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Clips from Lazor Wulf (2019) - We Good? (S02E02)
"♪ la, la, la ♪"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"♪ da da da da ♪"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"♪ da da da da da da ♪"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"♪ heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ♪"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ breathing heavily, growling ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ dog barks ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"The youth: Yeah, sure, I bit him."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"But as far as I'm concerned, when you're playing dress-up,"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"You have to let people have equal time with the purple tutu."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Dem's da rules."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Okay, so you really bit him?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Yeah, tell me you ain't bite him?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ laughs ] don't take away my nap time, you know what I mean?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"The teeth will come out."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ laughter ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"You so wild."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Like, maybe a little too wild."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ laughs ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I'm hilarious."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Hello, my delicadancers!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"No. Skidaddle, dickhead."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Buzz off, you dump-dum."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Kim, keisha, pam, I have some great news."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I got us tickets to a taping of "strong talk.""
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Girls day. My treat."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"All: What?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"What are you talking about?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I am gonna take my ladies for a massage and green juices,"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"And then we going to our favorite round table,"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Tea spillin', daytime talk show, "strong talk"!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
""ladies, let's get into it!""
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Oh, my god. Canon wu--"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Oh, hell yeah!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Keisha, I don't know what's going on, but I'mma need you"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"To respect the dynamic."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"It's kim, keisha, and pam. Not keisha, kim, and pam."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I'm the leader of the group."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"My bad, my bad. You -- you go ahead."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Okay, yeah. Yeah."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Oh, hell yeah!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"But, um...What about our shift at the delicadanci?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Oh, I got stupid horse to cover."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ vocalizing ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I could really use a little r&r."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Let's get into it!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Nuh-uh. This is some bull[bshh]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Watch your mouth, little girl."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Ooh, you really shouldn't have spilled my milk."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Now I'm gonna have to beat your ass."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"You gonna beat my ass, too?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"What? Go away, loser wulf."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Gladys! Take my away!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ barks ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"There are two kinds of people you can't trust --"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"People who have never been slapped"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"And people who never played outside."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I've played outside."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"The youth: Sometimes I think I'm crazy for thinking"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"A good thing can last."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ thunder crashes ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"It's been weeks since the last time I beat someone's ass."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Kim, keisha, and pam changed all that for me."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ squeaks ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"And yet, I find myself back here again."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I guess some things never change."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Canon wulf is about to be as dead as my dead dead-beat dad."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ barks ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"No, no, no, no -- yes."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Yep, yeah, yeah."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Canon wulf, can you keep it down?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"It's hard to be treated to a girls day when"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"You're throwing around your psychic male energy."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Oh, you right. Sorry, kim."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Maybe I should just check in with stupid horse."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ vocalizing ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"He grown. It's fine. Now hush."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Yeah, canon. He good."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I'm sure y'all right."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ cellphone rings ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Yo, yeti, what up?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Canon, what's good, my dude?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I'm over here at phancy's, and they said you"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Came in here and spilled the youth's milk?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Hey. Yeah, that was me."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"You know how I get."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"That I do. That I do."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"So, word from the streets is that little kid"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Is gonna beat your ass, my guy."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ laughs ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Oh, word? Well, we'll see about that."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"That we will. That we will."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Canon. You're right!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"No distractions."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Today is all about you girls."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Just one for the gram real quick."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ glass shatters ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Did I just get... Shit-ted on?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Hey, asshat! Tell me where canon wulf is!"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ screams ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I want to get to him before he gets to "strong --""
Lazor Wulf (2019)
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I know where canon is. Well, where is he?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"He's going to "strong talk"."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"I already know that, you backwards fart."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Okay, so you gonna beat me up now?"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Just go away, you weirdo."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ sighs ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"[ chuckles ]"
Lazor Wulf (2019)
"Well, that wasn't great."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
""strong talk" better be good."
Lazor Wulf (2019)
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