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Clips from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Undercover (S02E02)
"I'm Jake Peralta."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"But as a former Detective,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"you just got slapped with the best life sentence there is:"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"♪ Good times ♪"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"♪ These are the good times ♪"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Let me take a picture of you."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Congratulations, Tony."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"It's a beautiful night."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"You know how long I've been waiting"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"He's a good kid."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I think Vito's the best kisser."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Hey, Captain Holt!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"He's here. He's here!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Okay? Shh! Shh!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Everyone, shh."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"whatever Charles is fermenting in his desk."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Won't take long. Only three things happened."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Number two, Santiago and Boyle"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"wore the same outfit to work one day."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"♪ And a man and a milk shake ♪"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Welcome back, Peralta."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"And those two minutes began when you entered."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"12 seconds left."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Fixed a boxing match,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"was once in a room with ten guys named Sal,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I should have told you immediately."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and Janet Storkmuncher."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"You know, me saying that I liked you."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"'Cause I was gonna say,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I know we left things weird,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"but that was a mistake."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and I think I just kinda freaked out,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"But that's great."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"who wants to talk to a Detective."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Hello, my name is Adelaide."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and I'm here to report a crime."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Goatee, 6'3"."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Hey! This is a tight 240."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Huh, every time you talk,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Nobody can ever know that we had sex, all right?"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I have spent years cultivating a reputation"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"as someone who sleeps with bike messengers"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"watching a nature documentary on bees."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Oh, you're right."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow..."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Peralta, special agent Marx is here to make your transfer"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"that the operation turned out to be"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I guarantee you they do."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"♪ sing us a song, you're the piano man ♪"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"There's nothing you can do."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"But you smell really bad."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Derek. Sounds like a great guy."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and punch me in the face."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"We are done with the drill."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"get the job done,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and then you can get on with your day."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Hi, my name is Timmy, and I'm lost."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"but I think that these drills"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"are slightly unnecessary, possibly."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Although you are the boss,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and your judgment is impeccable."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"And I guess what I am trying to say is thank you."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I agree, with the stuff about the drills,"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"not the spineless ass-kissing."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"And do not do or say anything"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"You got me. You got me. Yes, you. I got."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Yeah. Look, I can't tell you where Freddy is."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"But I can tell you his girl, Bianca, just called in."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"You know, Freddy's regular order delivered to her address."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Thank you so much."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Ahh! Ow!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"With three people we can have a real massage train now."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"and my mind disassociate from my body."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"You punched me, kicked me, spat on me, and then you said:"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"It's weird and sexual, and not in the good way."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"The only good news is Benny couldn't possibly think"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"we planned that. My cover's safe."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"All right, Bianca lives here."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Cologne me, bro."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Sorry, sorry, sorry."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"You can drop your butt."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"How about we finish building this tower?"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Then I'll get you some better toys..."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Mm-hmm. I'm Jake."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I'm looking for him."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Well, which Jake are you?"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Mm. Jake Peralta."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"if I was ever in trouble."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Oh, okay."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Yeah. Lady hands."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Nothing strange about it, okay?"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Come on."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I know what a car key is."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Yeah, these are them. I know!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Oh, crap, my gun."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Just shut up! Shut up!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"NYPD, drop your weapon."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"What do you know about a guy named Derek?"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Charles, no."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Captain, we were just, uh... Timmy was cranky."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Okay, everybody out!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Okay, it's just kinda difficult."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Out. Now!"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"We're in love. He introduced me"
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"to his children as his favorite assistant."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Yeah, there is."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"I just wish I could remember who."
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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