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Clips from Arrested Development - Whistler's Mother (S01E01)
"Michael was preparing for a meeting with the Bluth Company board..."
Arrested Development
"to decide what to do with some recently unfrozen funds."
Arrested Development
"Wow. Exciting, huh?"
Arrested Development
"- Finally getting some money. - What do you want, Lindsay?"
Arrested Development
"- I'd like some of that money. - Well, this money is for land."
Arrested Development
"Okay? We're not gonna burn through it like Dad did when he was in charge."
Arrested Development
"With his bad investments, and his corrupt dealings..."
Arrested Development
"- Mother's neck. - No, that was a good investment."
Arrested Development
"It is easier to look at now, isn't it?"
Arrested Development
"What if I told you that the money was for something really worthwhile?"
Arrested Development
"- Like what? - I want to have an affair."
Arrested Development
"Now, I'm not sure with who yet, but I'll need lingerie, waxings..."
Arrested Development
"These are some real costs, Michael."
Arrested Development
"- I take it things aren't getting better with Tobias. - What's that supposed to mean?"
Arrested Development
"Things hadn't been getting better with Michael's sister and her husband."
Arrested Development
"Even after she came up with a plan to get his attention."
Arrested Development
"Oh, my God. Listen to the radio."
Arrested Development
"I haven't heard this song since we first started dating."
Arrested Development
"I just feel like using my body."
Arrested Development
"Well, Lindsay, could you use it over there? I'm trying to grow."
Arrested Development
"Yeah. It's clear that's not gonna happen."
Arrested Development
"We had sex once in the last year, and he just laid there."
Arrested Development
"All right. Look, this money is for land."
Arrested Development
"I'm not gonna give you money to have an affair."
Arrested Development
"Why don't you pick something else to boost up your self-worth?"
Arrested Development
"How about, uh, charity? Why don't you get back to your roots?"
Arrested Development
"Well, it has been a while. All right!"
Arrested Development
"I'm gonna go do that right now."
Arrested Development
"You're gonna go get your hair done, aren't you?"
Arrested Development
"Well, if I'm gonna have an affair..."
Arrested Development
"Michael got a message he intended to ignore."
Arrested Development
"Until he read the next line."
Arrested Development
"- A matter ofland, Mom? - Oh, that's funny."
Arrested Development
"I meant a matter of'L' and 'D'... Life and death."
Arrested Development
"What is the matter of life and death?"
Arrested Development
"Buster's jaw clicks when he eats."
Arrested Development
"I think it's what's driving his friends away."
Arrested Development
"I sent him to Canada for an operation."
Arrested Development
"So I'll need some of that new money that just came in."
Arrested Development
"You know, Mom, if you want an operation that's really gonna help him..."
Arrested Development
"you ought to have them finally cut that cord."
Arrested Development
"- He needs me. - He doesn't need you."
Arrested Development
"You coddle him. He's too old to go running to his mommy with all his problems."
Arrested Development
"I seem to remember a certain someone..."
Arrested Development
"running to Mommy when his algebra teacher made an example of him."
Arrested Development
"Michael had been suspended when another boy cheated offhis test."
Arrested Development
"Tracy won't marry me. I won't get a job, and..."
Arrested Development
"What is this? What's happening?"
Arrested Development
"Let Mama take care of it."
Arrested Development
"I'll have a little chat with Mr. Vandenbosch."
Arrested Development
"The next day, Mr. Vandenbosch was not in school."
Arrested Development
"He was never heard from again."
Arrested Development
"I know life is not fair to women. Your children grow up, and they don't need you anymore."
Arrested Development
"And I seem to remember a certain grown man..."
Arrested Development
"who completely fell apart two weeks ago..."
Arrested Development
"when I taped over the Nova special that had the girl on it he liked."
Arrested Development
"That was Buster. That's my point."
Arrested Development
"George Michael, meanwhile, was at the frozen banana stand..."
Arrested Development
"when he thought he spotted a familiar face:"
Arrested Development
Arrested Development
"Sorry, miss. Pop-Pop!"
