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Clips from Star Trek: Discovery - Terra Firma, Part 2 (S03E03)
"Previously on Star Trek: Discovery..."
Star Trek: Discovery
"There's a signal coming from the center of the nebula."
Star Trek: Discovery
"There's a ship lost in there."
Star Trek: Discovery
"This is Dr. Issa."
Star Trek: Discovery
"We are stranded."
Star Trek: Discovery
"The Khi'ethis still broadcasting"
Star Trek: Discovery
"-this distress signal. -On a loop, sir."
Star Trek: Discovery
"I want to know what is happening inside that ship."
Star Trek: Discovery
"-I think I can help you. -Help?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"We have a way of doing things."
Star Trek: Discovery
"So do you want me to read the field manual?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"When we first arrived, I, too, was eager to assist."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Ultimately, we had to wait for our moment to prove ourselves."
Star Trek: Discovery
"I trust you will find your moment, as well, Mr. Booker."
Star Trek: Discovery
"KOVICH: Temporal travel can make you pretty sick."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Every molecule fights to either go back in time,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"or jump a cosmic divide."
Star Trek: Discovery
"CULBER: Every time we queried the sphere data for treatment,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"no matter how we entered it, it gave us the same result."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Apparently, the cure can be found on Dannus 5."
Star Trek: Discovery
"-Well, look at that. -What the hell is this?!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"-I'm Carl. -What happens if she goes through the door?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"-She'll be on the other side. -Give me a straight answer."
Star Trek: Discovery
"This is the chance your computer was pointing us to,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"and I'm taking it."
Star Trek: Discovery
"ALL: Terra Firma!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"GEORGIOU: Let me make myself clear."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Lorca's coup will fail, Michael will return to the fold,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"and the path of what has been set in motion will change"
Star Trek: Discovery
"because I will change it."
Star Trek: Discovery
"From now on, you will be my eyes and ears."
Star Trek: Discovery
"[whispering]: Our future is unwritten."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Let's make it count, shall we?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"-[grunts] -GEORGIOU: Take her to the agonizer."
Star Trek: Discovery
"[electrical whirring, buzzing]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[indistinct chatter]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[loud, guttural groaning]"
Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery
"I should be dead."
Star Trek: Discovery
"[panting, whimpering]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Kill me."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Give me the honor I deserve!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"You deserve many things."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Then kill me for your own sake,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"because every moment you hesitate is a moment"
Star Trek: Discovery
"that everyone can see how weak you've become."
Star Trek: Discovery
"You're about to find out how weak I've become."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Why do you think Lorca has been able"
Star Trek: Discovery
"to gather so many forces against you?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Why do you think he got to me?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"You're rescuing Kelpiens?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Fretting over artists?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Half of your insipid death opera was a lie."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Propaganda to make you look strong."
Star Trek: Discovery
"I know the truth."
Star Trek: Discovery
"You're retiring to the Charon."
Star Trek: Discovery
"[scoffs] You think I'm retiring?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Why else would you build a palace in the sky"
Star Trek: Discovery
"while the rest of us are still fighting on the ground?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Are you really this blind, Michael?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Or don't you want there to be an empire"
Star Trek: Discovery
"left to rule after I'm gone?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"If we don't give our subjects something to live for,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"they will always be in rebellion."
Star Trek: Discovery
"How many revolts have we had to quash this year alone?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Twice as many as last year."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Even Genghis Khan learned"
Star Trek: Discovery
"that his grip on power could not hold if he didn't let the people"
Star Trek: Discovery
"he conquered worship their own gods."
Star Trek: Discovery
"You promised us new worlds to conquer."
Star Trek: Discovery
"You promised us spoils, never-ending growth."
Star Trek: Discovery
"There are no spoils from peace."
Star Trek: Discovery
"-[gasps] -You have a lot to learn, Michael."
Star Trek: Discovery
"-[groans] -[yells]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[Burnham groans loudly]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"You're the one who's blind!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[breathing sharply]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Even now, the Romulans, the Andorians,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"the Tellarites, the Klingons--"
Star Trek: Discovery
"they're forming an alliance to destroy us."
Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery
"It's called "the Coalition.""
Star Trek: Discovery
"And the Denobulans and the Rigelians,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"and the Coridanites will follow."
Star Trek: Discovery
"You should attack now!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"We can't defeat the whole galaxy if they unite against us."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Well, they would think twice about alliances"
Star Trek: Discovery
"if we flew down and roasted them on spits."
Star Trek: Discovery
"[Burnham pants loudly]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"The rules of engagement are changing."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Oh. No! Mother, no!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"I will kill all of you! [groans]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"I will kill... all of you!"
Star Trek: Discovery
"This is the orison of every parent, Michael,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"as I hoped you would learn some day."
Star Trek: Discovery
""Why can't they just believe what I say?""
Star Trek: Discovery
"[Burnham grunting]"
Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery
""Why do they only learn from pain?""
Star Trek: Discovery
"[screaming continues]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[soft groaning]"
Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery
"[loud groaning]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[door whooshes open]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"[footsteps approach]"
Star Trek: Discovery
"Emperor, if I may,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"why is Michael Burnham still using up oxygen on my ship?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"You could kill her with the press of a button."
Star Trek: Discovery
"She's a traitor. She's doesn't deserve mercy."
Star Trek: Discovery
"She isn't getting any."
Star Trek: Discovery
"What shows more strength?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"A mother who simply kills her daughter,"
Star Trek: Discovery
"or a mother who locks her daughter in an agonizer booth"
Star Trek: Discovery
"in order to change the course of the future?"
Star Trek: Discovery
"We still need to find and deal with her accomplices."
Star Trek: Discovery
"Detmer, I'm sure, knew of her plans."
Star Trek: Discovery
"No better message to send to her co-conspirators"
Star Trek: Discovery
"than a broken Michael Burnham"
Star Trek: Discovery
"who has been re-forged into a loyal subject,"
Star Trek: Discovery
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