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Clips from Star Trek: The Next Generation - Where No One Has Gone Before (S01E01)
"Captain's log, stardate 41386.4."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"There she is."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Identify. - Listed as Delphi Ardu, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"- Stay with them, La Forge. - Aye, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Reduce to impulse power."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We are no doubt advanced in some areas, they in others."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Mostly electromagnetic."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Deflector shield power weakening, captain."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Photon torpedoes ready."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Open hailing frequency-- Why are we gaining on them? Don't anticipate."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I'm not, sir. Something's wrong."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Not certain, sir. I'm getting very confusing readings."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I need more information."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"What the hell are they using?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Well, the best description may be traders."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"From the history of my forebears. Yankee traders."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Who, in this case, sail the galaxy"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"in search of mercantile and territorial opportunity."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"And are these scholars saying that the Ferengi may not be unlike us?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Well, sir, I doubt they wear red, white and blue"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"or look anything like Uncle Sam."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Aye, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Uncle who?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"in the order blue, white and red."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"And the German nation, red, black and gold."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Italians, green, white and red. British--"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"- That's enough, Data. - It was you who--"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I wish I had some clue as to what they will do next."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"their weapons could be vastly superior to ours."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Well, there's a 0.372 millisecond delay between the use of our power"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"What's our acceleration delay"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We'll show them what this baby can do, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Aye, aye, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"In a sudden, abrupt power surge to high warp speed, captain,"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I wish I knew what they were thinking over there."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"They're wondering what we're going to do next."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I say fight, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"And communication now restored to Engineering."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Excellent, La Forge."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Point-300 milliseconds, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Captain, I think you had better see this."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"every bit of information stored in the Enterprise memory banks."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"into a full-out combined phaser and photon torpedo salvo."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"It's been tried. No response."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Thank you for your advice."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I haven't heard your assessment."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I believe we've covered every available option, captain."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Attention, Ferengi starship. This is Captain Picard."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"to meet whatever reasonable and necessary terms"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"are demanded by the Ferengi."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I fear for my people and my vessel"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"How can I oppose even unreasonable demands?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"It's moving, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We ask to surrender and now they fire on us?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Ready, but hold on ready."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"If the Ferengi ship's sensors can read us, sir,"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I'm afraid I agree. They have not responded."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"the better, NCC-1701-D."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"You wish to discuss surrender, Captain Picard?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Launch a sensor probe."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"that is holding both ships."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Go back to hailing frequency, fast."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"And I regret, Daimon Tarr,"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Your complete message not received, Enterprise."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"And it is against Starfleet orders to accept a surrender otherwise."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Do you withdraw your surrender?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"and we offer the lives of our second officers"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Is this to your satisfaction, Picard Captain?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Your offer may be inadequate, but I will discuss it with my staff."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"and they're not holding us, who the hell is?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"library-computer information on this planet."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"It is class M, but shows no indication of life forms, sentient or otherwise."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"However, you may find this of interest."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Apologies, captain."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Then get unstuck and continue with the briefing."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Yes, sir. That is what I am trying to do, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"My hero, ha-ha-ha."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Continue, commander."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"and capable of actually moving stars."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Stars whose planets are their defense system?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The planet below was possibly one of them."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We're now receiving a signal from the probe."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We'll take it here."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"- Our mysterious something, captain. - Hmm."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"This planet may have been the most distant outpost, sir."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We should take a look at it. Stand by with an away team."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"the force field emanates from the planet, sir?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We've been ordered to learn all we can about them."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"In orbit of a mysterious planet whose unexplained force field"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"If there is a solution to this,"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Ferengi vessel from Enterprise, come in."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Our own probe has already shown us your trickery, human."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"He heard that."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Why did you begin by attacking us?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We did not attack you."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We gave chase in order to recover a Federation-owned energy device"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Your barbarous Federation placed it on one of our planets."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"All I'm saying is that you removed something"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"On the contrary."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"On that matter, there can be no argument."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I would like to propose a swap."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"And what is a swap?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"We must trust each other, Tarr."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Amusing, human. Trust each other?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I propose that we test this relationship"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"but you are warned that any further trickery on your pan'"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"- will be met with no mercy. - Agreed."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Hailing frequencies off."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I would log that agreement as promising, at least."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Tasha? Data?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"What do you make of these?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Nothing to write home about."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I did use it correctly, did I not?"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
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