Arrested Development
"- You think you saw Pop-Pop? - But with hair! Which is probably why..."
Arrested Development
"- he asked for my hair, remember? - Give Pop-Pop your hair!"
Arrested Development
"- Give me the hair! - It all adds up."
Arrested Development
"He stole somebody's hair, made a wig, knocked out the guard..."
Arrested Development
"tunnelled his way through a sewer line, and then stopped to get a candy apple..."
Arrested Development
"- on his way to Mexico! - Of course!"
Arrested Development
"- You're mocking me. - Of course."
Arrested Development
"Listen, I know what I saw, Maeby. And there's no other explanation."
Arrested Development
"So listen. My twin brother's in town. I want you to take care ofhim."
Arrested Development
"- You still see Uncle Oscar? - Tell you what."
Arrested Development
"Give him ten grand from the, uh, new cash."
Arrested Development
"- Just send him on his way. - Dad, the money is for the business, okay?"
Arrested Development
"- I'm not just gonna hand it all out. - Michael!"
Arrested Development
"This is my brother. Do you know what it's like to have a sibling..."
Arrested Development
"who has no source of income except for you?"
Arrested Development
"just one? No. No idea. It sounds wonderful though."
Arrested Development
"Look, the board is watching every move I make."
Arrested Development
"EspeciallyJordan. He's just waiting for me to screw up, so he can blow the whistle on me."
Arrested Development
"Why don't you just buy him out of his stock?"
Arrested Development
"No, no. He wants twice the value. But..."
Arrested Development
"Listen. Stop tellin' me what to do with the money, please?"
Arrested Development
"I've got a plan for the board meeting that's gonna take the gun right out ofJordan's hand."
Arrested Development
"Listen, you've got the money now. And you know my price."
Arrested Development
"You don't need a whistle-blower around here."
Arrested Development
"Interesting choice of words, Mr. Jordan."
Arrested Development
"He's right. We don't need a whistle-blower."
Arrested Development
"We need a building full of whistle-blowers."
Arrested Development
"Okay? Whistles."
Arrested Development
"I want this place to be honest. That's exactly why I had these made up for us."
Arrested Development
"When you see something wrong, I wa..."
Arrested Development
"There you go. I want you to report it. I want you to..."
Arrested Development
"Exactly. Just like that."
Arrested Development
"I want us to police ourselves as vigilant..."
Arrested Development
"Let's wait till something actually happens though. Okay, good fun."
Arrested Development
"All right. Hey. Enough!"
Arrested Development
"45, 46, 47..."
Arrested Development
"Okay, there's still three whistles left out there."
Arrested Development
"Who's got the whistles?"
Arrested Development
"- He kept one. - There's a good example of whistle-blowing."
Arrested Development
"But you've kept yours, so it's hurting your case."
Arrested Development
"I was in the bathroom when you asked for it back."
Arrested Development
"- No, he wasn't. - In any event..."
Arrested Development
"we are going to be responsible with this money."
Arrested Development
"Michael, I hope I'm not interrupting anything..."
Arrested Development
"but I'd love to get a hunk of that new company money."
Arrested Development
"I just need to prove to my wife that I can act like a man."
Arrested Development
"And it's not about sex. I don't just lie there, if that's what you're thinking."
Arrested Development
"- That's not what I was thinking. - Sorry, I just..."
Arrested Development
"- A quick question for Michael. - Is this about the money?"
Arrested Development
"- No! - What do you want?"
Arrested Development
"It's not about money in the sense that I'm saying, Here, Michael, take some money."
Arrested Development
"It's just more of a May I have some? kind of visit."
Arrested Development
"Don't you have a wife that you can ask now?"
Arrested Development
"- She left me. - For Tobias?"
Arrested Development
"- She left me. - For Tobias?"
Arrested Development
"- For me? - No!"
Arrested Development
"- She doesn't even like you. - I'm in love with your brother-in-law."
Arrested Development
"You're in love with your own brother? The one in the army?"
Arrested Development
"- No. Your sister's husband. - Michael? Michael!"
Arrested Development
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