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Clips from Grey's Anatomy (2005) - No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance) (S05E05)
"-=www.ydy.com/bbs=- Proudly Presents"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"-chicken. -Good chicken."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I know it's chicken. I want to know what it tastes like."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Tastes like chicken."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"-I'm having surgery today. -Maybe."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"If the mets have shrunk."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I am maybe having surgery today,and as such,I cannot taste the chicken for myself,"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"so i really need you guys to tell me what it tastes like."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I need to nail down this dinner so I can announce it on meredith and derek's wedding web site."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"there's a web site?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"So can you please be a little more articulate than just chicken?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Oh,that's the one."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"very dapper,Dr. Shepherd."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"You're serious about this? It's not some cruel joke?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"you look fantastic."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Lheooks fantastic,right?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"-yeah. -Uh,whatever."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"remember when we were little,and we would accidentally bite a kid on the playground?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Good luck with your scan."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Good chicken."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Our teachers would go,"say you're sorry."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Fine. I'll taste the chicken."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"And we would say it,but we wouldn't mean it."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"because the stupid kid we bit?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Totally deserved it."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Sorry. I'm sorry."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Take care now."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"So... I can't afford rent."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Owen just told me to "take care now"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"nice.It's three words."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Yeah,it's more than she's getting from any of her family."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"My mom--silent. My aunt--silent."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"My ster aria-- I know. I know how much power my father wields,"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"but seriously,I mean,what am I,invisible,dead to them,to my mother?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Well,you just have to give them some more time."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I mean,why can't you just tell them you guys broke up?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"It's no one's business who you go out with anyway,right?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"And I will leave you to ponder that."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"But as we get older,making amends..."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"isn't so simple."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"You really thinkI should lie?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I really think you should pay rent."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"But,noou kw,whatever."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Take care now."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"After the playground days are over,you can't just say it."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"You have to mean it."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I got you a present."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I told you,you can't give me money,even if you are a fancy plastic surgeon."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I am not your charity case."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I-I am not your mistress. I'm your friend,your equal,so..."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"it's not money."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"'Cause I was just doing the "poor but proud" thing for show before I accepted your government cheese."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"It's better than money. Wait."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"of course,when you become a doctor,"sorry" is not a happy word."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"It either means,"you're dying,and I can't help"..."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"She fell out of a tree and broke all her limbs."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"That is better."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Or it means,"this is really gonna hurt."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"greys.anatomy. Season 5 Episode 21"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"-How many days? -29."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Fresh from rehab."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"uh,I could tell you some good meetings in the area."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Thanks. They--they gave me a whole list."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"So that's one more thing we have in common."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"have you..."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"talked to meredith..."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"to lexie?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Okay,willow,I'm afraid your cheekbone looks broken,too."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I'll need to wait a few weeks until the swelling goes down to repair that."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"In a few weeks,I'm gonna be up a tree in utah."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Those corporate bastards-- the same ones who just bulldozed me out of kaili--"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"they want to clear-cut acres to build another ski condo complex."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Sons of bitches!"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"There is so much about that sentence I do not understand."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Uh,you were bulldozed out of something?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"She was the tree that I was living in for the past six weeks."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"She was a beautiful 200-year-old oak in a grove full of beautiful 200-year-old oaks."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"You named a tree "kaili"?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Kaili is hawaiian for "divine beauty and wisdom."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"" And she was all of those things."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"She was all of those things,and now she's gone."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"They're all gone. And for what,yuppie housing?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Those corporate bastards!"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I'm really sorr but you're not gonna be climbing up any trees for a good long while."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"How does one exactly live in a tree?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I mean,how exactly does one say,eliminate waste?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"He's,um,asking where your poo goes,"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"which may not be the most sensitive questionwhile she's mourning the death of her..."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"tree friend."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Excuse me,doctor."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Oh,excuse me,young-and-yummy doctor."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"-Can I help you? -I don't know.Can you?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"are you looking for someone,ma'am?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Oh,gosh. I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just call me "ma'am,""
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"because I have this image of you and me in my head playing doctor,and that just kinda ruined it."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Okay,I'm gonna go back to work now,but good luck with,uh,whatever."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Well,I am looking for a doctor."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Gosh,I guess she's a patient now."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Um,isobel stevens."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I'm an old friend."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"After you."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Oh,a doctor and a gentleman. Now that's a double yummy."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Oh,my god! Who's getting married?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Oh,my god. Mom."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"-What are you doing here? -Mom?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Now shush,cricket."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"you don't want that hot doctor to think I'm old."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"You got paged,too?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"Yeah. Report to the chief's office,stat."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"What do-- what do you think? Why?Why--why would he page us stat?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"I don't know. Did we kill anyone lately and don't remember?"
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"your father's here."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"He's 29 days sober,just out of rehab."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
"He's taking it seriously. He's working his steps."
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
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