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Clips from Farscape (1999) - Sci-Fi (S02E02)
"- Are we gonna rob a bank? - Yes!"
Farscape (1999)
"In one container is enough wealth..."
Farscape (1999)
Farscape (1999)
"A tiny ship..."
Farscape (1999)
"Scorpy, when he got me in his chair..."
Farscape (1999)
"We have done it, we have done it, we are rich!!"
Farscape (1999)
"Item one, we need a blood tracker."
Farscape (1999)
"Jossie, it's really you!"
Farscape (1999)
"All right, Fronkensteen, let's get it on, get your property out of my head."
Farscape (1999)
"Nothing forced me here. Annual checkups are essential to good health."
Farscape (1999)
"So, I'm gonna go to Scorpy and have him take it out before it's too late."
Farscape (1999)
"The plan. Why we brought you all here."
Farscape (1999)
"that you were willing to go and save Jothee and instead we'll just go and rescue Crichton."
Farscape (1999)
"Well that's true, but..."
Farscape (1999)
"we did have currency.."
Farscape (1999)
"and it ah, it-- it was alive and we-- we had to burn the ship.."
Farscape (1999)
"I understand that girl."
Farscape (1999)
"There are thirty thousand containers in the shadow depository filled"
Farscape (1999)
"No, because even if you wanted to, I wouldn't go into battle with you now. Do you know why?"
Farscape (1999)
"We're not stupid!"
Farscape (1999)
"Get that gun outta my face!"
Farscape (1999)
"I think this whole idea rots! I want..."
Farscape (1999)
"I want! I want! My side, your side! All of you-- I want!"
Farscape (1999)
"Ten thousand souls screaming in my brain!"
Farscape (1999)
"Are you coming? Do you agree? Agree?"
Farscape (1999)
"But I want currency if I come, and plenty of it."
Farscape (1999)
"is it Scorpius?"
Farscape (1999)
"No. It's...it's...Talyn."
Farscape (1999)
"Why are you so interested in this human?"
Farscape (1999)
"There's nothing impressive about the species."
Farscape (1999)
"What are you doing to him? Why don't you just take him and leave?"
Farscape (1999)
"I have no desire to dominate the universe, but know this-- the wormhole technology in your brain.."
Farscape (1999)
"Eight entire tiers are burnt, and Moya's immune levels are falling to critical."
Farscape (1999)
"You all said that from the beginning."
Farscape (1999)
"Yes, but this is different."
Farscape (1999)
"Four arns."
Farscape (1999)
"Then, I recommend you bring down a basket, without any holes.."
Farscape (1999)
"And- and everything's perfectly timed because we're on a silent count."
Farscape (1999)
"You got it?"
Farscape (1999)
"He's an old enemy. I like that he doesn't talk back."
Farscape (1999)
"How come I don't get that job?"
Farscape (1999)
"Because you can't produce a fireball that burns at seven thousands klances."
Farscape (1999)
"a silent count? While we're fighting?"
Farscape (1999)
"The Flax is a net that will trap any ship coming after you!"
Farscape (1999)
"A net. Oh, I see. They stay up here opening a net... While I'm down there risking my life!"
Farscape (1999)
"Do you know what that is?"
Farscape (1999)
"Don't be sorry. I don't know what to say either."
Farscape (1999)
"After your Uncle accused me of killing your mother, I..."
Farscape (1999)
"I thought you would want to, I--"
Farscape (1999)
"I realize that. I want to know everything that has happened to you in you're life"
Farscape (1999)
"There. He's ready now."
Farscape (1999)
"In my brain..."
Farscape (1999)
"I'm sorry, Aeryn, you're wasting your time if you came here to beg."
Farscape (1999)
"I'm not begging."
Farscape (1999)
"Aeryn Sun...are you... Offering yourself?"
Farscape (1999)
"Crichton...if he's alive, must mean a great deal to you."
Farscape (1999)
"You can take what you want and I won't stop you."
Farscape (1999)
"I don't want you to think I'm a coward."
Farscape (1999)
"thinking about what you said earlier."
Farscape (1999)
"Pilot, would you mind telling these.."
