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Clips from Dawson's Creek - Tamara's Return (S02E02)
"Go ahead. I'll lock up."
Dawson's Creek
"Oh. Think you can handle it?"
Dawson's Creek
"- What does it look like we're doing?"
Dawson's Creek
"- It's just not working."
Dawson's Creek
"so our options are kind of limited."
Dawson's Creek
"I mean, I'm a 20th century girl."
Dawson's Creek
"- Where's your sense of romance?"
Dawson's Creek
"- You don't like it?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Are you kidding? I find it unbearably sexy."
Dawson's Creek
"And this woman swears that I'm not going to find a better deal than her warehouse."
Dawson's Creek
"Miss Jacobs."
Dawson's Creek
"- Are you moving back into town?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Let me guess. You and Joey are having another love spat and you want my opinion."
Dawson's Creek
"Well, here it is. Joey is being sarcastic and oversensitive and you,"
Dawson's Creek
"- Who?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Hey look who the cat dragged in."
Dawson's Creek
"I'll catch up with you after school."
Dawson's Creek
"- Ah, the sacrifices we make for young love, huh? Listen, man, just talk to me later!"
Dawson's Creek
"Bad news. Suder called and cancelled on Bessie so we can't open this afternoon"
Dawson's Creek
"but the good news is you have the day off."
Dawson's Creek
"- Oh come on. It's allowance time and I feel a major buying binge coming on."
Dawson's Creek
"So tomorrow get your pocketbook and a sensible pair of shoes"
Dawson's Creek
"and let's go blow some major dough."
Dawson's Creek
"- Don't feel like shopping?!"
Dawson's Creek
"He's just a guy with a motormouth and a limp billy club."
Dawson's Creek
"- Well, shopping for me is like deep sea diving."
Dawson's Creek
"McPhee. I didn't know you were a closet movie freak."
Dawson's Creek
"- No, no, I love Dumbo."
Dawson's Creek
"- You cried during Dumbo?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Hey, look, uh, I'm outta here"
Dawson's Creek
"and I got no plans so uh what do you say we walk around downtown or something?"
Dawson's Creek
"- No joke. I got no plans. And, believe it or not,"
Dawson's Creek
"- Unless you have your heart set on watching Dumbo."
Dawson's Creek
"Jarvis left a lasting impression on the art world"
Dawson's Creek
"- It was certainly... prolonged."
Dawson's Creek
"- Dawson, newsflash. Just because a painting does not have a beginning,"
Dawson's Creek
"- Hey Laura! Great lecture."
Dawson's Creek
"- It was awesome."
Dawson's Creek
"- Joey?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Hello Pacey. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Nice to meet you. I'm Andie."
Dawson's Creek
"- Pacey what's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Dawson's Creek
"Um, I'm really sorry, but I've got to go, okay?"
Dawson's Creek
"- I'm on to you, Joey."
Dawson's Creek
"Do you draw much?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Was? Why did she stop?"
Dawson's Creek
"- So, art must be in your genes."
Dawson's Creek
"- I don't know. I guess."
Dawson's Creek
"- Okay, why the look?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Andie. Hey, come on in. I'm just having a domestic spell."
Dawson's Creek
"He could very well like you. He just doesn't say anything to me."
Dawson's Creek
"- Okay, I won't say a word. I swear."
Dawson's Creek
"you've got new lipstick. Aren't you glad you met me?"
Dawson's Creek
"Oh my God! Jen, don't look now, but the biggest babe"
Dawson's Creek
"So, you're eating alone?"
Dawson's Creek
"- The docks? What do you do there? Sunbathe?"
Dawson's Creek
"Abby Morgan, 555-0142."
Dawson's Creek
"- Jen. It's nice meeting you, Jen."
Dawson's Creek
"It was something I was working on in Laura's class."
Dawson's Creek
"- I don't think so."
Dawson's Creek
"And I don't know, I just thought that I should come..."
Dawson's Creek
"- Pacey?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Yeah?"
Dawson's Creek
"- How about this? Is this supposed to feel awkward, too?"
