Human Resources (2022)
"All right. You're buying."
Human Resources (2022)
"I'd love to buy. I have my debit card, traveler's checks."
Human Resources (2022)
"You'll find I have many modes of payment. And she's gone."
Human Resources (2022)
"Hey! Watch out for Rochelle, dude."
Human Resources (2022)
"Her heart is fucking rotten."
Human Resources (2022)
"And between you and me, her tits are mostly bra."
Human Resources (2022)
"That's a good one, Emmy."
Human Resources (2022)
"Uh, can you please let go? You're hurting me."
Human Resources (2022)
"Yeah, that's called pulling a Rochelle 'cause she's a hurter"
Human Resources (2022)
"and she's additionally also bad."
Human Resources (2022)
"What's up, my fellow Shame-heads?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Uh, hello, I'm Lionel from the US office. Would you like to trade business cards?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Are you sure your name isn't"
Human Resources (2022)
""Pathetic Loser With a Hideous Braided Belt"?"
Human Resources (2022)
"No, it's Lionel."
Human Resources (2022)
"That guy is so lame."
Human Resources (2022)
"Excuse me, barkeep? Hello?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Hello? I know you can see me."
Human Resources (2022)
"-Here, let me help you. Bartender! -What would you like?"
Human Resources (2022)
"One Shamearita, please."
Human Resources (2022)
"It's like a margarita, but the bartender has to whisper something bad she did"
Human Resources (2022)
"into the cup before she gives it to you."
Human Resources (2022)
"I stepped on my boyfriend's tiny dog."
Human Resources (2022)
"And I'll have a tap water in a piping hot glass."
Human Resources (2022)
"Oh, straight out of the dishwasher, please."
Human Resources (2022)
"-You're not drinking? -Oh, no."
Human Resources (2022)
"No, I need my senses sharp so I can judge others as cruelly as possible."
Human Resources (2022)
"It is a work trip, after all."
Human Resources (2022)
"-That's too bad. -What is? What's bad?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Please don't turn away."
Human Resources (2022)
"It's just… I've been watching you and that magnificent belt."
Human Resources (2022)
"You like it? I bought it just for this conference."
Human Resources (2022)
"-Well, if you're willing to take it off,"
Human Resources (2022)
"I was hoping we could ditch this stupid mixer and get a little shameful ourselves."
Human Resources (2022)
"Ditch the mixer?"
Human Resources (2022)
"And miss an exclusive opportunity to network with industry thought leaders?"
Human Resources (2022)
"Listen, where I'm from, we have a saying,"
Human Resources (2022)
""Life is short, so come upstairs to my room and fuck me.""
Human Resources (2022)
"Ooh, Lionel likey very muchy."
Human Resources (2022)
"Mmm! Ah!"
Human Resources (2022)
"Let's entwine ourselves like the braids of my brand-new belt."
Human Resources (2022)
Human Resources (2022)
"Sorry. I went too far. Sorry about that."
Human Resources (2022)
"Roll up, roll up. Jars of cum from around the world."
Human Resources (2022)
"Oh, my. What's this freaky little box do?"
Human Resources (2022)
"This is the Kickstand 3000."
Human Resources (2022)
"It's a VR experience where you can feel what it's like to be inside a boner."
Human Resources (2022)
"T-shirts! Get your T-shirts! We got Mickey Mouse with tits."
Human Resources (2022)
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