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Clips from The Neighborhood (2018) - Welcome to the Challenge (S03E03)
"Here you go, boss. Three more orders."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Wow! That is ten oil changes today!"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I told you my idea for a $20 special would work."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Uh, that was my idea."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Norm, that doesn't make any sense."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"If it was your idea, why would I be taking credit for it?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Hey, buddy. How you doing, pal?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Your guy said I should talk to you"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"about your oil change special."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Pretty amazing deal, huh?Yeah."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I don't like to brag, but that was my idea."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And absolutely no one else's."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Wow. It's pretty smart."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"No wonder you're employee of the month for a year straight."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Well, I don't like"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"to brag about that, either, but actually, it was,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"uh, 14 months."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"All I know is this is a much better deal"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"than over at Motor Boys."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"They got to be shaking in their coveralls."
The Neighborhood (2018)
The Neighborhood (2018)
"You know, their sleazebag owner Victor Alvarez--"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"he's been trying to put me out of business for years."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Hmm.But it's ideas like this"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"that keep me one step ahead of him."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Yeah, whoever thought of that should probably get a raise."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"So, have you ever met this, uh, Alvarez jerk?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"No, no, but I would love to see the look on his slimy face"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"when he realizes I outsmarted him again."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Well, if you want to do that,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"all you have to do is look outside."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"What do you mean?I mean this."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"You're Victor Alvarez?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"That's me."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And it's nice to finally meet you face-to-face"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"to face."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Oh, yeah? Well, it's nice to meet you face-to-face"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"to face, to face, to face, to face!"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Well, this has been fun, but I have to go."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I will be seeing you later, and you will be seeing me all day."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Ha, ha! [sings in Spanish]"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"♪ Welcome to the block, welcome to the neighborhood ♪"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"♪ Welcome to the hood."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I can't believe"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Victor put a giant Motor Boys ad up over your shop."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Yeah, and just because they're a big chain,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"they think they can push us around."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"That guy has some nerve."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And some hair."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"The last time I saw a mane like that,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"it was on Animal Planet eating a hyena."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"What we need is to figure out how to remind everybody"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"that Calvin's Pit Stop is a fixture in the community."
The Neighborhood (2018)
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Whatever it is should tie"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"into the neighborhood, like some kind"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"of a local charity promotion."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Yeah, that is a great idea. You know what?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"We can team up with a nearby"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"animal shelter and give every customer a free rescue kitten."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"That's ridiculous. What if they don't want a kitten?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Well, then maybe they're not the kind of customer you want."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Okay. How about"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"we have a food drive at the local food pantry,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"and everyone who donates a bag of food gets a free oil change?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Mm.Or even better."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Oh. We team up with a local food pantry,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"give away free oil changes to everyone"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"that comes in with a bag of food."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Boom! Boom!"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Yes.Calvin, that's exactly what I just said."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Okay, Tina. I guess some people need all the credit."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Uh...You know what?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"One of the moms at my school is a local TV reporter."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I'll ask her to cover it."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Great! You know what? We'll get some press,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"create a little new business,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"and rip Victor's beating heart out of his chest,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"and I'll just squeeze it and throw it on the floor."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And feed the hungry, right?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, we'll do that, too."
The Neighborhood (2018)
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Oh, hey, Malcolm. What you doing?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I am going through the pantry to get some donations together"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"for Mom and Pop's food drive."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Oh, cool. Uh, just don't touch anything on my snack shelf."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I like to reward myself after a hard day's work."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And before one, too."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"You know, I don't even know how you eat that junk."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Everything here is filled"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"with processed sugars and empty calories."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Actually, that's the healthy food. My snack shelf"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"is over there."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"You know, I'm serious, Marty."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"You need to stop eating like this and start working out."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Hey, man, I work out."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Marty, the only crunches you do"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"come out of a box of Fiddle Faddle."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Come on, little bro. You should let me train you."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"[scoffs] You? What do you know about training,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"besides teaching our old dog how to pee on my pillow?"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I know everything about training."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I used to be a professional athlete."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Yeah, but that was, like, ten years ago."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"So? I'm in better shape now than I was then."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And I get even more dates."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"All right, fine, but if I get in better shape than you,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"I'm taking revenge for my pillow."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"My head smelled like a dog park for a month.Oh."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Hey, Tina. We brought over some stuff for the food drive."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Yeah, we cleaned out the whole pantry."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"If there's an earthquake, flood or zombie apocalypse,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"we're gonna have to eat Grover."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Aw, I love Grover."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"But you gotta do what you gotta do."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Here at Calvin's Pit Stop,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"we love supporting our community."
The Neighborhood (2018)
"And take it from me,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"Calvin, of Calvin's Pit Stop,"
The Neighborhood (2018)
"where giving back is our number one priority"
The Neighborhood (2018)
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