Dawson's Creek
"- And if we were to see each other a third time?"
Dawson's Creek
"where everything is said in silence because the emotion behind"
Dawson's Creek
"- That's okay with you?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Okay. Then, uh, maybe we could have just a couple more seconds of silence?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Sure."
Dawson's Creek
"- Yes, Miss Jacobs."
Dawson's Creek
"She went sybil on me."
Dawson's Creek
"- Well, in my experience, Dawson, erratic behavior of the female orientation..."
Dawson's Creek
"It's probably not about art. Go find out what it is."
Dawson's Creek
"- Who?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Andie hates me."
Dawson's Creek
"it really means that she likes you. That's basic kindergarten psychology."
Dawson's Creek
"- Yeah, but that's different, Dawson. Andie's a girl, okay?"
Dawson's Creek
"- I'm your only sister."
Dawson's Creek
"- And hey, Joey, this place is dead. Why don't you take Jack with you?"
Dawson's Creek
"- Yeah..."
Dawson's Creek
"This should be entertaining."
Dawson's Creek
"- Only if your definition of scandal includes your wife having an affair"
Dawson's Creek
"I'd like to give that image a rest for the afternoon."
Dawson's Creek
"What are we still doing here? I'm starting to feel kind of stupid."
Dawson's Creek
"- The fisherman?"
Dawson's Creek
"- The babe. We're on hunk patrol."
Dawson's Creek
"We have no idea which one he's working on."
Dawson's Creek
"I know this must be incredibly boring for you."
Dawson's Creek
"- Just that he was an alcoholic and he died young."
Dawson's Creek
"And he was a genious. Look... amazing painter. And, you know what?"
Dawson's Creek
"He was severely manic-depressive so, like, half of his paintings are all, well, chaotic and..."
Dawson's Creek
"suggestive, you know? But this this one. This is his most famous painting... "Winter Mist"."
Dawson's Creek
"- No because if that was your only talent, then you'd be completely talentless."
Dawson's Creek
"you think I'm a terrible waiter on top of it?"
Dawson's Creek
"- No way! I'm awesome!"
Dawson's Creek
"- Jack, "every once in awhile"? You're a walking sight gag."
Dawson's Creek
"- Well, I guess that's one way of looking at me."
Dawson's Creek
"you can see they're filled with great power and passion... intelligence."
Dawson's Creek
"- You have no idea just how lucky you are."
Dawson's Creek
"- "Laborer"? Is that my designated label?"
Dawson's Creek
"I'm not interested in playing some blue-collar pin-up for some oversexed, condescending teenybopper."
Dawson's Creek
"that sometimes the stuff she says comes out wrong, but she means well, mostly."
Dawson's Creek
"- Yeah."
Dawson's Creek
"I think she's a stuck-up phony who wouldn't know a real man from a hole in the wall,"
Dawson's Creek
"- That's cool. I'd love to see anything you've done."
Dawson's Creek
"Laura just had us working on a bowl of fruit,"
Dawson's Creek
"which isn't the most inspiring subject matter to say the least."
Dawson's Creek
"- See, you shouldn't be wasting your time drawing things you're not passionate about."
Dawson's Creek
"- I already did, Dawson."
Dawson's Creek
"You earned your points just by coming. That's enough."
Dawson's Creek
"- No, Joey, I want to be here. I want to be with you. Jo, talk to me."
Dawson's Creek
"It was never my intention, believe me."
Dawson's Creek
"You've put me in my place a thousand times about some movie."
Dawson's Creek
"You, me, we're exactly the way we've always been and I am SO tired of it!"
Dawson's Creek
"I bet you thought I came over to your house the other day"
Dawson's Creek
"and to tell you that seeing you the other day brought back all the old feelings."
Dawson's Creek
"- This Pinter guy was really onto something. Woo."
Dawson's Creek
"- Yes, he was."
Dawson's Creek
"- Um, Tamara.."
Dawson's Creek
"and I really need to clean up this place."
Dawson's Creek
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