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Clips from That '70s Show (1998) - Hyde Gets the Girl (S04E04)
"Elke Sommer to block. Elke Sommer to block."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, you stupid son of a bitch."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Donna... loved Hollywood Squares."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Ah, Forman. Come on, man. Give it a rest, huh?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"So you're single now. That's a good thing. Now you're like me, man."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You're free to be with lotsa subpar, somewhat sleazy chicks."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It's Christmas, baby."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, you disguise your heart, Hyde, but..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I know you need love."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Why is that? - 'Cause I need it."
That '70s Show (1998)
"All right. I'm goin' to work before you two start braidin' each other's hair."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You know what? I wish for once Hyde would fall in love, you know?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"So we could make fun of him."
That '70s Show (1998)
"We'd be all, "Hey, everyone"..."
That '70s Show (1998)
""Hyde's in love.""
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, I know. Let's get Hyde a woman."
That '70s Show (1998)
"We can have a "Let's Get Hyde a Woman" party."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And... And we can have food and music and, um..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Women? - That's it."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey, this party is a great idea. I am gonna find the perfect match for Steven."
That '70s Show (1998)
"After all, my nickname is "The Queen of Romance.""
That '70s Show (1998)
"No one calls you that."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Now, we will each bring no less than two..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"and no more than five girls to the party for Hyde, okay?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"I will console the rejects with a hot oil massage."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I will be nude."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, I'm outta here. The radio station's giving away a van, and I gotta work."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I will be clothed."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, I think it's a great idea."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Steven is almost a man, and he needs to meet a girl..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"who will help him find his way."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah. A girl helped me find my way... to hell! I'm in hell."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, you're not in hell. If you're too hot, take off your sweater."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- So, it's settled. We'll have the party here. - No, Kitty."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yes. We're... We're havin' a little party for Steven, so he can meet his Miss Right."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Why is it here? Why is it always here?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, what do you want them to do, have the party in the street?"
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"They puke in the street, the city cleans it up."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh-ho, man!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, I hope I win this van. I really need a place to do it with Jackie."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Okay. Listen up everybody. The rules are simple."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You place one hand on the van."
That '70s Show (1998)
"If you remove your hand for any reason, you're out."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Last person to remove his hand wins the van."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Any questions?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"You're out. Any other questions?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Don't start without me, Max. - Oh, God."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"My name is Daniel..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"and I have won every WFPP contest..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"since the Weber Gas Grill Trampoline Bounce of 1972."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I am unbeatable, so the choice is yours:"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Joy or despair..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"pleasure or pain..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"life... or death."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I am Daniel!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"And I cannot be beaten."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Look at what I brought."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Big Rhonda? - Uh-huh."
That '70s Show (1998)
"There goes the keg."
That '70s Show (1998)
"a caring, intelligent, snazzy young man..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Ste-e-even Hyde!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Um, thanks."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey, man. What's goin' on? I thought we were watchin' Saturday Night Live."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Yeah. Change of plans. We're havin' a party with girls, a keg..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"and girls."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- For no reason whatsoever. - Great."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- And there's no agenda. - All right."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Stop grilling me, you bastard!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, hey, Melissa."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- How's the contest going? - Lame. But at least the boneheads are entertaining."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Check out that idiot's 'fro."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey, that's my dad."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Oh! Uh... - No."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Okay. Yeah. You're right."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- So, hey, what are you doin' tonight? - We're in Wisconsin..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"so nothing."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Well, I'm goin' to this party. It's in a stinky basement, and they'll have a stolen keg."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- I'm in. - Cool."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey, Dad. I brought you some mints and your afro pick."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, thank God, Donna. My hair was startin' to look silly."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hey, check out the redhead."
That '70s Show (1998)
"That redhead is my baby girl Donna. I'm her dad."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I want Donna to call me "Daddy.""
That '70s Show (1998)
"- That's it! - Ah! Bob."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You took your hand off the van. You lose."
That '70s Show (1998)
"This isn't over."
That '70s Show (1998)
"It is for you. Get outta here."
That '70s Show (1998)
"And so begins the battle of wits."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, man. I've never been good at wits."
That '70s Show (1998)
"- Really? - Mm-hmm."
That '70s Show (1998)
"So, chips and dip, huh?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"And the words kinda sound alike, so that's always fun."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Look. No offense, but I'm really not in the mood for talking."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I just... broke up with my girlfriend, so..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Oh, you poor thing."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You know, you have these sad lips that are just so hot."
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
That '70s Show (1998)
"Psst! How's it goin'?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Great, great, great, great. 'Cause, see, at first, I thought I should wear my hair up."
That '70s Show (1998)
"But... let's be honest. My hair is one of my top five features."
That '70s Show (1998)
"Psst! Psst!"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Hyde, allow me to introduce you to a special lady."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I used to date your dad. Isn't that a turn-on?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"but in my case, it's true."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I have to date guys who aren't as good-looking as me, otherwise, I'd never date."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You gonna eat that?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"I know you're really angry and emotionally crippled..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"but that's okay, 'cause my boyfriend's in jail."
That '70s Show (1998)
"My turn-offs include people who are mean to puppies and people who smoke..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"or... don't smoke?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Or smoke?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Wait. Do you smoke?"
That '70s Show (1998)
"Okay. So guess which leg's real."
That '70s Show (1998)
"I'm so glad I finally got to meet you, 'cause I've, like, always been afraid of you..."
That '70s Show (1998)
"and I like to be scared."
That '70s Show (1998)
"You know, I think, if I time this right..."
That '70s Show (1998)
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