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Clips from Black Mirror - The National Anthem (S01E01)
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"Is she all right?"
Black Mirror
"Don't know."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"(ON TV) 'Don't kill me."
Black Mirror
"'Please don't kill me.'"
Black Mirror
"'On this screen?"
Black Mirror
"Her car was intercepted shortly after midnight,"
Black Mirror
"We are convinced both the video and the demand it contains are genuine."
Black Mirror
"It concerns you directly, sir."
Black Mirror
"Just play it."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"'(SOBBING) I don't understand!'"
Black Mirror
"Meanwhile, the demand has been made."
Black Mirror
"It's already outside it."
Black Mirror
"If there are hacks sniffing around, shut them down, bright, red, D Notice."
Black Mirror
"This video came from YouTube."
Black Mirror
"We did after nine minutes, long enough for it to be duplicated and spread."
Black Mirror
"Spread? How many people have seen this?"
Black Mirror
"How many people?"
Black Mirror
"This is virgin territory, Prime Minister."
Black Mirror
"Princess Susannah's been kidnapped!"
Black Mirror
"Go to work!"
Black Mirror
"No way. It's a piss take, man. Look at it!"
Black Mirror
"We're observing the D Notice."
Black Mirror
"No-one else has broken rank."
Black Mirror
"And MSNBC, Al Jazeera, NHK..."
Black Mirror
"'It's gone global, Tom.'"
Black Mirror
"Shove it up your arse you fucking..."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"A man."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"Noel won an Emmy by his effects work on that HBO moon Western thing."
Black Mirror
"Can you map a head onto a body live?"
Black Mirror
"Can't happen."
Black Mirror
"It has to."
Black Mirror
"People who've threatened yourself or the royals."
Black Mirror
"Nothing. Must be a hoax."
Black Mirror
"'A video uploaded anonymously to the Internet"
Black Mirror
"If it's terrorists, they'll take her head off."
Black Mirror
"and a short piece on the historical symbolism of the pig."
Black Mirror
"'..only five hours away,"
Black Mirror
"'While we wait for Downing Street to respond,"
Black Mirror
"'That's disgusting. It is disgusting."
Black Mirror
"'It will be hilarious to see that on TV."
Black Mirror
"'Nothing too abnormal for MPs."
Black Mirror
"We've been squeezing hard, but nothing concrete."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"Everyone's laughing at us."
Black Mirror
"Nothing is going to happen."
Black Mirror
"It's already happening in their heads."
Black Mirror
"I love you."
Black Mirror
"She's already been speaking to her for ten minutes."
Black Mirror
"Would they use a female pig?"
Black Mirror
"It's not like Dogme 95."
Black Mirror
"Cinematic movement."
Black Mirror
"Make love?"
Black Mirror
"How's Her Majesty taking it?"
Black Mirror
"And we are."
Black Mirror
"I thought it was untraceable."
Black Mirror
"I ran a nationwide traceback on uninterrupted one-way uploads"
Black Mirror
"Looks like a campus."
Black Mirror
"3 AM flyover shot from last night..."
Black Mirror
"Alert the local team. Full squad. I'll man it."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"I'm pretty trad... bish, bash, bosh. In, out."
Black Mirror
"Yeah, well..."
Black Mirror
"What do I put on the invoice? That's what I'm wondering."
Black Mirror
"HP84TD, a college or something. They should be there by now."
Black Mirror
"Is there a dressing room I can use?"
Black Mirror
"Full of joie de vivre, isn't he?"
Black Mirror
"You also need to wear this... on your head."
Black Mirror
"Commissioner. Thank you."
Black Mirror
"'Any orders, boss?'"
Black Mirror
"before you proceed."
Black Mirror
"'With the 4pm deadline three hours away,"
Black Mirror
"'time is running out for the Prime Minister... '"
Black Mirror
"Can't think about coverage now!"
Black Mirror
"But it's on-side?"
Black Mirror
"captor, outrage at the whole thing, but not at you."
Black Mirror
"'With hours to go, time is running out for the security services."
Black Mirror
"'Joining us is actress Lydia... '"
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"'has been delivered to UKN, along with a video"
Black Mirror
"'..Which contained a statement"
Black Mirror
"Unless I'm mistaken, our mystery man specified"
Black Mirror
"no visual trickery in his original demand, didn't he?"
Black Mirror
"I considered it necessary..."
Black Mirror
"It's nor..."
Black Mirror
"What did you do, Alex?"
Black Mirror
"A man prepared to do it and an FX company that"
Black Mirror
"would paint your head onto his shoulders."
Black Mirror
"I believed it worth considering."
Black Mirror
"Who knew about this?"
Black Mirror
"'with only 28% of the public believing"
Black Mirror
"'With the appearance of finger..."
Black Mirror
"'He's just got to do it."
Black Mirror
"'We can get another Prime Minister. We can't live without a princess."
Black Mirror
"Of course..."
Black Mirror
"Where's my obit VT?"
Black Mirror
"I'd say bullshit."
Black Mirror
"I'm not stupid."
Black Mirror
"Are you getting this?"
Black Mirror
"Yeah. Don't put yourself in any danger."
Black Mirror
"Still getting this?"
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"They can't see her."
Black Mirror
"'Malaika, make sure they can't... '"
Black Mirror
"Stay down! Don't move!"
Black Mirror
"Get out of there. Come on!"
Black Mirror
"Armed police!"
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
"There goes your RTS Award."
Black Mirror
"Fuck the public!"
Black Mirror
"To the public, this would be one man of questionable popularity"
Black Mirror
"The public, the Palace and the Party insist on compliance."
Black Mirror
"Or that of your family."
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
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