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Clips from Central Park - Episode One (S01E01)
"In the middle of Manhattan"
Central Park
"There's a spot unlike the rest"
Central Park
"An actual oasis"
Central Park
"It's like New York, but undressed"
Central Park
"I'm talking 'bout a place That all the bustle seems to pass"
Central Park
"What's this place I speak of?"
Central Park
"Why, I'm so glad you asked"
Central Park
"It's Central Park"
Central Park
"It's a haven, it's a jewel"
Central Park
"Central Park"
Central Park
"And it even has a pool"
Central Park
"The city's little refuge Filled with kind of art and art"
Central Park
"And guess what?"
Central Park
"It's central in my heart"
Central Park
"The cops patrol on horsies"
Central Park
"As the kiddos hide their weed"
Central Park
"Be cool. Be cool."
Central Park
"There's tennis players deucin'"
Central Park
"And he just deuced for free"
Central Park
"Good job!"
Central Park
"See Rollerbladers tripping"
Central Park
"Yogis doing downward dog"
Central Park
"And truant students skipping"
Central Park
"While their Waspy mothers jog"
Central Park
"Central Park"
Central Park
"Built in 1857"
Central Park
"Central Park"
Central Park
"Where all rats go to heaven"
Central Park
"It used to be a village"
Central Park
"But no one talks about that part"
Central Park
"Dark chapter"
Central Park
Central Park
"It's central in my heart"
Central Park
"And in this gorgeous haunt You'll find all you'd ever want"
Central Park
"Picnics on the giant lawn"
Central Park
"Rowboats floating on the pond"
Central Park
"Carts with churros, mangoes too"
Central Park
"-Hey, halal -Hello to you"
Central Park
"-Shakespeare plays -Folksy tunes"
Central Park
"-Bucket drummers -Fun cartoons"
Central Park
"People play and people sing That guy won't do anything"
Central Park
"-The park's a meeting spot -A melting pot"
Central Park
"It's like this souvenir I bought"
Central Park
"An equalizer An exerciser"
Central Park
"A perfect place to wear my visor"
Central Park
"Central Park"
Central Park
"Where the animals can talk"
Central Park
"Central Park"
Central Park
"My mistake They cannot talk"
Central Park
"Grandiose and glorious Unlike any place on Earth"
Central Park
"Where else can your son and daughter Splash in dirty hot dog water?"
Central Park
"Here at the midpoint"
Central Park
"A park that's so central"
Central Park
"The name's not that clever"
Central Park
"But screw it, whatever"
Central Park
"It's central"
Central Park
"In my heart"
Central Park
"Hi. I am a humble troubadour, a busker."
Central Park
"They call me Birdie, 'cause I sing like a bird,"
Central Park
"and I've bathed in that fountain."
Central Park
"And this behind me is Edendale "Castle.""
Central Park
"I'm putting quotes around "castle""
Central Park
"because I think it was originally built to hold shovels, or b--"
Central Park
"horse bones or dead people."
Central Park
"But now, this is where the manager of the park lives with his family."
Central Park
"Let's peek inside. It's not creepy. I'm the narrator."
Central Park
"But we should, you know, not get caught."
Central Park
"Not 'cause it's creepy, but we should-- Let's just be cautious."
Central Park
"That's Cole."
Central Park
"That's Molly."
Central Park
"Their mom is Paige."
Central Park
"And the dad is Owen."
Central Park
"He's the park manager."
Central Park
"That's why he's wearing those shorts. They tell you he's in charge."
Central Park
"-Does anybody hear whispering? -Damn it."
Central Park
Central Park
"Well, happy Hot Lips Turtlehead Day, everyone."
Central Park
"The coolest annual flower blooming celebration on earth."
Central Park
"Are we excited? Are we dancing? Yeah, we're dancing."
Central Park
"-Is that dancing? -Arms, maybe. Legs, I don't know."
Central Park
"I love Hot Lips Turtlehead Day."
Central Park
"More than graffiti removal week?"
Central Park
"Oh, I do love that."
Central Park
"But yes, even more."
Central Park
"And I've got stickers for the crowd this year."
Central Park
""Everybody's turtleheading.""
Central Park
"Dad, you know that "turtleheading" also means"
Central Park
"when you really have to go to the bathroom?"
Central Park
"It does?"
Central Park
"Yeah, the turtle sticks his little head out eagerly. No?"
Central Park
"Oh, no. Oh, no. I made so many of these."
Central Park
"It doesn't matter."
Central Park
"People are still gonna show up this year. Still gonna have a good time."
Central Park
"People probably aren't gonna show up this year, and last year wasn't great."
Central Park
"Look at that, huh?"
Central Park
"New Yorkers just don't get as excited about flowers blooming as they used to."
Central Park
"I blame it on the fact that there's any other thing to do."
Central Park
"I should get going."
Central Park
"Not gonna swing by the flower beds on your way to work?"
Central Park
"Today's the day I'm having the big talk with my editor."
Central Park
"Paige works at a small weekly newspaper"
Central Park
"that is the number one most left-on-the-subway paper in the city."
Central Park
"Yep. I'm gonna try to convince Marvin to let me cover actual news."
Central Park
"Can't keep doing fluffy fluff. I'm a journalist, not a cat."
Central Park
"No matter what you write, Mom, I'll always pretend I read it."
Central Park
"-Oh, you. Who's my special boy? -Me."
Central Park
"Look at you. You are my special boy."
Central Park
"Too bad you can't just stick him back up there."
Central Park
"-What? -Nothing."
Central Park
"Well, it's just me and the kids then."
Central Park
"Turtleheading together. Nope. Keep forgetting what that means."
Central Park
"When did people decide that?"
Central Park
"Wow. Look at the time. Gotta go."
Central Park
"What? Where you going? What about the flowers?"
Central Park
"I gotta be somewhere."
Central Park
"To draw. A boy."
Central Park
"I mean, I wanna watch him from afar."
Central Park
"Without his knowledge. But respectfully."
Central Park
"No, of course."
Central Park
"I saw him flying his kite last weekend, and I don't even care that he's cute."
Central Park
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