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Clips from Johnny Test (2021) - Johnny's Bling Bling Buddy (S01E01)
"[alarm blaring]"
Johnny Test (2021)
"♪ He's action-packed and sister-charged And Dukey-dogged for living large ♪"
Johnny Test (2021)
"♪ In triple-cloning T-Rexing Royal throning Johnny X-ing ♪"
Johnny Test (2021)
"♪ You never know what's coming next Cos it's J-J-J-J-Johnny Test! ♪"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Johnny, why do vegetables have to taste like, well…"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"I know. Why can't they taste good,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"like those white things you put on top of your cocoa?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[both] Marshmallows?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Great idea!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Now, smart sisters, connect vegetables and marshmallows"
Johnny Test (2021)
"with something sparky and put that onto my brain thing,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and, boom… veggies taste good."
Johnny Test (2021)
"[Susan] Forget it, Johnny."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"It's vegetable casserole night, and Johnny no like."
Johnny Test (2021)
"You know… an idea like that could revolutionize nutrition."
Johnny Test (2021)
"And he did bring marshmallows."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Now, these are all the memories you have…"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and this is your memory of vegetables tasting yucky."
Johnny Test (2021)
"So we're going to delete that memory"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and replace it with new marshmallow memories."
Johnny Test (2021)
"[gulping] And this is totally safe?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[both] …Yes?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[sparks zapping]"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"[power dies]"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
""Uh-oh"? No "uh-oh." You said it was safe!"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"And relax."
Johnny Test (2021)
"We just have to adjust all the sensors."
Johnny Test (2021)
"And cut off any damaged wires."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Gaah! Scary drill."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Bah! Even scarier knife!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Get away from me, mad scientists!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Johnny, calm down."
Johnny Test (2021)
"[yelps] Talking marshmallow-eating dog?"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"Yeah, he doesn't know who we are."
Johnny Test (2021)
"OK. Bad news?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"The power surge deleted every memory that Johnny's ever had."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"But good news…"
Johnny Test (2021)
"they should all return in a few hours."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Oh, OK."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"But still, let's search the house and get him back here."
Johnny Test (2021)
"His mind is a blank,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and we don't want him getting any new memories"
Johnny Test (2021)
"that are dangerous, dumb, and weird."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Like what?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"♪ Ah-bah-da-bah Bah-da-rit-doo, dit-dot-doo… ♪"
Johnny Test (2021)
"What is going on?!"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"Hey! Watch where you're going."
Johnny Test (2021)
"You almost ruined my gift for…"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[dreamily] Susan…"
Johnny Test (2021)
"the Edi-Bling-Bling."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Ooh. It's so pretty."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Oh, you wanna go?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Wait. No sarcastic comment, no witty retort?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"What are you up to?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"I don't know. I can't remember anything."
Johnny Test (2021)
"But I do know two girl mad scientists I've never seen before"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and a talking dog want to cut me up."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Wait. So you're telling me you have no idea"
Johnny Test (2021)
"who Susan, Mary, and Dukey are?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Never heard of 'em."
Johnny Test (2021)
"And I don't know the names of the two evil girls or the dog, either."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Yeah, hold that thought."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"I could do the right thing"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and take the poor, memoryless lad home to his family, or…"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"It's me, Bling-Bling Boy, your bestest buddy."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"Oh, yes, my bestiest best bud, in fact."
Johnny Test (2021)
"There you are."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"Step away."
Johnny Test (2021)
"We've got to get him back to the lab so we can…"
Johnny Test (2021)
"Cut him in half? Never!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"No one is gonna hurt my BFF."
Johnny Test (2021)
"To the Bling-Bling Mobile!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[tires screech]"
Johnny Test (2021)
"And the Edi-Bling-Bling is for my sweet Susan."
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"Oh, this is bad."
Johnny Test (2021)
"No, it's good."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Mm! Pineapple."
Johnny Test (2021)
"No, it's bad."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Because Bling-Bling knows what's going on,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and actually is a mad scientist."
Johnny Test (2021)
"And if he creates powerful new Johnny memories,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"they could erase his old memories."
Johnny Test (2021)
"So you're saying, if we don't find Johnny,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"you guys lose a brother and I lose my best friend?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[sisters] Pretty much."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Split up!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[Eugene] Shopping!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[both] Oh, yeah."
Johnny Test (2021)
"-[Eugene] The circus!"
Johnny Test (2021)
Johnny Test (2021)
"Dolphin adventure!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[both] Best buds forever!"
Johnny Test (2021)
"[wheezing] Well…"
Johnny Test (2021)
"searching for Johnny was a total failure."
Johnny Test (2021)
"[chime sounds]"
Johnny Test (2021)
"But at least the super accelerator is done charging."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Uh-huh, OK. What's it do?"
Johnny Test (2021)
"It will super-boost Johnny's brain"
Johnny Test (2021)
"and bring all his old memories back to life."
Johnny Test (2021)
"But we still need Johnny and his brain to do that."
Johnny Test (2021)
"Right. So to figure out where he took Johnny,"
Johnny Test (2021)
"we need to think like Bling-Bling."
Johnny Test (2021)
"I'm obnoxious."
Johnny Test (2021)
"I love horrible jumpsuits."
Johnny Test (2021)
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