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Clips from The Ghost and Molly McGee - Howlin' Harriet/The (Un)natural (S01E01)
"that, I don't know, highlight their best qualities?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[Libby ominously] A story? I've got a story."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"OK. Uh, let's hear it, Libby."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"This is the haunting tale of Howlin' Harriet."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Many, many years ago, there was a bloodthirsty criminal named Harriet."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[Sheela] What was her crime?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[Libby] She sold uncured salami on a Wednesday."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐Uh... what? ‐Laws were different back then."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐Oh... ‐[Libby] Harriet was chased out of town"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"by the angry citizens of Brighton."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"As she was running, she tripped on the tracks"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"and fell in the way of an oncoming train!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[train honks] ‐[Libby] Blam!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"And all the folk of Brighton found were her mangled toes."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"And now, on nights like tonight when the moon is full,"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"her ghost roams these very woods,"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"howling in pain, looking for toes of unsuspecting campers"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"to replace the ones she lost!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[howls] ‐[Sheela and Kat scream]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Pretty good! I was kind of hoping for a happy ending"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"where Harriet befriended lonely campers."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Y'know, flip the script on ghosts or whatever."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"But scary's good too..."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[crickets chirping]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Scratch, brainstorm!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"What if you dress up as Howlin' Harriet to scare the campers?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Yeah, you know what, that's great thinking."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Whoa! Wait a minute. Lightbulb. Why don't you go away"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"and dress up like Howlin' Harriet?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"And then run in if I need you. I'll give you a special buddy signal."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"A mission! OK! Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, Geoff... with a G."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"OK! I won't let you down, Scratch!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[screams] ‐Oh, man. That's a great a‐buffoon, I'll tell you what."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Dressing up as Harriet is not gonna scare anybody."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"What kind of idiot would believe she's real anyway?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Oh, I'm tickling myself."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Make sure to keep your toes in your sleeping bags!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Wouldn't want Howlin' Harriet to get them!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Think these socks are thick enough to protect me from Howlin' Harriet?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Ghosts aren't real. Just a product of an overactive imagination."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Ha‐ha! Yeah, ghosts. Totally not real."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Who'd believe that? Not me. Ha‐ha!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Oh, we... we do laugh."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Ah, yes. I feel a scare in the air."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[howling] ‐Geoff? I didn't give a signal."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[gasp] ‐[gasp]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[growls, then roars]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Howlin' Harriet! She's real! And she's coming for our toes!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[growls] ‐Scratch, I told you, you can't scare me off."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Well, I might've been able to if someone hadn't stolen my scare!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I'm looking at you, Geoff!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"And what is this? What's with all the sticks?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"It's a bit too much, Geoff."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Aw, really, Scratch? I don't know."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I mean, I think my detail work really helps sell the illusion."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"But if you're... then this is..."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[breathily scrambles] Haaah..."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Harriet! The real Harriet?!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[howls] ‐[Geoff screams]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Scratch! How do we get rid of her?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[gasps] What if we give her the thing she's been looking for?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I like it! Whose toes are we taking? The pink haired girl, right?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"You and Geoff keep her away from the campers. Especially the pink haired one."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I'll get us some toes!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐I need your help! ‐[they gasp]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I need to craft some toes!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐Every woman for herself! ‐[they scream]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Did you say help? And crafting?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I'm in."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐♪ Have you heard the news? ♪ ‐Hey, Harriet! Over here!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Pa, pa, pa ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Dangers on foot And if I were in your shoes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Pa‐pa, pa‐pa ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ I know which piggy I would choose ♪ ‐ All of them!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ I'm looking for toes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Toe‐toe‐toes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ All, skinny, fat or short ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Pretty much anything goes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Toe‐toe‐toes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Even if they're Kind of smelly ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ I can just hold my nose ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Toe‐toe‐toe‐toes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ When they get chopped off ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ Unfortunately They don't regrow ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ So I need toes ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐ ♪ I'm looking for... ♪ ‐[Libby] Molly, check it out!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[gasps] They're so real!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[Libby] I used my foot for reference."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[Harriet] Toes!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Pretty toes!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"OK. Sun's up, let's go."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Wow, I was so scared last night."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Yeah, I can't believe we talked ourselves"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"into believing Howlin' Harriet was real."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Sure seemed real though, huh? Kinda wish it was."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"You know, between you and Geoff, I can't get a minute to myself!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"So I sincerely hope you found a human bestie so I can have a break."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"No one can replace you, Scratch, as my number one bestie."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"But I think I found a winner!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I just gotta hope she wants to be my best friend too [inhales]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Molly, wanna be my best friend?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I understand if the answer's no."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I'm not really for everyone. I'm an acquired‐‐"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"[laughs] Bestie!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Well, as long as no one tells the Ghost Council about Howlin' Harriet,"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"I'd say our scare reports could be pretty good this month, eh, buddy?"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"You called me buddy!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"What? That was‐‐ No, I didn't mean it!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Oh. I didn't mean it either... bestie. [winks]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Stop winking."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee ♪"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"Whoo! Let's go Lemmings!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"You gotta believe!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐I got it! ‐I got it!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐I got‐‐ ‐[both] Oof."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"‐[they moan] ‐[camera shutter clicks]"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"And be aware of your surroundings."
The Ghost and Molly McGee
"You gotta believe and be aware of your surroundings!"
The Ghost and Molly McGee
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