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Clips from The Simpsons - Three Gays of the Condo (S14E14)
"The Simpsons"
The Simpsons
"Aw, ha, ha."
The Simpsons
""Concert in Golden Gate Park. Ages 8 to 80.""
The Simpsons
"Go crazy, dorks. I got better things to do."
The Simpsons
"Can't help you. All I got is gray."
The Simpsons
"- Anybody working on a cement wall? - Turn it over, Homer."
The Simpsons
"...grass, grass with foot..."
The Simpsons
"What's he doing now? Is he a rodeo clown?"
The Simpsons
"Gee, Homer, that's super."
The Simpsons
"Ow! My eye. I'm not supposed to get jigs in it."
The Simpsons
"This is awful. It's like listening to Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony.""
The Simpsons
"Hey, what's this?"
The Simpsons
"That was back when his floors were sticky with promise."
The Simpsons
"I can't believe how young we looked in my memory."
The Simpsons
""Dear Homer..."
The Simpsons
"I need both hands for this game. Can you feed me nachos while I play?"
The Simpsons
"It's the evil rocks."
The Simpsons
"Take that."
The Simpsons
"You sure know how to show a girl a good time."
The Simpsons
"Young man, you've ingested a dangerous amount of alcohol."
The Simpsons
"Get his leg."
The Simpsons
"Tonight, I learned the two of us can't work."
The Simpsons
"I don't want a life of watching you get drunk..."
The Simpsons
"Hey, two days later, she had a doctor's appointment."
The Simpsons
""Nausea, cravings, knocked up feeling.""
The Simpsons
"And that's the reason she stayed with me."
The Simpsons
"I found the missing puzzle piece. It was under Maggie's eyelid."
The Simpsons
"James Taylor."
The Simpsons
"Quit changing the subject. How do you feel about me right now?"
The Simpsons
"Well, I love you, of course."
The Simpsons
"A little bit, yeah."
The Simpsons
"Time to repress another memory."
The Simpsons
"I am at Disneyland."
The Simpsons
"You made your own breakfast?"
The Simpsons
"Ha, ha. Oh, no, no. This is nothing like Milhouse's parents."
The Simpsons
"- You don't have a doorknob. - I don't have a tie either."
The Simpsons
"Oh, Luann."
The Simpsons
"Roommate wanted for three-bedroom apartment."
The Simpsons
"Thank you, news box."
The Simpsons
"Ah! It's gone."
The Simpsons
"And there sure are a lot of gay bookstores for a straight neighborhood."
The Simpsons
"So I've never been here before."
The Simpsons
"Ooh, is that the Mr. Burns you're always talking about?"
The Simpsons
"Nice to meet you, Stewart."
The Simpsons
"...you should know that Julio and I have an active social life."
The Simpsons
"Homer, what Grady is saying is that... How can I put this?"
The Simpsons
"You are? Hmm. Which will win out?"
The Simpsons
"Ah! My spices."
The Simpsons
"Where'd you buy this? From the guy on the exit ramp? Disgusting."
The Simpsons
"He made us a great breakfast and you're just riding his butt..."
The Simpsons
"...and not in a good way."
The Simpsons
"Thank you, Homer. It's a pleasure cooking for you."
The Simpsons
"Well, get used to it because I'm gonna stay."
The Simpsons
"And with a male roommate, we can walk around naked."
The Simpsons
""Nancy Drew let out a low whistle."
The Simpsons
"Yeah. Along the way, we took photos of interesting doors and gates."
The Simpsons
"Marge, please. Let's not fight in front of the kids."
The Simpsons
"Ugh. Oh, it shows."
The Simpsons
"I haven't had a strangle that smooth since I was 4."
The Simpsons
"- Why don't you just say you're sorry? - Lisa, marriage is a beautiful thing."
The Simpsons
"Sorry, Mom."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"I don't know what's gonna happen."
The Simpsons
"I didn't think it was possible."
The Simpsons
"But watching him makes me more lesbian."
The Simpsons
"Gay. Gay. Bi."
The Simpsons
"Tennessee Williams?"
The Simpsons
"Homer, please."
The Simpsons
"Uh, Homer, I think you should see this."
The Simpsons
"And as soon as her check cleared, I was on the first flight here."
The Simpsons
"- You get the parody songs I sent you? - Ugh, yes."
The Simpsons
"Which one was better?"
The Simpsons
"Her heart was as big As his stomach was large"
The Simpsons
"Oh, yeah, they say love goes on"
The Simpsons
"It would take a man of stone with a funny bone of steel to resist that."
The Simpsons
"And please turn off thy cell phones and pagers."
The Simpsons
"I've learned a lot living here."
The Simpsons
"Homer, weren't you supposed to meet your wife half an hour ago?"
The Simpsons
"I gotta go."
The Simpsons
"Congratulations to Marge and Homer Simpson on their reconciliation dinner."
The Simpsons
"Oh, sorry I'm late. The Velvet Mafia made me a margarita I couldn't refuse."
The Simpsons
"Goodbye, Homer. I try to save our marriage."
The Simpsons
"At least you tried."
The Simpsons
"I'm like David Spade without Chris Farley, alone and useless."
The Simpsons
"Oh, Homer, a guy as cool and special as you will have no trouble..."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"We should take some time to talk..."
The Simpsons
"I was just thinking, my problems with Marge started because I drink too much."
The Simpsons
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Take your medicine, you lush, you."
The Simpsons
"Uh, he was drinking at Harrigan's bar down the street there."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"But you're a good person. And that's whatl see most of the time."
The Simpsons
"Whatever problems we have..."
The Simpsons
"Marge, I never wanna be apart from you again."
The Simpsons
"- Homie, what are you thinking? - Manly thoughts."
The Simpsons
"All I have left now are my tapes."
The Simpsons
"That's a story about Homer and Marge"
The Simpsons
"Weird Al saying "Oh, yeah, the credits go on"
The Simpsons
"Long after the viewer's interest Is gone""
The Simpsons
"Even if it was just a brief cameo"
The Simpsons
"I wonder what Mom came up with for this week's Family Wednesday."
The Simpsons
"We weren't playing Pictionary. That was an intervention to stop your drinking."
The Simpsons
"What? Are you sure?"
The Simpsons
"Oh, that takes me back."
The Simpsons
"- Here it is. This week's family activity. - Oh, a jigsaw puzzle."
The Simpsons
"We know when we're not wanted."
The Simpsons
"The first step is the funnest, turning all the pieces face up."
The Simpsons
"What do you say we turn this baby loose on some feldspar?"
The Simpsons
"- I'm in. - Oh, I hate this."
The Simpsons
"It's making me use my arms."
The Simpsons
"Hey, these two pieces are already connected. We're halfway there."
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
"Does anyone have any swan heads? I've got nothing but necks."
The Simpsons
"It's how the pros do it."
The Simpsons
"Sky, sky, sky with building..."
The Simpsons
"Bart's so poor, he has to eat cardboard."
The Simpsons
"- What are you eating? - Drywall."
The Simpsons
"Hey, kids. Uh, we're worried about your dad. He ain't been to work for a week."
The Simpsons
"- Is he Poochie again? - He's working on a jigsaw puzzle."
The Simpsons
"Now let's see."
The Simpsons
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