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Clips from Benson (1979) - Taylor's Bid (S01E01)
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
"What was that?"
Benson (1979)
"Almost two points."
Benson (1979)
"Pick that up."
Benson (1979)
"Pardon me, Kraus, I have trouble with my ears."
Benson (1979)
"I hear everything you say."
Benson (1979)
"Good, then why don't you pick that up and put it in the basket?"
Benson (1979)
"Why don't you get on that broom and fly out of here?"
Benson (1979)
"Good morning."
Benson (1979)
"What's going on, Benson?"
Benson (1979)
"My aim is poor and so is Kraus's personality."
Benson (1979)
"Is this the problem?"
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
"Can we be friends?"
Benson (1979)
"What and ruin a beautiful relationship?"
Benson (1979)
"You know, Benson,"
Benson (1979)
"personally I feel that you and I can develop"
Benson (1979)
"a long and meaningful association."
Benson (1979)
"Oh, really?"
Benson (1979)
"Can we do it by phone?"
Benson (1979)
"Oh, that is funny. I like that."
Benson (1979)
"So, what's this lottery for anyway?"
Benson (1979)
"Fresh air fund. Mmm-hmm."
Benson (1979)
"If you win first prize, you get a car."
Benson (1979)
"Then you can sell the car and buy gas for it."
Benson (1979)
"I already have a car, honey."
Benson (1979)
"Second prize is a trip to Hawaii."
Benson (1979)
"I've been to Hawaii."
Benson (1979)
"I laid my towel on the beach"
Benson (1979)
"and went for a swim. When I came back,"
Benson (1979)
"they'd built a condominium on it."
Benson (1979)
"I will buy the whole book."
Benson (1979)
"It's $10."
Benson (1979)
"Well, it's a very worthy cause."
Benson (1979)
"Now, just think of it, Katie."
Benson (1979)
"What would we have without fresh air?"
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
"God, you're funny."
Benson (1979)
"What's with him?"
Benson (1979)
"He's being awfully nice today."
Benson (1979)
"He must want something from us."
Benson (1979)
"Whatever it is, he ain't getting it from me."
Benson (1979)
"Good morning, everybody."
Benson (1979)
"ALL: Morning, Governor."
Benson (1979)
"Would you like a cup of coffee?"
Benson (1979)
"Yes, thank you."
Benson (1979)
"Goodness gracious, sakes alive."
Benson (1979)
"Governor, watch your language."
Benson (1979)
"There are ladies present."
Benson (1979)
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Benson (1979)
"I can't help it."
Benson (1979)
"It's that Representative Hofer."
Benson (1979)
"That old fogey has done it to me again."
Benson (1979)
"First, he blocked my reform legislation in committee."
Benson (1979)
"Then he led the fight against my Environmental Protection Act."
Benson (1979)
"Now this. What's he done?"
Benson (1979)
"He died."
Benson (1979)
"Will the man stop at nothing?"
Benson (1979)
"Well, I have to call a special election to fill his seat"
Benson (1979)
"and guess who's going to run?"
Benson (1979)
"ALL: Taylor."
Benson (1979)
"He told you?"
Benson (1979)
"In so many strokes."
Benson (1979)
"Well, I know this must be a terrible shock to you."
Benson (1979)
"Words fail me."
Benson (1979)
"Me, too. He's such a help to me in so many ways."
Benson (1979)
"What'll I do without him?"
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
"Taylor had a way of... of making the most difficult issues"
Benson (1979)
"acceptable to the public."
Benson (1979)
"I don't know how he did it."
Benson (1979)
"He lied."
Benson (1979)
"And in respect to"
Benson (1979)
"the financial indebtedness of this project,"
Benson (1979)
"additional monies can be allocated from the general fund"
Benson (1979)
"pursuant to the instructions received from the state comptroller's office"
Benson (1979)
"and additional taxation will not be required."
Benson (1979)
"What do you have so far?"
Benson (1979)
"Writer's cramp."
Benson (1979)
"Governor, you're going twice as fast as you normally do."
Benson (1979)
"Well, I have twice as much work as I normally do."
Benson (1979)
"Have you received the reply from Senator Douglas?"
Benson (1979)
"I haven't even typed up the request. Why not?"
Benson (1979)
"You just dictated it."
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
"Come in."
Benson (1979)
"Hi, Governor."
Benson (1979)
"I found the notes from your dinner meeting with Councilman Van Platt."
Benson (1979)
"Oh, you're a lifesaver. Where were they?"
Benson (1979)
"Now the proposal was written on the back of this coaster"
Benson (1979)
"which I found in the left pocket of your grey suit."
Benson (1979)
"The counterproposal was written on the back of this napkin"
Benson (1979)
"which I found in the left-hand pocket of your raincoat."
Benson (1979)
"Now this is a pocket-size notebook,"
Benson (1979)
"a present from me."
Benson (1979)
"Thank you, Benson. Benson. Huh?"
Benson (1979)
"I've got a problem."
Benson (1979)
"What is it? Taylor."
Benson (1979)
"He's coming back."
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
"Then what's the problem?"
Benson (1979)
"Oh, well, it's not actually a problem."
Benson (1979)
"Well, see, the problem..."
Benson (1979)
"Taylor's coming over today"
Benson (1979)
"for the Governor's endorsement in this election."
Benson (1979)
"Now, the Governor doesn't feel"
Benson (1979)
"he can endorse any one candidate until after the primary."
Benson (1979)
"That's the problem."
Benson (1979)
"Good afternoon, everybody."
Benson (1979)
"Taylor, come in. How's the campaign going?"
Benson (1979)
"Ah, it just couldn't be better. Good."
Benson (1979)
"But I'm going to need a little help from each and every one of you."
Benson (1979)
"Sorry, I left my wallet in my other pants."
Benson (1979)
"Taylor, it isn't easy for me to say this..."
Benson (1979)
"Uh, in all fairness, sir, I think I should tell you,"
Benson (1979)
"I'm taking Marcy with me as my administrative assistant."
Benson (1979)
"Your what?"
Benson (1979)
Benson (1979)
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