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Clips from The A-Team - Mexican Slayride (S01E01)
"I am not taking you with me, kiddo. I got this story. I'm gonna write it."
The A-Team
"We talk, Mr Massey."
The A-Team
"You will see that I am a poor country man..."
The A-Team
"- He's not on vacation! - Who the hell cares? He's on vacation. He's not."
The A-Team
"That is not the point."
The A-Team
"Al Massey's been doing wheels-up landings here for over a year."
The A-Team
"Did you find Massey's research paper? Did he file any copy at all?"
The A-Team
"- From under his mattress. - San Rio Blanco?"
The A-Team
"Yep. I looked it up, and San Rio Blanco is a little town in the hills above Acapulco."
The A-Team
"He couldn't even prove that they existed."
The A-Team
"- Let's go. - Terrific."
The A-Team
"but Morrison took a round in one of the last shellings."
The A-Team
"Okay, Zack, I'm sufficiently intrigued. Who are they?"
The A-Team
"He likes to slug officers."
The A-Team
"Now this is more like it."
The A-Team
"Templeton Peck, known as the Faceman."
The A-Team
"A con man. A real operator. And that's the unit."
The A-Team
"I gotta stay down there two minutes for the water to get still."
The A-Team
"- You want 30 seconds after that? You gotta be nuts. - Hey, pal, that's the job."
The A-Team
"I'm looking for John Smith! John, where are ya?"
The A-Team
"I got one more shot and I'm through. Now watch this."
The A-Team
"Where's the Aquamaniac going?"
The A-Team
The A-Team
"Bradshaw, where are you?"
The A-Team
"As you can see it's gonna be much easier for us than it was in the film."
The A-Team
"What are you doing, Hannibal?"
The A-Team
"Wait! Wait!"
The A-Team
"Hold it! Wait!"
The A-Team
"Just a little bit more."
The A-Team
"Colonel Lynch."
The A-Team
"Don't tell me you didn't love seeing him over his head in that rancid water."
The A-Team
"I ain't going anywhere with him, Hannibal."
The A-Team
"If she looks legit..."
The A-Team
"send her to the alley behind the Kozy Kat Klub at 2:00 a.m. tonight."
The A-Team
"- Adios. - I think he's getting worse."
The A-Team
"On the file I got on you, it said she died when you were five."
The A-Team
"And wait until you're contacted."
The A-Team
The A-Team
"Well, who are we today?"
The A-Team
"and see E. T. just like everybody else?"
The A-Team
"Who's using garlic here? I'm sorry. What were we talking about?"
The A-Team
"They... They use it on the floors."
The A-Team
"I hate everything. I hate this dresser, my straitjacket."
The A-Team
"Hello? Is anybody there?"
The A-Team
"- In the alley. - Wait."
The A-Team
"in a world of dragons."
The A-Team
"Yellow people? You no like yellow people?"
The A-Team
"Seven and half."
The A-Team
"only the very wisest and the very stupidest cannot change."
The A-Team
"Thank you."
The A-Team
"- I have a house, some stocks and bonds. - Mm-hmm."
The A-Team
"How much is life worth? How much A. Massey life worth?"
The A-Team
"You no hear from me in two days, is no deal."
The A-Team
The A-Team
"So ya run off and you steal a clerical collar, huh?"
The A-Team
"I been givin'ya a great deal of thought."
The A-Team
"So, in the meantime, I'll be satisfied just to survive."
The A-Team
"I gotta get. I gotta pick up a friend at 3:00."
The A-Team
"Oh, fellas, I gotta make a livin'."
The A-Team
"and most people will do whatever you want."
The A-Team
"His file was specifically chosen by General Fred White, the surgeon general of the air force."
The A-Team
"No. He hates his Uncle Deke who used to sell the stuff."
The A-Team
"because he's scheduled for a frontal lobe severance tomorrow."
The A-Team
"And the general will be calling me at 5:00."
The A-Team
"He didn't. I did. I had to bring your Uncle Deke into town."
The A-Team
"- I'm sorry to hear about that. I was beginning to like him. - You hated him. He used to beat you."
The A-Team
"- Mm-hmm - We'll take the job. You got the money and the picture?"
The A-Team
"- Later. - You wanna go to Mexico?"
The A-Team
"He just picked a girl up in the garage of the Courier Express."
The A-Team
"Stay on him. Vector me in."
The A-Team
"- Jo Bob Jameson. - Howdy, Avon."
The A-Team
"and we're gonna see if Avon and Jo Bob gonna be able to cut us a calf here."
The A-Team
"Lied? Me?"
The A-Team
"you're gonna have one of your anxiety blackouts and..."
The A-Team
"Now take it easy, B.A. Take it easy."
The A-Team
"Wait a minute. Let me get his foot."
The A-Team
"- Who is that? - Oh, that?"
The A-Team
"Welcome to Air Chance. Sorry. We're out of kosher dinners."
The A-Team
"Lynch is right behind us, baby. Get the clearance."
The A-Team
"Murdock, go!"
The A-Team
"Hey, Faceman. How you doing?"
The A-Team
"- Hates the pilot? Why? - Because our pilot is insane."
The A-Team
The A-Team
"Let's get something straight right now."
The A-Team
"You want your friend back. The authorities shined you on."
The A-Team
"- Are you still being chased by the government? - That's right."
The A-Team
"I think we ought to turn around and call it off."
The A-Team
"Mr Smith, I'm sorry. I couldn't get the money fast enough."
The A-Team
"The master say..."
The A-Team
"Flight 607, heavy. You are on final approach and clear..."
The A-Team
The A-Team
"- How fast can you get us down? - You just landed, brother."
The A-Team
"Unidentified aircraft behind 607 heading."
The A-Team
"We got the Cisco Kid in the tower. He's screaming at me in Mexican, man."
The A-Team
"- You got the script? - It's in the back."
The A-Team
"- This man is dying. How is he, Doctor? - Seventy over 120. Pulse is weak. Is he on medication?"
The A-Team
"- What? - This man is dying. Where's the hospital?"
The A-Team
"It's a long ride. I wish one of these times you'd agree to fly."
The A-Team
"We're probably gonna have to scrounge a pot of stuff'cause the client stiffed us."
The A-Team
"- It's Friday already? I must have slept like a brick. - You really did, B.A."
The A-Team
"- We're with the movie company. - Pardon me, sir?"
The A-Team
"You're the backup. I'll go in and tip the joint over."
The A-Team
"Glad to hear it. It's kind of hot out there. You got a couple of beers?"
The A-Team
"I'm Manny Cortez."
The A-Team
"He's terrorizing villages in the mountains."
The A-Team
"- Good. - Do you do this all the time?"
The A-Team
"- You've got to have some idea where the marijuana fields are. - Somewhere in here."
The A-Team
"The townpeople who has been forced to work on the fields estimate them to be approximately five miles..."
The A-Team
"- We're gonna need some armour plating. - Got it."
The A-Team
The A-Team
"And it'll bring him to us. Make him play on our field."
The A-Team
The A-Team
"I'd love some artillery. A 105 would be beautiful. Recoilless."
The A-Team
"I'll straighten that out and get you a xerox of my copy, Mr Perez."
The A-Team
"Good idea. Use ammonia."
The A-Team
"Andre ain't gonna be so happy."
The A-Team
"- Where do you come from? - Actually, I'm a rancher."
The A-Team
"- A rancher? - Uh-huh."
The A-Team
"Like in rope 'em and brand 'em?"
The A-Team
"I hope they're brave."
The A-Team
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