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Clips from Virgin River - Take My Breath Away (S03E03)
"She have a thing for you?"
Virgin River
"No, man. Not like that."
Virgin River
"Hey, sorry, man. I didn't mean anything by that."
Virgin River
"Well, actually,"
Virgin River
"she recommended me to a chef friend of hers in San Francisco."
Virgin River
"[chuckles softly] He offered me a job."
Virgin River
"I accepted."
Virgin River
"-You took another job? -Yeah. Yeah, I did."
Virgin River
"But then Christopher came in the picture, you got shot,"
Virgin River
"so I bowed out."
Virgin River
"I didn't know you were unhappy, man. I mean--"
Virgin River
"Well, I wasn't, but after you turned down the partnership offer,"
Virgin River
"I decided to keep my options open."
Virgin River
"Oh, Preach, I… I had no idea that being partners was so important."
Virgin River
"Hey, I'm the one who brought it up."
Virgin River
"Yeah, but I thought you were just trying to help me out, you know?"
Virgin River
"-[cell phone ringing] -You know, don't worry about it, Jack."
Virgin River
"It's your bar. It's your business."
Virgin River
Virgin River
Virgin River
"Yeah, I will be there as soon as I can."
Virgin River
Virgin River
"That was Christopher's camp. I gotta pick him up."
Virgin River
"Yeah, yeah, you go."
Virgin River
"We can talk about this later. Don't worry about this afternoon."
Virgin River
"-We'll manage. -Thanks."
Virgin River
Virgin River
"[Brady] Just give me the bottom line."
Virgin River
"Well, pine beetles have infested half the lot."
Virgin River
"And the rest, it's just a matter of time."
Virgin River
"So, none of these trees are salvageable?"
Virgin River
"Pretty much."
Virgin River
"Damn it. There's gotta be something we can do."
Virgin River
"There's not a lot of options."
Virgin River
"Well, Calvin didn't pay for proper lot inspections,"
Virgin River
"and the company isn't insured."
Virgin River
"[scoffs] So I'm on the hook for the whole thing?"
Virgin River
"You could try and sell. You'd have to disclose the infestation."
Virgin River
"I'm not selling the company. [sighs]"
Virgin River
"I'll figure something out. I just-- I need more time."
Virgin River
"Clock's tickin'."
Virgin River
"Thanks, man."
Virgin River
"[sarcastically] Super helpful."
Virgin River
"[Doc sighs]"
Virgin River
"-[Doc gasps] -What did you do?"
Virgin River
"[Doc mutters]"
Virgin River
"It's just a little paper cut."
Virgin River
"Oh, hold on. I have a first aid kit in my purse."
Virgin River
"Oh, really, all I need is a tissue so I don't bleed on Hope's table."
Virgin River
"Hm. And you know I've always said that doctors make the worst patients."
Virgin River
"-Oh! -Let's see."
Virgin River
"-Ow. -Oh."
Virgin River
"You know, when I was in my twenties, I dated an ER doctor."
Virgin River
"Do you know he actually finished his shift with a broken arm?"
Virgin River
"You know, when an ER is busy and you don't have enough staff,"
Virgin River
"you can't just walk away."
Virgin River
"Oh! I never thought of it that way."
Virgin River
Virgin River
"Okay, here we go."
Virgin River
"-And that, sir, is good as new. -Nicely done."
Virgin River
"-Thank you. -Thank you."
Virgin River
"-[knocking at door] -There she is."
Virgin River
"-[Lilly] Hello? -Hey."
Virgin River
"Oh, hey!"
Virgin River
"Okay, what needs to get done?"
Virgin River
"Well, plenty. Unfortunately, I am due back at the clinic."
Virgin River
"Go ahead and go. Muriel and I can handle the rest, right?"
Virgin River
"Of course. We'll finish up here."
Virgin River
"Oh, thank you both so much for all your help."
Virgin River
"Oh, it's nothing."
Virgin River
"Muriel, I'd still be trying to figure out that printer if it wasn't for you."
Virgin River
"Aw. [chuckles]"
Virgin River
Virgin River
"Nothing. [chuckles]"
Virgin River
"Just here to work."
Virgin River
Virgin River
"Me too."
Virgin River
Virgin River
"-Hey, I'm gonna take five. -All right, yeah."
Virgin River
"If you're trying to butter me up, it's working."
Virgin River
"-Oh, I know your weakness. -[laughs]"
Virgin River
Virgin River
"-Wow, that's good. That tastes homemade. -'Cause it is."
Virgin River
"[Brie] Mmm."
Virgin River
Virgin River
"how's the job search going?"
Virgin River
"You want the truth?"
Virgin River
"Uh, yeah. That'd be good."
Virgin River
"I'm not looking."
Virgin River
"Why not?"
Virgin River
"I don't know if I wanna go back to practicing law."
Virgin River
"You've wanted to be a lawyer since you were a kid."
Virgin River
"Yeah. I didn't know what I signed up for."
Virgin River
"Which is?"
Virgin River
"Working for a firm that doesn't care what happens to you"
Virgin River
"just as long as you win your cases"
Virgin River
"and bill the clients a crapload of money. [scoffs]"
Virgin River
Virgin River
"Wish I could help."
Virgin River
"You are helping me by letting me stay here."
Virgin River
"-[Jack] Hm. -The rest I have to figure out on my own."
Virgin River
"Ooh, spoken like a true Sheridan."
Virgin River
"-Independent to the bitter end. -Oh yeah."
Virgin River
"[Brie laughs softly]"
Virgin River
"Speaking of bitter,"
Virgin River
"how's Charmaine?"
Virgin River
"[Jack chuckles]"
Virgin River
"[Jack inhales slowly]"
Virgin River
"I get the feeling that her and Todd are gonna limit my time with the twins."
Virgin River
"What makes you think that?"
Virgin River
"She came by here after the fire."
Virgin River
"Said I didn't have to worry about housing. That I could "visit" whenever I wanted."
Virgin River
"Oh, no, you cannot let that stand."
Virgin River
"Custody is all about precedent."
Virgin River
"Yeah, I know, I did some research."
Virgin River
"I'm thinking about hiring a lawyer."
Virgin River
"I know a great family practice attorney over in Eureka. She owes me a favor."
Virgin River
"I'll call her."
Virgin River
"Thanks. Appreciate it."
Virgin River
"[Jack] Hm."
Virgin River
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