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Clips from The Simpsons - Springfield Up (S18E18)
"I'm documentary filmmaker Declan Desmond."
The Simpsons
"32 years ago I interviewed a group of Springfield schoolchildren."
The Simpsons
"creating a cinematic chronicle of their lives."
The Simpsons
"My cake will be a picture of a dinosaur and all the guests will say,"
The Simpsons
"I wish when I grow up, I'll be richer than everybody!"
The Simpsons
"I will! I will be rich!"
The Simpsons
"I'll own a football team and a basketball team"
The Simpsons
"Please, just put one in my brain!"
The Simpsons
"No running in the hall."
The Simpsons
"Ah, no running in the hall."
The Simpsons
"You seem a little cranky, Commandant."
The Simpsons
"Oh, yeah, oh, that's the stuff."
The Simpsons
"Oh... oh..."
The Simpsons
"And here we are in now-times."
The Simpsons
"I'm not making fun of you. I'm making fun of your pants."
The Simpsons
"Well, how'd you like it if I made fun of your pants?"
The Simpsons
"They-they, uh..."
The Simpsons
"How many wishes do I have left?"
The Simpsons
"Don't look at me. Look at the camera."
The Simpsons
"That's the production accountant. That's your other hand."
The Simpsons
"Do you even know what a camera is?"
The Simpsons
"I'm gonna put this squeaky toy on top of the camera."
The Simpsons
"Squeaky, squeaky!"
The Simpsons
"Squeaky, squeaky, squeaky!"
The Simpsons
"Yeah, yeah, yeah"
The Simpsons
"Did he have any hobbies?"
The Simpsons
"Get out of here!"
The Simpsons
"Are you two considering children?"
The Simpsons
"Homer, your life is nothing to be ashamed of."
The Simpsons
"I'll be kickin' your ass with a solid gold boot!"
The Simpsons
"Now that I'm super-wealthy,"
The Simpsons
"I can buy them whatever their hearts desire."
The Simpsons
"You're a blowhole!"
The Simpsons
"Oh, yes, I'm so proud, I feel my chest might burst."
The Simpsons
"But I must know... How did Homer come so far in eight short years?"
The Simpsons
"This pays a lot better than you think."
The Simpsons
"We pay him in limes."
The Simpsons
"with a simple invention: the Condiment Pen!"
The Simpsons
"I got the idea from the regular pen."
The Simpsons
"Can I use it on fish and chips?"
The Simpsons
"The point is: I'm rich, rich, rich!"
The Simpsons
"He loves it!"
The Simpsons
"You win, Homer."
The Simpsons
"Barely Literate, smells Like Feet"
The Simpsons
"To Mars!"
The Simpsons
"Professor Frink, you've become"
The Simpsons
"Yes, yes, all right. All of that means nothing, sir."
The Simpsons
"Now, I'll go back in time"
The Simpsons
"Hey... cool!"
The Simpsons
"At 24, Eleanor had graduated from Harvard Medical and Yale Law."
The Simpsons
"so I can go deliver a baby."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"The biggest change for me over the last eight years?"
The Simpsons
"That's got to be Homer."
The Simpsons
"At 24,"
The Simpsons
"And the world welcomed Disco Stu."
The Simpsons
"his erotic etchings, his Play-Doh Theater..."
The Simpsons
"And yet look how things turned out."
The Simpsons
"Oh, yes, sir."
The Simpsons
"As shocks go, this one's a real zaparoo."
The Simpsons
"Listen, something's been piquing my curiosity."
The Simpsons
"Why is your medicine cabinet full of old man ointments?"
The Simpsons
"Oh... mm-hmm."
The Simpsons
"Well, yeah, the ointments, um..."
The Simpsons
"This is Eduardo, my pool boy."
The Simpsons
"I am an angry, rich man."
The Simpsons
"Hoo-boy, it's Mr. Burns."
The Simpsons
"The plan was just to use your backyard, and the next thing we know,"
The Simpsons
"It's 11:59:59."
The Simpsons
"Just do it. Do it. Do it now!"
The Simpsons
"Then I got caught in some kind of garlic festival."
The Simpsons
"In the wake of this deception, I had two questions for Homer..."
The Simpsons
"I realized that if this bunny was going to be boiled,"
The Simpsons
"What do you want?"
The Simpsons
"I'll tell you why."
The Simpsons
"A good man went to a lot of trouble just to impress you."
The Simpsons
"And I went along with it because I love him to pieces."
The Simpsons
"And you made him look like a fool."
The Simpsons
"What's the matter, Declan?"
The Simpsons
"I've even got a title: Pontiff No Return."
The Simpsons
"At least you made it up the mountain."
The Simpsons
"I have some footage to show you."
The Simpsons
"And then what?"
The Simpsons
"I've gone over 100,000 hours of Springfield footage"
The Simpsons
"twice... and put together something you must see."
The Simpsons
"If I could trade lives with anybody, I'd pick Homer."
The Simpsons
"I love his laugh."
The Simpsons
"He may not be perfect, but he's my dad."
The Simpsons
"Homer gave me a kidney."
The Simpsons
"At bedtime, he tucks me in tighter than anyone else could."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"All those years I was dreaming of other things,"
The Simpsons
"hanging out with my family, drinking with my friends,"
The Simpsons
"making friends with my family and hanging with my drinking."
The Simpsons
"And I get to live you every day."
The Simpsons
"Oh, Homie!"
The Simpsons
"You make each eight-year interval better than the last!"
The Simpsons
"These children ran the gamut of society:"
The Simpsons
"rich and poor, black and white,"
The Simpsons
""he'll grow into his looks" and "forever hideous.""
The Simpsons
"Every eight years, I revisited those children,"
The Simpsons
"Join me, won't you, to see dreams dissolve"
The Simpsons
"What does the future hold for these children?"
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
""Why, Lenny, that's a fine cake!""
The Simpsons
"I wish for world peace."
The Simpsons
"I wish for world war."
The Simpsons
"Oh, yeah, that would be cooler."
The Simpsons
"and I'll make them play baseball!"
The Simpsons
"But what became of these wide-eyed naives?"
The Simpsons
"Let's begin by following the life of little Clancy Wiggum."
The Simpsons
"Freeze, robber, freeze!"
The Simpsons
"Bang, bang, bang!"
The Simpsons
"It hurts! It hurts so bad!"
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"As hall monitor, I am the law."
The Simpsons
"No running in the hall."
The Simpsons
"Hey, detention bird!"
The Simpsons
"Thanks for not running in the hall."
The Simpsons
"Go, Wildcats."
The Simpsons
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