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Clips from Z Nation (2014) - Drama (S01E01)
"Do not panic."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"Save your ammo."
Z Nation (2014)
"Two more minutes and they're on their own."
Z Nation (2014)
"Come in."
Z Nation (2014)
"This is Simon Cruller, sir."
Z Nation (2014)
"Camp Northern Light."
Z Nation (2014)
"I have new orders for you from Cent Com."
Z Nation (2014)
"It's the CDC Mass Infection Lab on Mount Wilson."
Z Nation (2014)
"You get us the hell out of here! You hear me?!"
Z Nation (2014)
"I'll evacuate the others. You can do this."
Z Nation (2014)
"We're still human you know."
Z Nation (2014)
"Signed, President Lindsay Barton."
Z Nation (2014)
"Not when she signed this order."
Z Nation (2014)
"Now! Do it now!"
Z Nation (2014)
"Five minutes!"
Z Nation (2014)
"The evac better get here soon."
Z Nation (2014)
"I give you mercy."
Z Nation (2014)
"Good luck, Whisky Bravo. We're out the door ourselves."
Z Nation (2014)
"Northern Light signing off."
Z Nation (2014)
"A true survivor."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"You can all go now."
Z Nation (2014)
"Do you have her special?"
Z Nation (2014)
"I've had enough of this stinkin' world."
Z Nation (2014)
"Sofia Christina Griswold."
Z Nation (2014)
"As far as I can tell it's just two males."
Z Nation (2014)
"It's okay. She was ready to go."
Z Nation (2014)
"Any problems, you hit the ground."
Z Nation (2014)
"That's far enough, gentlemen."
Z Nation (2014)
"Team of snipers has you covered"
Z Nation (2014)
"if anybody that gave me the order is still alive."
Z Nation (2014)
"to a medical lab in California."
Z Nation (2014)
"And he may just be the last best chance to save humanity."
Z Nation (2014)
"You got time to talk?"
Z Nation (2014)
"I always have time for you. You know that."
Z Nation (2014)
"if you're gonna make it home for Christmas"
Z Nation (2014)
"like you promised?"
Z Nation (2014)
"But I'll get home soon, I promise."
Z Nation (2014)
"Sometimes I think he misses you more than I do."
Z Nation (2014)
"If that's possible."
Z Nation (2014)
"That's crazy, huh?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Operation Bite Mark abandoning location."
Z Nation (2014)
"What is the status of Delta-Xray-Delta? Over."
Z Nation (2014)
"Delta-Xray-Delta. We need to..."
Z Nation (2014)
"Mount Wilson."
Z Nation (2014)
"The Tappan Zee bridge is a long way."
Z Nation (2014)
"I wouldn't ask, but it's imperative"
Z Nation (2014)
"no more Guard, no more government."
Z Nation (2014)
"cuz that's what we do."
Z Nation (2014)
"getting this far."
Z Nation (2014)
"Warren and I can take the pickup truck,"
Z Nation (2014)
"bring you to the Tappan Zee."
Z Nation (2014)
"But you'd be on your own after that."
Z Nation (2014)
"Well if we keep it moving,"
Z Nation (2014)
"Maybe I haven't been clear."
Z Nation (2014)
"This is more important than your trucks."
Z Nation (2014)
"do what you got to do."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"Stay in radio contact."
Z Nation (2014)
"then the.22 is the way to go."
Z Nation (2014)
"check out this smoke wagon."
Z Nation (2014)
"This baby?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Check this out."
Z Nation (2014)
"I call it "The Z Whacker.""
Z Nation (2014)
"How 'bout a straight across trade?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Make it a dozen oxycontin and you got a deal."
Z Nation (2014)
"Huh? You want some crystal?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Nice. You all right? That was a little close."
Z Nation (2014)
"Hey, isn't that Red Hanson?"
Z Nation (2014)
"he must have turned just a few hours ago."
Z Nation (2014)
"Look, I got another one over here."
Z Nation (2014)
"Camp Blue Sky, this is mobile one."
Z Nation (2014)
"It's time for our 8 p.m. signal check."
Z Nation (2014)
"Show them why so many good men died"
Z Nation (2014)
"Show them!"
Z Nation (2014)
"Eight of them."
Z Nation (2014)
"At least you're still alive."
Z Nation (2014)
"More than I can say for my men."
Z Nation (2014)
"You're looking at the only human known to have survived"
Z Nation (2014)
"Hey, Doc. What's going on? What's going on?"
Z Nation (2014)
"I'm not at Camp Blue Sky. What's happening?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Blue Sky has been overrun."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"Well there was a ton of gunfire a while ago, but nothing since."
Z Nation (2014)
"How many more?"
Z Nation (2014)
"There's nobody back there but Z's. Sorry guys. We tried."
Z Nation (2014)
"Nothing left for them now but God's mercy."
Z Nation (2014)
"Wish I had ten times that."
Z Nation (2014)
"Should be up ahead on the left."
Z Nation (2014)
"Don't worry."
Z Nation (2014)
"Movin' on, like locust."
Z Nation (2014)
"Yeah, but they'll be back."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"You hear that?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Sounds like a... baby."
Z Nation (2014)
"There it is."
Z Nation (2014)
"We're gonna get you out of there."
Z Nation (2014)
"Brain dead on impact."
Z Nation (2014)
"Whoa. It's a real live baby."
Z Nation (2014)
"Here. What do I do?"
Z Nation (2014)
"Maybe... Dont hold him like he's a live grenade. Just give him to me."
Z Nation (2014)
"Me and babies, not so much."
Z Nation (2014)
"Heads up."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"Well she ain't dead."
Z Nation (2014)
"How long you in this cage for?"
Z Nation (2014)
"before he attracts Z's like flies."
Z Nation (2014)
"He's right about the Z's."
Z Nation (2014)
Z Nation (2014)
"Why are you dressed like that?"
Z Nation (2014)
"You can guess the rest."
Z Nation (2014)
"What are we wasting time talking to her for?"
Z Nation (2014)
"No way am I leaving the baby and her behind."
Z Nation (2014)
"It's not gonna happen."
Z Nation (2014)
"God, I hate moral dilemmas."
Z Nation (2014)
"Yeah what's next chief?"
Z Nation (2014)
"All right, everybody. Time to go."
Z Nation (2014)
"You four,"
Z Nation (2014)
"Hey! We haven't talked about this."
Z Nation (2014)
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