Farscape (1999)
"But, you are a warrior."
Farscape (1999)
"It's more than flawed. It's frelled. And that is why I say we should forget about it."
Farscape (1999)
"Forget about it! You think they're just going to let us walk in down there?"
Farscape (1999)
"Moya should prove a distraction."
Farscape (1999)
"Well, that's easy. I put a bullet in Crichton's head and end it."
Farscape (1999)
"Well, that's too bad."
Farscape (1999)
"I'll do it."
Farscape (1999)
"You know, you should come in a visit sometime."
Farscape (1999)
"Moya? Anyone?"
Farscape (1999)
"How does this frelling thing work?"
Farscape (1999)
"Well, we're just outside the depository, and yes, you were right."
Farscape (1999)
"Oh well, it's just..."
Farscape (1999)
"You're no help Bekhesh!"
Farscape (1999)
"Fine! From now on, you're on your own!"
Farscape (1999)
"I will not let you endanger the rest of us."
Farscape (1999)
"If you cannot.."
Farscape (1999)
"No! I still have flame nutrients, but can no longer tap into them. Unless..."
Farscape (1999)
"I got through the waste vents. Crichton's on the level above the main chamber. He's..."
Farscape (1999)
"Bounty Hunter. This is the last time I will ask"
Farscape (1999)
"Get frelled!"
Farscape (1999)
"I was casing the joint for Zenetan Pirates."
Farscape (1999)
"I love red eyes."
Farscape (1999)
"Do not lie again! Who are you communicating to, and what is the plan to free the human?"
Farscape (1999)
"They plan to destroy the generator, then attack in the darkness."
Farscape (1999)
"Darkness is the key."
Farscape (1999)
"senses tell me that this animal is telling the truth."
Farscape (1999)
"We have to be fast."
Farscape (1999)
"Teurac, Zhaan, and Stark, I want you to go through the waste vents, into the depository, and destroy the generators."
Farscape (1999)
"Pilot. We'll be touching down on the planet in thirty microts."
Farscape (1999)
"Starting descent now. Chiana, tell the Zenetans to prepare for a low- level maneuver."
Farscape (1999)
"Blue Eyes...look out at that. That is the last sight your eyes will ever see."
Farscape (1999)
"You are a sick puppy. Scorpius has to kill me and you're still gettin' your jollies."
Farscape (1999)
"What? He...he can get the chip out without hurting me?"
Farscape (1999)
"Oh yes. First red, and now blue."
Farscape (1999)
"He said nothing about your eyes."
Farscape (1999)
"What the frell is that?"
Farscape (1999)
"Sir? We have a problem."
Farscape (1999)
"Why do you want to escape now, human?"
Farscape (1999)
"You just told me that I could get the chip out of my head without dying!"
Farscape (1999)
"As a bonus, you can have one of my eyes!"
Farscape (1999)
"The generator's this way!"
Farscape (1999)
"Are you sure? It's seven units. It's a lethal dose."
Farscape (1999)
"Not for us. Younger Sheyangs have survived nine! Give it to me! There is no other way."
Farscape (1999)
"Put the weapon down."
Farscape (1999)
"No, don't! He's a Sheyang."
Farscape (1999)
"That's right."
Farscape (1999)
"Goodbye, Zhaan."
Farscape (1999)
"You two go to night vision."
Farscape (1999)
"For someone who couldn't see... You did okay."
Farscape (1999)
"Natira, I know you're listening."
Farscape (1999)
"Come on, Natira! You've got to make up your mind quick!"
Farscape (1999)
"Scorpy's gonna kill you, no matter what happens here!"
Farscape (1999)
"Natira... ask him."
Farscape (1999)
"Tell me. Scorpius would never harm me, would he?"
Farscape (1999)
"To possess a beauty like you.."
Farscape (1999)
"Oh, my lovely. How fortunate you are. You're death will be painless."
Farscape (1999)
"If I take it out, will you get me on Moya and away from Scorpius? Do we have a deal?"
Farscape (1999)
"There's a way out in the lower level, we must move faster!"
Farscape (1999)
"What's the matter, Crichton?"
Farscape (1999)
Farscape (1999)
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