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Clips from Grey's Anatomy - Things We Lost in the Fire (S12E12)
"We don't have to tell him. He knows."
Grey's Anatomy
"Make him as comfortable as you can,"
Grey's Anatomy
"and tell me when his wife gets here."
Grey's Anatomy
"We are never eating in that cafeteria again."
Grey's Anatomy
"I'm a little busy right now. Do you need something?"
Grey's Anatomy
"I needed a break. I thought I'd take a minute."
Grey's Anatomy
"You know when I had a minute?"
Grey's Anatomy
"This morning, when you and Meredith were whispering in the hallway."
Grey's Anatomy
"I'm sorry about that."
Grey's Anatomy
"And she yelled "get away" in my face like I was a stray dog."
Grey's Anatomy
"(Chuckles) Come on."
Grey's Anatomy
"- It's not funny. - That's not what she meant."
Grey's Anatomy
"God, you always defend her,"
Grey's Anatomy
"even when she's being a complete bitch to me."
Grey's Anatomy
"- Don't do that. Don't call her that. - And why wouldn't you?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Everyone here just follows her lead."
Grey's Anatomy
"If you're out with Grey, you're out, and I'm out."
Grey's Anatomy
"- Aw, you're not out. You're fine. - (Sighs)"
Grey's Anatomy
"She spent a year acting like I didn't even exist."
Grey's Anatomy
"So what is it? What? You think she just sees you as my girlfriend?"
Grey's Anatomy
"She doesn't even see me as that."
Grey's Anatomy
"She would show up in our bedroom"
Grey's Anatomy
"and kick me out whenever she wanted to."
Grey's Anatomy
"That hasn't happened in a long time."
Grey's Anatomy
"Yeah, because I hauled you out of that house."
Grey's Anatomy
"Oh, I'm..."
Grey's Anatomy
"I'm sorry. You hauled me out of there?"
Grey's Anatomy
"I had to. She had an all-access pass to you."
Grey's Anatomy
"And you know what the worst part is? Is that you let her."
Grey's Anatomy
"- We decided to move in there together. - Because she's always your priority!"
Grey's Anatomy
"That is not true!"
Grey's Anatomy
"She has been through a lot! Her husband died!"
Grey's Anatomy
"So what, that gives her a license to treat me like crap?"
Grey's Anatomy
"No! No!"
Grey's Anatomy
"It means she has the license to take her crap out on me!"
Grey's Anatomy
"It means I'm gonna be there for her when she needs me,"
Grey's Anatomy
"'cause she's the only one I can count on!"
Grey's Anatomy
"She's the only one?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Just I meant... (Sighs)"
Grey's Anatomy
"Look, she stood by me for years when everybody else left,"
Grey's Anatomy
"no matter what."
Grey's Anatomy
"- I didn't mean... - No, I get it."
Grey's Anatomy
"You're taking her side again 'cause she is your priority."
Grey's Anatomy
"You don't get to tell me what my priorities are!"
Grey's Anatomy
"I have to focus on my patient."
Grey's Anatomy
"Look, Jo..."
Grey's Anatomy
"Just go."
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"NATHAN: Last stitch repairs the rupture in the heart wall."
Grey's Anatomy
"3-0 Prolene and pledget hold."
Grey's Anatomy
"Blake, can you snip, please?"
Grey's Anatomy
"(Monitor beeping)"
Grey's Anatomy
"And Hunt said this guy was dating his mom, hmm?"
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"Blake, you heard that, right?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Suction here."
Grey's Anatomy
"- Hmm? - (Alarm blaring)"
Grey's Anatomy
"He's fibrillating. Paddles."
Grey's Anatomy
"Got it."
Grey's Anatomy
"Charge to 10."
Grey's Anatomy
"(Paddles whine)"
Grey's Anatomy
"- Clear. - (Thump)"
Grey's Anatomy
"Charge to 10 again."
Grey's Anatomy
"No, 25, okay? Let's don't screw around. 25."
Grey's Anatomy
"25. Clear."
Grey's Anatomy
"This never would've happened if you hadn't..."
Grey's Anatomy
"It absolutely would have."
Grey's Anatomy
"We just wouldn't be here to catch it. Clear!"
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"All right, give me 1 milligram of adrenaline."
Grey's Anatomy
"Okay, come on, come on. Damn it!"
Grey's Anatomy
"Okay, where's the adrenaline?"
Grey's Anatomy
"(Alarm blaring)"
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"(Exhales deeply) All right."
Grey's Anatomy
"(Exhales deeply)"
Grey's Anatomy
"Well, the fire is 80% contained."
Grey's Anatomy
"(Muffled speaking)"
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"My crew."
Grey's Anatomy
"No losses today, Casey."
Grey's Anatomy
"No. Many injuries, but no losses."
Grey's Anatomy
"You prepare them..."
Grey's Anatomy
"the best you can."
Grey's Anatomy
"You can't control everything."
Grey's Anatomy
"You can't control the wind, you know?"
Grey's Anatomy
"You did everything you could."
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"What... what... what can I do for you?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Uh, just waiting for Ruth."
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
"(Labored breathing)"
Grey's Anatomy
"This will heal nicely, probably in about six weeks."
Grey's Anatomy
"So, um..."
Grey's Anatomy
"Maybe we could see each other again?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Like a follow-up appointment?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Oh, um, no. I don't mean..."
Grey's Anatomy
"I mean yes."
Grey's Anatomy
"You can always make an appointment with the admissions nurse."
Grey's Anatomy
"But I di... you, um... okay."
Grey's Anatomy
"Can you just sit tight?"
Grey's Anatomy
"Well, don't sit tight."
Grey's Anatomy
"Just... be."
Grey's Anatomy
"Just be."
Grey's Anatomy
"Heh! I just tried to segue"
Grey's Anatomy
"from a wound closure to a first-date invite."
Grey's Anatomy
"Now, that's just clumsy."
Grey's Anatomy
"- Over her exposed butt. - And that's creepy."
Grey's Anatomy
"I need your help."
Grey's Anatomy
"Can you just go put a good word in?"
Grey's Anatomy
"I... you don't need me. You're a smart, competent woman."
Grey's Anatomy
"Stretch your wings, Robbins. Stretch them out."
Grey's Anatomy
"Feel the air."
Grey's Anatomy
"Stretch them out. Feel the air."
Grey's Anatomy
"Feel the air."
Grey's Anatomy
"My wife needs to come home."
Grey's Anatomy
"I mean, (chuckles) I knew it was a good idea,"
Grey's Anatomy
"but looking at it up close"
Grey's Anatomy
"(chuckles) it's pretty spectacular."
Grey's Anatomy
"Yeah, yeah. It's a miracle of the modern age."
Grey's Anatomy
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